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At last week's seminar organized by the Freight Transport Association and at this week's Conference organized by the Industrial...
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• A novel method of marketing bus travel was announced in Birmingham on Tuesday when Mr Walter Womar, director and general...
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• A choice of either having its licence for 38 vehicles and 18 trailers revoked completely or being curtailed to 22 vehicles...
• A Government spokesman has turned down the suggestion that Sunday restrictions should be placed on heavy Continental vehicles...
• "Next year — before we join the EEC — will be crucial to the sort of transport policy that the UK is to enjoy for the next...
• Mr P. M. Thomas has been reappointed chairman of the Scottish Transport Group by the Secretary of State for Scotland. Mr...
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• Fines totalling £200 were imposed by Ely (Cambs) magistrates last week on a Cambridgeshire firm of haulage contractors and...
• "The rates charged by contractors moving finished products from Continental factories are very competitive in comparison with...
• There were 2088 prosecutions in connection with goods vehicles carrying dangerous loads in England and Wales last year,...
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from R. H. Grimsley • The quotas of lorries allowed to enter France, Germany and Italy were seriously inadequate for British...
• If Britain enters the Common Market the compulsory fitting of tachographs to commercial vehicles will not be required before...
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heavy duty tipper bodies • Neville Truck Equipment Ltd of Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Notts, has announced a new range of tipper...
• Problems of depot-siting, fleet planning, vehicle scheduling, amenities location and town planning are critically dependent...
• The decision by Seatrain Lines Inc to switch all container operation between the UK and USA from Southampton to Greenock will...
• The turnover of the SELNEC PTE parcels service operated in the Greater Manchester area is proving so lucrative that in order...
• The National Freight Corporation sent 20 young men and women of widely varied working backgrounds to attend the Industrial...
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• The National Freight Corporation's plans to reorganize State-owned parcels services received a rude — though not...
• In his final speech as president of the Motor Industry Research Association at the Dorchester'Hotel annual luncheon on...
• The Department of the Environment is recommending that goods vehicles not exceeding 30cwt ulw and vehicles drawing trailers...
• The Michelin Tyre Co Ltd has awarded a course of specialist instruction to the following men who incurred the least penalty...
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• Friday November 19 saw quite an historic occasion when Lord Stokes, chairman and managing director of British Leyland,...
• SELNEC PTE's marketing experiment in Bolton, Lancashire, in which a system of reduced fares, improved frequencies and...
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• A wheel-away power unit for buses in which the engine, transmission units, radiator, heating units and fuel tanks would all...
• Cheshire residents are paying 10p per head a year in rural bus service subsidies. Mr A. R. Chisholm, the county treasurer....
• Preliminary investigations, says London Transport, have indicated that there may be advantages in transferring to Chiswick...
• Mr Peter Walker, the Secretary for the Environment, last week explained how and why he had changed his mind over the way in...
• Special offers on bus fares aimed at shopping traffic led to an increase in passengers, but insufficient additional revenue...
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• An application by Grey-Green Coaches Ltd to operate three separate tours of London (morning, afternoon and evening), by...
• A licence for two vehicles and one trailer was granted for a period of two years only to Closworth Transport of Closworth...
• Magistrates sitting at Grantham were wrong in dismissing summonses alleging that a Bury St Edmunds haulage contractor used an...
• Suspending the only authorized vehicle of W. J. Poole, and Co Ltd, under Section 69, for a period of seven days the Western...
• In view of the "manic desire" of both the National Bus Company and the Post Office to close their separate services in the...
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• The penalty of revocation against the licence of one vehicle operator, Mr Levi Smith, of New Costessey, Norfolk, was reduced...
• Dismissing a case of alleged misuse of a trade licence against Western SMT Ltd, Kilmarnock, the Appleby (North Westmorland)...
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• _ An allegation that the steering of a vehicle belonging to West Cumberland Farmers Trading Society Ltd, Whitehaven, was...
• Although the vehicles operated by a large north eastern haulage company had received 43 prohibitions since 1967, it was...
Jeffrey Harrison, formerly marketing manager of York Trailer Co Ltd, has been appointed a sales director of Neville Truck...
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• One-man operation without the need for any hydraulic or pto drive is the main feature of the Bussing Locknee independent...
• A new product called Structure Slab, with many transport applications, has been developed by Structure Slab (Development),...
• Edbro (Holdings) Ltd is to acquire complete control of Edbro Europa NV, of Zoetermeer, Holland, in which it already has a 50...
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• Four people have been killed and four injured in 32 known accidents since 1966 that were caused by excavators carried on road...
• A clutch brake, eliminating the need for double de-clutching when changing up and assisting in the engagement of first and...
• Chrysler UK has changed the standard of the Commer VC5 6x2 conversion lorry on the 5-ton chassis cab. The lorry, with a gvw...
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NO MATTER how efficiently and effectively an operation is managed or controlled the optimum results will not be obtained if the...
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'Grass roots' continued • In pursuing the more sophisticated techniques now being adopted by management to achieve greater...
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by Alan Bunting, MIMechE This week, the D-mount system, produced by the Hazlemere Motor Co. (Waltham Abbey) Ltd, of Highbridge...
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Wage differentials EVEN if increases in wages become as regular as tax demands, there still remains the question of how much....
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OPENING the Industrial Transport Association's annual conference in Nottingham on Wednesday, Mr A. E. Higginson, national...
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George Minshall • Meeting George Minshall, deputy chairman of Blue Dart Transport Ltd, for the first time it is hard to credit...
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y our tax by R. H. Grimsley BCom. FIAC 16. When a loss is very large THE occasional poor year is nearly every firm's...
workshop by Handyman Benchwise: cool it (29) WHERE OVERFLOW loss is in evidence, the necessary test procedure is to examine...
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More about wages LAST WEEK I may have seemed less than fair in hinting that the constitution and procedure of the Road Haulage...
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This year's Scottish Show attracted almost 136,000 visitors and according to CM staffmen present the new layout met with the...
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by Gibb Grace CEng, DAnE, MtMechE Pictures by Dick Ross GKN-SRM fully automatic transmission takes the hard work out of heavy...
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of an 0 licence for two vehicles and one 1966 16-ton-gross plated lorry. The asking price is £1000 but I have no idea what it...
"It pays to understand your tax" by Mr Grimsley, a point was raised which I am at present discussing with my local inspector of...
November 12 issue you published a timetable of coming events which included the phrase: "authorizations required for certain...
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matters By John Darker, AMBIM Industrial Relations Act Disclosure of information THE requirement of employers to disclose...
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by Les Oldridge AMIRTE, MIMI Public service vehicles (1) FOR more than 40 years the design and condition of public service...
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by David Lowe, MInsTA, AMBIM Correspondence courses STUDY by correspondence course is not the easiest way to learn. It...
Walden Haulage (Wokingham) Ltd. Cap: £1000. Di/S: A. L. Walden, 476 Reading Rd, Winnersh, Wokingham: A. L. Walden, I Flat,...
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'revention of incorrect coupling letween semi-trailer and tractive Init is the claim for a fifth-wheel ,oupling introduced by...
, system for monitoring fluid :vels is being marketed by ICM Electrical Developments. ensing devices enclosed in a _the are...
Air operated-wheel-nut runners that are reversible and fitted as standard, with a control for varying the impact over a wide...
An addition of a fourth console has been made by Volkswagen to the three units at present used in its test bays. This console...
A series of 20 different ready-made extension cables in lengths from 15ft (4.6m) to 100ft (30m) and catering for all normal...
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A mobile, truck-operated washing unit for use with a stationary vehicle is manufactured by Smith Bros and Webb Ltd; located...
Adan Hydraulics have developed a range of gear pumps and motors incorporating patented features and designed to be extremely...
An anti-burglar device from Delta Security emits ultra-sonic beams and monitors an area of up to 300 sq ft. It is attached to a...
10 The 1XP Self-grip screwdrivel holds all screws firmly at all angles no matter how tricky thE operation, is made from fully...
A Training Board booklet - Guide Lines for the Training of Supervisor in the Tyre Retread. ing Industry", describes the typ(...
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The Rolba-Weisser IPO gritter Dody has a turntable feeding lozzle which rotates 360deg and has an adjustable rate of spread,...
1 small puncture to a ommercial vehicle tyre can be apaired and re-inflated with the inilec puncture-repair aerosol. The...
GKN Bolts & Nuts have brought out a nine-page brochure on their new range of metric fasteners which supplements the existing...
A labelling system which enables a company to produce its own labels is offered by Stimur Manufacturing and is based on the...
by Trevor LongCroft High on the list of transport managers' problems must be the possibility of a GV9 being issued to one of...
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Available in nominal diameter sizes of 50, 60, 70,.84, 100 and 120cm and with one single hub used for the entire range, the...
A tyre protector which fits between the i tyre and inner-tube and is apparently easy to fit has been announced by Moplant. It...
Armstrong Taylor Plant is marketing an aluminium ramp weighing 1361b. The ramp which is 14ft-long and 26.5in.-wide, has no...
From Miller Marketing comes a dolly for twin wheels: it is claimed that with this equipment one man can quickly dismount and...