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Grp Manifold Could Lave Big Advantages
plastic has been developed The one-piece polyester DMC ough moulding compound) anifold is based on the aluinium design currently used the Ford Cortina 1.3L and is e result of......
Limiter Back
HE Transport Efficiency Speed .imiter is back on the market ifter an absence of eight nonths following the voluntary iquidation of the original menuacturing company, Transport......
Volvo Flies The Flag For Uk-made Components
VOLVO is the leading foreign buyer of UK-manufactured automotive components, with about £125m worth of items sourced here in 1980, and other important customers include Renault......
New Couplings Standard!
NEW couplings standards published by the British Standards Inst tution aim at greater safety, take account of changes in norm; practice since earlier regulations were issued,......
Great Leap Forward
CUMMINS and the People's Re public of China have entere( into a long-term licence agree ment for the manufacture o Cummins NHand K-Series en gines. The agreement, which i.......