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A GAIN the annual report of the British Transport Commission unfolds a story of frustration caused by restrictions on capital...
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D URING the passage of the Transport Act, 1953, through Parliament, Mr. A. T. LennoxBoyd acquired the reputation of being the...
They Keep the Wheels Turning A S at March 22, London Transport had 92.8 per cent. of its total operating stock of 8,239...
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Of a new white silica "carbon black." That a full fuel tank is safer than one partly empty. That the reason is the avoidance...
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W HILE the Minister of Transport was announcin g in the House Of " Commons, on Monday, that he was unable to raise the speed...
R ECIPROCAL coach tourin g services between Britain and Western Europe, usin g luxury vehicles, have been arran g ed between...
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'THE contract placed, last year, by I the Ministry of Supply with Albion Motors, Ltd., for military vehicles to the value of...
T HE Minister of Transport has rejected an appeal by Mr. E. T. Pritchard, of Narberth, against the tefusal of the South Wales...
A S forecast in The Commercial Motor on April IO, the Seddon 7-ton forward-control chassis has been made available with the...
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T HE " anachronism " under which there is no representative of commercial road transport on the London and Home Counties...
Ma. H. C. CRANE has been re-appointed to the London Transport Users Consultative Committee as a representative of commerce....
IN the year ended March 31, 1952. 14,411 ambulances and cars in England and Wales covered 92m, miles and carried I lm....
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This Year 1 N the current financial year, up to £8,795,000 will be spent on mainten• ance and minor improvements to trunk...
United Dominions Trust, Ltd., have opened a branch at 12 De La Beche Street, Swansea. * Small and Parkes, Ltd., Manchester, 9,...
nUT-DATED legislation governing '- 1 the operation of the car hiring trade is attacked in the annual report of the National...
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T HE Western Licensing Authority has sanctioned applications for increased fares made by the Western National Omnibus Co.,...
Til judicial committee of the Privy Council have granted a petition for leave to appeal against a judgment of the High Court of...
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IN a report to the Midland Regional I Board for Industry, the West Midland Licensing Authority has stated that the operation of...
DRAFT regulations covering the con sanction and use of reversing lights, which are made legal by the Road Transport Lighting...
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T HE running of special buscs by West Bridgford Transport Department within a Si-mile radius of the town will not be permitted,...
A LTHOUGH mileage was down by just over 1 per cent, and passengers fewer by 4 per cent., the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd.,...
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p SYCHOLOGICAL warfare is as good a term as any to . describe the attacks made on the Road Haulage Disposal Board before they...
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Says Laurence J. Cotton, m.i.R.T.E. T HE new Seddon 8-tonner is as sturdy as any of the British traditional "heavies," but,...
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Ficavy Abstraction of Traffic Through Increase in Illegal Competition by Hauliers Alleged in B.T.C.'s Fifth Annual Report : Bus...
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The Ability of a Bus or Coach Driver to Do his Job Efficiently is Largely Affected by the Design of His Cab By R. A. Mills A...
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■ TE, WAY For the Present By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. Views on the Solution of Birmingham's Traffic Problem Vary...
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R EPEAT orders for a number of Commer fire appliances have been placed with the Reading Garage Co., Ltd., by the Berkshire and...
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The Wedge Drops Out I FIND myself in the unusual position of feeling I obliged to comment on the views expressed in two...
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THE l new Morris 5-cwt. van introduced this week by the Nuffield Organization embodies many features of the Morris Minor car....
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Lancashire Police Force Fleet of 410 Vehicles Includes Specialized Types From a Photographic Studio to a Furniture Van H OW an...
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Differences Between this Factor as Applied to Assessing Vehicle Performance and its Occasional Value in Calculating Operating...
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WHEN a vehicle is used for the W transport ofinflammable loads, it is usual to disconnect the battery when the vehicle is left...