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A N aspect of the operation of commercial vehicles in the United States, and one to which little attention is paid in Britain,...
American Trailer ConA N interesting new product structed in Aluminium A-A of the Trailmobile Co. of and Steel America is the...
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That rate-cutting is the route to haul evil. Of a determined person as being Bostik - minded. That the choice now is almost...
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U.S., BRITISH AND ITALIAN BUSES FOR B.A. TRANSPORT B IG orders for American, British and Italian vehicles have been placed by...
R EFERRING to the provisions of 1%. the Transport Act dealing with area schemes for road passenger transport. Mr. Raymond W....
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Unemployment? U NEMPLOYMENT caused by nationalization was visualized in discussion during a "Questions and Answers" evening at...
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A fee of 15s. is being charged for the parking of a lorry at Bury St. Edmunds market. Fdrmerly chairman of Fredk. Braby and...
TN the presence of many leading 'members of the motor and other industries, and senior officers of the Fighting Services,...
MR. CHARLES HOPKINS, Sunderland Corporation's transport manager, has undergone an operation. Cot. G. S. COURTNEY has rejoined...
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ine maintenance of roads should be cut by 30 per cent, is described in the annual report of the Roads Improvement Association...
DECAUSE of the erroneous belief that Wolverhampton is in the heart of the Black Country, many people arc said to be reluctant...
L °ADM lorries and trailers can be 1-4transported from Preston, Lancashire, to Northern Ireland by s.s. "Empire Cedric" (4,000...
T HE Fire Offices Committee Fire Protection Association, 84, Queen Street, London, F.C,4, has brought out well-produced little...
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G UEST of honour at a luncheon given by the Metropolitan Area of the Road Haulage Association, last Tuesday, was Brig. R. J. 0....
1% t lEXT week the Appeal Tribunal will I /11 sit for four days at the Guildhall, Exeter. On June 1 the Tribunal will hear the...
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registrations of new vehicles, apart from cars and motorcycles, numbered 17,582, compared with 15,905 in February, and brought...
MOTES for the guidance of motor' 1 1 spirit dealers have been issued by the Ministry of Fuel and Power in connection with the...
A JOINT committee to arrange a Conference on Modern Applications of Liquid Fuels has been formed by the Institute of Petroleum...
IT was definitely cleansing day at Luton on May 21, for here the London centre of the Institute of Public Cleansing lield a...
MEGOTIATIONS which have te-el N proceeding in Rio de Janeiro since the middle of February, between representatives of the...
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INDER certain conditions of operation, it is not always convenient, or practicable, to bring vehicles to a central depot for...
R OAD safety has been a prominent consideration in the design of 62 Dennis" Pax vehicles which are being supplied to the Gas...
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Asks a Road Transport Engineer Claims of a Novel Type of Power Unit for Road Vehicles Pressed in Relation to Buses and Coaches....
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I'VERATORS, vehicle manufacturers' k-- 1 representatives and Ministrsk of Transport officials recently saw an engine changed at...
WHAT was probably the first "horseVI' less carriage" used for commercial purposes in Britain has recently been undergoing...
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By Ashley F. Taylor I N the latter months of 1900, a little group was working at Burslem, in the Potteries, with the object of...
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WHILST many ex-Service vehicles W have been put into service with few modifications for civilian use they are far more...
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place in discussing literature instead of purely technical matters, but I wish to draw the attention of anyone in search of a...
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A S already announced in "The Commercial Motor," the Minister of Transport is giving . favourable consideration to the proposal...
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T HE use of a three-stage hydraulic torque converter -is an outstanding feature • in the new Allis-Chalmers 1-1.0.19 industrial...
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Omissions and Inaccuracies in Book-keeping Creat e False Values and Spell Trouble for the Vendor—or Purchaser—of a Haulage...
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annual conference of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers, held last week in London. THE Transport...
Speakers at the Conference of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers Deal with Possible Effects of...
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A FAN clutch which automatically connects or disconnects the drive in accordance with the temperature of the engine is...