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E GOVERNMENT should take its own medicine and help Jliers, Road Haulage Association national chairman Ken d in Bedford this...
CM is now )1e to claim it has the most up1-date news service in weekly lad transport publications. We are, of course, also...
OVER TEN company wage deals with the controversial £83 Scottish settlements look likely on Merseyside, according to the...
Annitaged THE TABLES were due to b! turned for Sir Arthur Armitagt this week, when the inquin team was called to give evi...
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TEN MAJOR groups in British transport have called for an increase of at least 50 per cent in the Government's investment in...
A COURSE designed to help trepreneurs set up their o businesses will be held at end of April. The London Enterpn Agency has 30...
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VERNMENT plans for type-approval are no means cut and dried, Department of insport chief mechanical engineer John 'ness assured...
IS A fallacy to suggest that eavier lorries will lead to vast xpenditure on Britain's ridges, Freight Transport Assoiation...
FOR A MOMENT it seemed that history was being recalled and rewritten. But it is to be hoped that any lorry driver in the...
THERE is growing pressure in Europe to increase vehicle lengths over 15.5m, Committee of Common Market Automobile Constructors...
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THE VALUE of new leasing bus ness last year stood at 14 pc cent, even allowing for inflatio and the recession, according t...
ANOTHER of Alan Brooks' drivers was fined £500 by Bexley magistrates last week for failing to enter relevant information in his...
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RGUMENTS that no fine should be imposed on Ribchester haulier aonard James Ball because he had done everything in his power to...
ELAND'S oil tanker drivers ent on strike again last weekid, following the breakdown of lks between the oil companies id the...
PART OF Kuehne und Naga Germany's biggest privet , transport firm, is up for sale ti meet obligations arising from ; disastrous...
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PLAN to ban lorries of 30cwt or more from parking in most streets in Wythenshawe is being considered by Manchester Highways...
TRANSPORT Secretary Normal Fowler has promised to bear ir mind the need for 8ft 6in higl containers when considering till...
A PROPOSITION that trailei carrying loose loads should I3 covered with sheeting wa turned down in the Commor last week. Sir...
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WEST-COUNTRY haulage and temperature controlled transport specialist Langdon Industries Ltd has made Mike Donoghue, its new...
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plastic has been developed The one-piece polyester DMC ough moulding compound) anifold is based on the aluinium design...
HE Transport Efficiency Speed .imiter is back on the market ifter an absence of eight nonths following the voluntary iquidation...
VOLVO is the leading foreign buyer of UK-manufactured automotive components, with about £125m worth of items sourced here in...
NEW couplings standards published by the British Standards Inst tution aim at greater safety, take account of changes in norm;...
CUMMINS and the People's Re public of China have entere( into a long-term licence agree ment for the manufacture o Cummins...
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AN IMPROVED cab tilt mechanism for the F241 cab, fitted to the 2800-Series, has been intriduced by DAF. The new pump has a...
MIDLANDS BRS has become an agent for Primrose Engineering, covering hydraulic tail lift and other engineering services. Tail...
A NEW economy version oi successful underbody wash • cv has been developed by Wi4 ham Autowash. The new Tempest uses ht...
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WHEEL DOLLY claimed to peed up and take the strain out f handling cv wheel assemblies nd tyres, has been introduced y garage...
r0 ENCOURAGE safer skip container operation, David Mackrill Engileering will be fitting elastic lift chain tensioners to make...
A SPECIAL metering device which allows chemicals flow tc be controlled more easily wher cleaning vehicles with static pressure...
THE NEW Macroll III, 24-ton unit being exhibited at the Public Work and Municipal Services Exhibition and Congress...
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THE BIG bus fares bonam planned for Lothian Region April 1 —with rural servici coming down by 20 per cent is off, by order of...
iNSIGN BUS of Grays is widening the potential market for former .ondon Transport Daimler Fleetlines by converting one into a...
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1HE BRISTOL fares dispute mded last Sunday when all of :he dismissed and suspended :rews were reinstated by the 3ristol Omnibus...
LONDON TRANSPORT'S bus productivity is decreasing and looks likely to be reduced even further, according to LT chairman Sir...
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THE EXPERTS will always disagree on something, and it seems that this state of affairs is particularly pertinent where heavy...
IN Alan Millar's article of February 14 the picture of a toothless yet grenade-throwing lion is bizarre even by Commercial...
I REFER to your EditOrial of December 13, 1980. It may be unfortunate for the peace of mind of those who support certain bits...
I OFTEN wonder if the privet sector of coach industry is as bad to answer general letters a they are to reply to job...
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N A pre-Budget plea to Sir Geoffrey Howe, director-general of :he RHA George Newman unwit:ingly coined a word that aptly...
EFLYING for the guests at a nner given by DAF Trucks lB), my friend and colleague ic Gibbins once described it as really...
BUS ENTHUSIASTS will probably drool over Alexander Album, a modest publication by Robert Grieves, who in four pages outlines...
NEXT TIME you put 10p ea( way on a bob-tailed nag, r member that you are not mere keeping the bookie in luxur "All the horses,...
THE COMMINATION, a curs that the vicar of Down Ampne recently called down on thieve from the church, is appointed tl be read...
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THE NEW increased scope of the nternational Construction Equipment '81 Congress and Exlibition, means that it now en2ompasses...
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VIANY NEW PRODUCTS can be ;een at the annual autoquip exlibition, which will be opened at loon on Sunday (March 1) by -...
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helps you cu those repair costs APPRENTICES or unskillE operators can help then selves to understand if hidden mysteries of a...
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by Graham Montgomerie 'S FASHIONABLE these days r companies or projects to we names derived from sets of itials, but, in most...
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Realities of picketing by Douglas Ainley THE REACTION -of the mineworkers to the NCB's original plan to step up pit closures...
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GNITION faults are the most frejuent cause of breakdowns with petrol-engined vehicles. It is also rue to say that the subject...
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HE NEW Seddon Atkinson .1 401 is based on one of the most successful British trucks ever produced. But in developing our new...
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LONDON TRANSPORT's decision to sell its 2,646 Daimler Fleetline double-deckers prematurely has come at an opportune time for...
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JR LATEST Special Offer en;les readers to study for their :rtificate of Competence; the :amination is May 8. As before, e offer...
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IE FACTORIES ACT has always 4uired certain accidents at ark to be reported but from nuary 1, 1981, new law, conned in the...
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John Durant looks at the major changes during the last 15 years WHAT MAJOR changes took place in road freight operation in the...