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O NLY two months after British Road Services started to hand back their vehicles to private enterprise, a senseless spate of...
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("NNE of the reasons why transport units with premises are difficult to sell is that many buyers are existing operators who...
Show Organizers Please Note THE official catalogue of the recent International I Motor Show at Geneva is of particular...
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That two-speed axles are becoming quite the rage. An increasing Lamour against toughened-glass for windscreens. Thai its use...
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S 1XTY.FOUR units (204 vehicles plus trailers) engaged on contract hire are offered by the British Transport Commission in List...
C OMPANY bus operators would like to see the introduction of a regula tion making it an offence for a conductor to fail to...
IT is understood that the first draft of I the proposed food hygiene regulations, which incorporate proposals on meat...
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A DECISION that may be the beginning of case law under the Transport Act, 1953, was published last week by the Transport...
A RESOLUTION expressing dist , . appointment "that no steps have yet been taken to restore passenger road transport services to...
THE Society of Motor Manufac turers and Traders and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents have indicated their...
D ESP1TE a drop in passengers carried, Middlesbrough Transport Department expect to show an operating profit of £58,000 when...
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MR. P. C. STILLEY has been appointed East Midlands representative of Lodge Plugs, Ltd. • Ma G. G. DOVE has been appointed tyre...
N EW control methods have been introduced by London Transport to cut down gaps, bunching and crawling by buses in Central...
A 70-LINE two-position teleprinter switchboard, in service at the main British Road Services London teleprinter centre, is...
QTEPS are being taken to co-Ordinate bus services between Hartlepool and West Hartlepool operated by Hartlepool and West...
A ROAD traffic census is to be made on Class 1 roads in county boroughs from August 16-22. This was stated in correspondence...
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H 0NITON magistrates last week fined Explorator, Ltd., Lowestoft, 110 with 112 costs for using an insulated container, as part...
N EARLY 1300,000 a year Ns ill result from fare increases which the Scottish Licensing Authority has authorized the State-owned...
A BNORMAL . loads were becoming an ever-increasing embarrassment to the country's narrow roads and bridges, stated Mr. J. G....
( - 1 13JECTING to an application by k-/ Sheffield Joint Omnibus Committee to run afternoon and evening tours to Bolsterstone,...
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IN the Yorkshire Traffic Area, 72 I special A licences had been issued up to March 13, and it was known that another 70...
WHEN United Automobile Services, rt f Ltd., applied last week for permission to operate stage services in place of rail...
S UITABLE for installation on special vehicles, a new compressor has been produced by the HYmatic Engineering Co., Ltd., Redd...
A MACHINE for stirring paint, by ttmeans of •which the condition can be preserved during long periods of store, has been...
A E-IIGH-SPEED hydraulic tube tt bender, which can be set for automatic operation for repetition work, has been developed by...
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WHAT is claimed to be one of the vy most up-to-date fuel-injection equipment maintenance departments has been brought into...
T HE Eastern Licensing Authority has deferred his decision on the application of Westcliff-on-Sca Motor Services, Ltd., for an...
S HORT-DISTANCE fares, with the exception of the Id. minimum, on the Todmorden-Bacup-Burnley service of the Todmorden Joint...
A N ambulance version of the Volkswagen has been introduced to this country. The vehicle can take two stretcher cases and a...
bankruptcy of John Thomas Crowson, 128 Southwell Road, Wisbech, was held at King's Lynn last week, the imposition of the 25-mile
THE most serious bearing failures were caused by dirt getting between the housing and the back of the bearing, said Mr. P. P....
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rA A 1-TON .van similar in appearance, layout and dimensions to the German Volkswagen, but with a two.cylindered two-str4e...
A NEW company, which will be responsible for the manufacture of Perkins oil engines in France. is being formed to replace F....
he discussed between Sir Brian Robertson, chairman of the British Transport Commission, and various parties concerned with...
R EPLYING to objections by the 1 A. Western National Omnibus Co., Ltd., and Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., to a...
THREE new battery-electric 'vehicles and one new 1 petrol-engined truck are. on view at the Second National Factory Equipment...
T HE British Standard specificalicin to which makers of toughened glass conform is under review. This information was given by...
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T HE possibility that the discharge of fumes from buses was a cause of -lung and throat cancer, was put forward as a basis for...
way charges last week, Sir David Robertson claimed that British Railways were largely responsible for the increase in...
which last week made representations on disposal to the British Transport Commission was received by Sir Brian Robertson, Lord...
services in west Leeds will be 'converted to motorbus operation by March next year. After April 3, 1954, the only trams in west...
design during the past year, together with specifications of all ,the world's new models, are given in " The Motor" Year Book,...
petrol-engined fire appliances, with telescopic ladders, are required by the Chief Engineer, Karachi Port Trust, Karachi,...
A 6TEP that, if ratified, may mean changes in the law relating to the construction and use of vehicles in Britain was taken...
T HE Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., have opened a new factory in Brazil about 70 miles from Sao Paulo. It covers 250,000 sq. ft. All...
TWELVE London operators were fined a total of £273, with costs amounting to £25 9s. 6d., at Cambridge Magistrates' Court, last...
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B R1TISH commercial enterprise, which last year, came to the rescue of the travelling public of Kingston, Jamaica, is creating...
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A New British Company, Jamaica Omnibus Services Ltd., is Providing Kingston with a New Standard of Passenger Transport by...
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A MOBILE advertising and film unit based on a Land-Rover chassis has been completed for Bibli±/ and Sons, Ltd., soap...
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Political Commentary By JANUS A • LMOST unnoticed among the odds and ends of recent legislation has been Statutory Instrument...
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Prices of Transport Units Rising: Publicity Brings Big Orders for Purchaser of B.R.S. Vehicles p RICES offered for transport...
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T HE increasing use of low-viscosity oils and the more widespread adoption of additive-type oils, marked two readily...
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Ltd., Operate a Round-the-clock Road Transport System, Which Deals with 100 Tons of Components Every Day By Alan Smith p...
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Because of a policy , of reciprocal buying, the Girling fleet,. although fairly small, represents nine different makes....
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3 1 4-ton Load by Laurence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. • B Y Y judicial selection of transmission ratios, the designer of the...
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IN a new two-stage fuel filter announced by Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Leamington Spa, both the primary and secondary...
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WAGES for platform staff employed W by 1,459 coach and bus operators with more than five vehicles each, excluding London...
I F it is coneeded that upper-cylinder lubricant should be provided only on starting up a cold or partially cold engine, the...
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Metropolitan Licensing Authority Rejects Application for Second London Picking up Point : Denies Preference for One Operator...
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THE disposal of . British Road Services' assets is hardly I "denationalization." I think the term clearance sale" would be...
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Solving the Problems Of the Carrier T HERE has lately been a growth in the number of traders, .formerly hauliers' customers,...
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HE operatingforces in a centrifugal governor vary as the square of the speed, whereas the return springs follow only a linear...