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The Increasing Congestion of Oar Main Roads Will Force the Adoption of Motor Highways S OONER or later, and preferably t h e...
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D URING February, 1936, "Alexander Duckham and Co., Ltd., installed a Perkins Wolf high-speed oil engine in one of its staff...
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Divided we stand; united we could move. The query "How did the Luton type of van body obtain its name?" That trade goes in...
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AGREEMENT REACHED ON WAGES. At a meeting of the National Joint Conciliation Board, on Friday last, agreement was reached on...
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canal business engage with a road haulier for a contract vehicle to do the transport for his sand and gravel business? In the...
THE question of procedure on an I application for regrant of a licence w as raised by Mr. H. Backhouse Jnr., before the...
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IT is understood that the Minister of Transport is to have a consultation with members of the National Joint Conciliation...
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Latest Machine Available in either Van or Lorry Form, at £180, with Guaranteed Overload of 2 cwt. ITHERTO, jowett Cars, Ltd.,...
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Road Test No. 271 B EFORE becoming acquainted with the new Fordson 5-cwt. van, which is the subject of this road-test report,...
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S AFETY-FIRST propagandists and others associated with the efforts to grapple with the road-accident problem will obtain much...
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British Army, and it is a matter that is closely associated with our industry and of much interest to readers of this paper....
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An Engine-reconditioning Service Utilizing Special Rings. Existing Pistons Made Oversize by Peening TSIE use of special piston...
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Some Further Reasons Why Hauliers Should Delay in Disposing of Their Businesses By S.T.R. T HE title of this article may neea...
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T HE British Broadcasting Corporation is proud of its ownership of a splendid fleet of transport vehicles. Yet, so discreetly...
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Mass Production Increases and Many New Models are Being Brought Out in Goods and Passenger Classes S OVIET factories, for the...
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DISSATISFACTION WITH APPEAL TRIBUNAL DECISION. UA.D the Minister's attention, asked 1 IMr. Holdsworth, been drawn to a...
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ECHO OF THE NORTH SHIELDS FISH-HAULAGE CASE. " We do not feel justified in placing any further proposals before the Minister,...
C OACti owners were not the only people to be harassed by the Government, for to give the maximum freedom to all you had to put...
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At a meeting of the North London and Eastern Sub-areas of ARC., held last week, Mr. H. Norman Letts, dealing with the wages...
On Friday of last week S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, delivered a special address to the Norwich Traffic Club, He...
sugar-beet .rthauliers held at Wellington, Salop. on Thursday of last week, with Mr.. G. F. Goodwin, secretary of the West...
(VENDERS are invited by the following. I. (Latest dates given in parentheses):— AInvoldt U.D.C. for whinstone chippings....
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It Pays to Keep a Separate Record of Every Tyre Throughout Its Life, Whether It be in Use or Not N 0 doubt many readers will...
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That Benefits the Commercial-vehicle industry There is Always Something New in Metals and Some of the Latest Products Have...
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QUERIES WHY SELL NOW' [5299] S.T.R., in dealing with the question of mergers, sounds a timely warning against selling...
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D EPOSITS in water jackets cause unequal cooling, leading to distortion and possibly even to fracture of manifold, cylinder...
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OBJECTION "BORDERING ON ABSURDITY" A Napplication by the Trent Motor Traction Co. to run a service from Derby to the new gun...
A T a sitting at Hartlepool, last week, the Northern Area Traffic Commissioners promised to investigate allegations made by the...
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A T a sitting of the Southern ScotAland Traffic Commissioners in Dumfries on March 17, Chief Constable William Black put...
CO far as the registrations of new P./goods vehicles are concerned, the year 1938 opened on a dull note and the total of 7,256...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications A VEHICLE which may be run either with or without endless tracks, is...