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TT is barely 18 months since the present Government came into power, and although fears of direct nationalization have receded...
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South Eastern deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. A. C. Shepherd, has refused the 'THE South of 25 operators in the Mid Southern...
(Hauliers) Ltd. and E. G. Smith Ltd. Between them the two companies operate 80 vehicles and 40 trailers under A and Contract A...
BOUT 10,800 Northern Ireland road haulage workers are to get a shorter working week and improved overtime pay ments. • The week...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT D ISTRIBUTIVE workers in the baking industry are recommended for a special interim pay rise...
I N next week's greatly enlarged issue of COMMERCIAL MOTOR six aspects of bulk carriage by road will be examined in special...
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Will it mean back-door nationalization? FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT PTI HE Government has decided to set up a massive...
H ALILIERS in the Potteries have formed their own organization, the North Staffordshire Hauliers' Federation, and have taken...
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T WO new standard semi-trailers of 21/22 tons capacity are now being marketed by Highway Trailers (Great Britain) Ltd.,...
T HORESEN CAR FERRIES have introduced an additional weekly freight sailing between Southampton and Le Havre, to cater for...
A NEWPORT (YORKS) haulier, Mr. Glen Holt, plans to open up a section of the old Market Weighton Canal, unused since 1959, as an...
A MAJOR item discussed at the recent meeting of the international group of the Road Haulage Association was the growth of...
P UBLISHERS of national newspapers printed in Manchester last week inaugurated a joint road-air-road delivery service to...
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N its recent meeting in Geneva, the ECE working party on the transport of perishable foodstuffs underlined the need for...
T HERE were encouraging signs in London that the existence of a vehicle observer corps made criminals more reluctant to adopt...
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cast' ing a shadow over the future of the Community, the European Parliament has continued with its detailed discussions of...
policy are subjects dealt with by experienced operators in the 1966 edition of the TRT.4 Yearbook. It is distributed free to...
T HE Pye-Securicor HELP scheme, launched last November, will commence full operation from April 6, said Sir Richard Jackson,...
rrHE new Minister of Transport, Mrs. Barbara Castle, was not in the Commons when MPs returned to the thorny topic of transport...
P LEAS for the abolition of tolls on the Forth Road Bridge, or for a change in the rates for private and commercial users, met...
into "the carriage of parcels as part of her review of plans for the co-ordination of transport. She recalled in the Commons...
'THE financial problems of providing rural bus -4 services are part of the general problem arising throughout the country of...
AT their meeting on Wednesday the executive 1-1committee of the Road Haulage Association discussed labour relations,...
uOLLOWING a meeting of RHA and TRTA members called by the RHA North Lanes sub areas, an ambitious plan to improve maintenance...
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Embassy service for Bedford-based 20-seater A NEW British 20-seater coach leaves today for Moscow where it is to go into...
THE number of buses operated by Birmingham 'City Transport may be cut by 25 per cent during the next five years, reported a...
A takeover of London Transport by the GLC is to be urged on the London Labour Party at its Annual Conference in March. Among...
AMALGAMATIONS that had taken rVplace in the past, such as the great railway fusion of the early 1920s, did not seem to have...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT D ESPITE eleventh-hour efforts to prevent it, London was hit by a crippling ban on overtime...
S OME of the suburban areas of London will be completely without bus services from next Sunday, if emergency measures...
TRANSPORT COMMITTEE PLAN The Saf age monorail test track near Paris. M ANCHESTER transport committee will urge the city...
P LANS for transportation in the proposed new town of Runcorn (estimated eventual population 90,000) aim at designing for the...
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TN setting up the traffic engineering department, CIE Dublin Services were among the pioneers of city bus operators in Great...
T HE Ulster Transport Authority is far in advance of any other transport company in the British Isles in the operation of...
Mr. Frank Brooks, who for nearly two years has been chief designer of ERE Ltd., Sandbach, has left to take the post of chief...
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A l application by Boden Transport Ltd., of Walsall, to switch 13 vehicles on Contract A licence and one vehicle on B to open A...
A v application by P. Phillipson and Son, of Goldthorpe, to continue an express service between Thurnscoe and Sheffield, with...
'COUR applications by A. Stevens and Co. (Haulage) Ltd., of Great Ayton, heard at Middlesbrough on December 8 last, have been...
rrHE newly formed combine of five Shropshire operators, Wrekin Coach Services Ltd., applied to the West Midland Traffic...
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Mini-bus-to-Spain bid rejected at Bristol A ' application by a Bristol travel club to operate a mini-bus service from the City...
N PEALS by Wallace .Arnold Tours Ltd. and Feather Bros. (Tours) Ltd. against the grant of excursions and tours facilities from...
A PENDING application to extend the scope of B licences to permit the carriage of general goods within 200 miles was referred...
T TNDER the new rules of the Transport Tribunal, an appeal by Roy Bowles Transport Ltd. and others, listed for hearing on...
THE Transport Tribunal, in a reserved written judgment, have dismissed the appeal of A. Grainger (Smethwick) Ltd. against the...
O N Monday the Scottish Licensing Authority, Mr. A. B. Birnie, reserved his decision on an application by Tartan Arrow Services...
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ccr MUST grant it, but it is a pity that the -I last increase was wiped out by a drop in passengers", said Mr. J_ A. T....
I N a written decision the West Midland Traffic Commissioners have refused an application by Eatonways Luxury Travel Ltd. to...
By John Darker, AMBIM More about standardized forms R ISING from the discussion in Licensing Casebook (COMMERCIAL MOTOR,...
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Mr. John Else. B Ya recent decision of the West Midland 'praline Commissioners under chairman John Else, Eatonways Luxury...
Ti HE need for precision in describing the persons for whom a service is provided, even where it is a matter of a vehicle...
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T HE first major changes to the design of the Hope anti-jack-knifing device since its introduction in October, 1963, have now...
A T the annual general meeting of Dennis Bros. 1-1 .Ltd. last week the chairman stated that the Matthews/Maxted group, which...
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A T agreement has been reached between the Wisbech specialist bodybuilding company of Murfitt Bulk Transporters Ltd. and the...
G LASS fibre-reinforced plastics roofs for commercial vehicles are offered in a new range by E. B. Plastics Ltd., Biddulph...
n ETAILS of Bedford and Guy vehicles to be featured at the Amsterdam Show opening next week have been issued. Nine models from...
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A BROCHURE giving details of Riblap aluminium panelling for commercial vehicle bodybuilding applications is now available from...
S ENIOR Government Ministers from at least 14 countries are to attend the World Meeting on Roads in London next September....
A FURTHER 40 major trunk road improvement schemes in England, estimated to cost some £60m,, are to be prepared in detail for...
THE Minister of Transport has approved pro- 1 posals for a programme of classified road schemes estimated to cost some £25m.,...
an agreement with their distributors Moplant (Vehicles) Ltd., of Cardiff. Mr. B. Williams, formerly sales manager of Moplant,...
r is easy to be wise after the event, but when it is part of one's job to deal with accidents, unravel causes and so on, it is...
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and publications Versatile filter unit A NEW filter unit which can detect signs of impending engine or other mechanical unit...
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p ROVIDING explanations for particular courses of action is everyday work for the journalist, a fact that must have stood...
A NOVEL suggestion was made by Sir William Black, chairman of the Leyland Motor Corporation, at an informal dinner following...
T HE gas crisis in the West Midlands, which stopped production in many factories recently, impinged on COMMERCIAL MOTOR last...
San alternative route for northern road operators when Shap is snow blocked, Dennis Le Conte, secretary of the northern area of...
rtOLLEAGUE Norman Tilsley, who visited Northern Ireland recently, tells me that the hospitality there equals that of the Scots....
GYPT's current major engineering project, the Salhia irrigation scheme, will involve the expenditure of no less than £100m....
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How John Menzies of Edinburgh gear their transport system to meet all eventualities in the wholesale distribution of news...
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ERF SEMI-TRAILERS AGAIN By R. D. CATER, A M inst 13 E A TER more than 20 years the Sartdbach vehicle building company of ERF...
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Just what sort of claims might you have to face? BY JOHN C. VANN, FCII A LL of us, I suppose, are surprised at some time or...
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Braid Group's profit up F OR the year that ended on September 30 last the net profit of BRAID GROUP increased to £183,925 from...
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A NY road operator who is foolish enough to be conceited about his status in the national economy would be wise to avoid...
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Reconciling an engineer's evaluation with the need for cost control rr HE standard of roadworthiness of commercial vehicles...
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VEW would dispute that education in transport subjects is both insufficient and inadequate. Transport emerges as a Cinderella...