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Victims Of Govt Conomies
N A pre-Budget plea to Sir Geoffrey Howe, director-general of :he RHA George Newman unwit:ingly coined a word that aptly iescribes the practices of Chan:iellors of the......
Daf Looks To The Disabled
EFLYING for the guests at a nner given by DAF Trucks lB), my friend and colleague ic Gibbins once described it as really civilised company". It is sentiment that I heartily......
Alexander Goes Down In History
BUS ENTHUSIASTS will probably drool over Alexander Album, a modest publication by Robert Grieves, who in four pages outlines the history of the great Alexander organisation in......
Flutter Keeps Haulage Going
NEXT TIME you put 10p ea( way on a bob-tailed nag, r member that you are not mere keeping the bookie in luxur "All the horses, all the gear, E the goods and services on whi( a......
Beware The Commination
THE COMMINATION, a curs that the vicar of Down Ampne recently called down on thieve from the church, is appointed tl be read from the Book of Corr mon Prayer in all churches......