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A RGENTEs1A, being a great grain-growing country, is naturally extremely interested in means for the conveyance of this...
F OR the four-week period up to February 26, the nationalized vehicles of British Road Services used 2,276,000 gallons of...
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That many chassis gather a lot - of Moss. That Halley's Comet has nothing on the 1.eyland model. . That summer is immen in...
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A DEPUTATION representing vehicle users, manufacturers and traders was received last week by the Minister of State for Economic...
I ICENS1NG AUTHORITIES it re Lai bony asked by the Central Fares Committee to allow fares on express services to and from...
T HE half share that Bristol Corporadon pays towards the financing of the city's joint passenger transport services will,...
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J N evidence, last week, during the Transport Tribunal's resumed• inquiry into the interim. London charges scheme, Mr. R. H.....
A RRANGEMENTS have been mada between the Road Haulage Executive, the Road Haulage Association, and the National Conference of...
IN the year ended March 31 last, Leeds 'Transport Department incurred a deficit of 117,313, although a record number of...
R ATIONING of red petrol was control for control's sake, said Mr. Leather in the House of Commons, last week, when a motion...
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Mg. H. I . DowsErt, chairman and managing director of the Dowsett group. has left for a visit to Dowsett Engineering...
O NE of the best-known instructional agencies for commercial-vehicle drivers. the British School of Motoring, Ltd., 17,...
PA A FTER a number of transport contractors engaged in the carriage of films had recommended an increase in rates. Mr. D. C....
-THERE was no sign of "Budget depression " among the staff of th:!. Victoria Motor Co. (Bristol), Ltd., during the company' l...
S ALES pf Morris-Commercial vehicles rose by 58 per cent. in 1949. Unexecuted orders for Nuffield tractors are sufficient to...
MEARLY 100 employees of ( " lily Motors, Ltd., Wolverhampton, have been given notice, as a result of the ending of the night...
S TATING that he carried turn;ture " cattle in his container vehitie, a Guisborough haulier recently. opposed an...
D EC AU SE of,the increase in railway charges in Canada, vehicles from the General Motors factory at Oshawa. Ontario, are being...
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A PPEALING• against a decision of tA the South-Eastern Lice si ng Authority, Wincanton Transport and Engineering Co., Ltd.,...
N egg-grading and packing cornpeny. Worcestershire Farmers, Ltd., weich runs a fleet of C-licensed vehicles, recently applied...
B US operators who - recently lost to Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., contracts to carry workers to and from the site on which a...
for four vehicles, to carry debris from sites on which he is engaged as a building demolition contractor, a Sheffield...
which was announced on Monday by Mr. Strauss, Minister of Supply, will be of little help to the commercial-vehicle industry, as...
T WO Foelen coaches with bodies by James Whitson and Co., Ltd., Sipson, West Drayton, won first prizes in their respective...
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AST Friday. the King's Bench 1-i Divisional Court decided that a lorry driver disqualified from holding a driving licence, will...
rOMMERCIAL-VEHICLE installa tions were important features of an exhibition staged last week, at Fallings Park, Wolverhampton....
outpaced the efficiency of the track on which it runs, and in the proper solution of the transport problem lies much of this...
D ISCIPLINARY action against 1/members of the recently formed Bus Workers' Anti-nationalization Society has been called for by...
CIA STRONG recommendation that immediate attention should be given to improved methods of handling materials, is contained in...
A CONCERN on the Gold Coast, Aradziwa Providence Venture. Post Office Box No. 234, 5/11, Asafu Street, Sekondi, Gold Coast, is...
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the benefit of particular industrial concerns without some appropriate contribution from them to cover our costs. We do not...
-A CONCERTED effort is being made on the part of the road transport people, on both the road haulage and the passenger sides,...
O PENING the debate on the second reading of the Finance Bill, Mr. D. Jay, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, said that the...
F ORTHCOMING events in the programme of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers include the following:—June 6, North-western...
S ALARIES for the 2,342 civil servants employed on the administi:ation of petrol rationing cost £785,000 a year. This...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. F . 4 FFIC1ENCY in control, cost accounting and maintenance is the reason for the...
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of passenger cars to carry goods, to have developed the largest mixed fleet in the Midlands, and to have kept the business in...
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QTATISTICS• just published by the NJ Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders elaborate the earlier announcement that...
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HE chairman of the Road Haulage Executive, Maj-Gen. G. N. Russell, was commendably straightforward in his latest statement on...
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FOOD CLEAN By Ashley Taylor, A.I.R.T.E. HE manner in which food is handled and transported has lately occasioned some...
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Conveyed 1U11CHANECAL handling equipment Mof the conveyor type does not lend itself easily to being installed inside the body...
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A FORK-LIFT truck, which transported a 30-cwt. load over artificial obstacles '6 ins, high, and can be taken over unmade roads...
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I HAVE read with interest your . article Light Dawns on the M.M.B.' in the May 12 issue of "The Commercial Motor," but must...
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H YDRAULIC torque-converters of the Fottinger type will not entirely cease to transmit power even at low speeds, and when used...