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M UCH as we admire the meticulous manner in which the Ministry of War Transport haulage scheme has been organized, we cannot...
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Progress in the ProT HE production of synthetic duction of Synthetic rubber is progressing. The Goodyear Co. is completing a...
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That " distribution " is another key-word of the war. Of justifiable hope that Hitler's only permanent gain will be a place in...
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RECOMMENDED RATES FOR COTTON HAULAGE AINDIUM rates for the haulage of iVicotton have been recommended as set out below. They...
VUHERE a motor vehicle is drawing VV a trailer not exceeding 1 ton in weight unladen, or not constructed to carry, and not...
A LL essential raw materials in this country, except food and feeding stuffs, are controlled by the Ministry of Supply...
MEGOTIATIONS have been going on I between Mr. R. Hindley, on behalf of A.R.O., and ths Inland Revenue authorities with...
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T HE Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Supply was asked in.. the House of Commons last week if he was aware that a...
I F everyone will co-operate in saving paper in its multitudinous forms (except grease paper, which can be used for lighting...
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6 PLANS READY' R EPLYING to a Parliamentary question by Mr. Groves, Major Lloyd George said last week that detailed plans for...
A T the Yorkshire operators' mass meeting held in Leeds on Sunday last, reported on page 317, for discussion of the Government...
R EFUSAL to recognize unpleasant truths has, in the past, been responSible for the initiation and perpetration of many quite...
MR. E. firccrss, transport manager of Currie and Co. (Newcastle), Ltd., has been elected an associate member of ,the Institute...
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A S from November 20, the number tn. of standing passengers permitted in buses operating between midnight and 7.30 p.m. is 12,...
T HE Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir K. 'Wood, announced last week that he proposes to reduce from 9d. to Id. a gallon the...
T HERE have been certain criticisms of the rates for hire put forward by the Ministry of War Transport. It must be remembered,...
THERE have been indications that 1 at least a few of our readers have the idea that aluminium and other light alloys may be...
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Iterprise Rewarded A BUILDING that, until a few years ago, was the village smithy of Tittensor has become the headquarters of...
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A FrER many comments from us on .1 - 1.the subject of the possibility, and advisability of starting an association purely for...
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F OUNDED in 1877, and established in Great Eastern Street since before most of us are able, or care, to remember, the East...
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GE SCHEME MAY. PROVE BURDE ON ON INDUSTRY The vie. HERE is a natural tendency for hauliers, when Onsidering the Government...
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Need Four-wheel Drive ? By 4. W. Haigh, W ITH the increased popularity/ of four-wheel-drive vehicles for military transport,...
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WHEN Barlow, Phillips and Co., of VV Yeovil. set up as a haulage concern the western stretch of the main LondonExeter highway...
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By "Tantalus " S UFFICIENT time has elapsed now to admit of one's reflections upon the Government haulage scheme, so that one...
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. 1850-1916 K ITCHENER was born in Ireland and entered the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, at the age of it 8. When he was...
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A FTER a barrage of questions had been asked and criticisms had been voiced on some points, including longdistance hiring rates...
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I N the event of a leak in one of the pipe lines of a compressed-air braking -system, it is imperative that the faulty line be...