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28th October 1977
28th October 1977
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Page 1, 28th October 1977

Page 4

No Co-operatic),

The announcement by the Prime Minister, last weeker that the Government is to encourage the establishmen of business...

Page 5

Britain not out of step'

ZITAIN IS NOT out of step Europe and it is up to the C to find solutions to the . oblems facing British dustries, said EEC...

Chaos hits UT claims

SHOP STEWARDS in the West Midlands have rejected the 15 per cent pay deal agreed by Ala Law and the Road Haulage Association...


BRITAIN could be the first :-.ountry to defy a ruling of the European Court of Justice — and the ruling concerns the...

Page 6


FXTRAORDINARY behind-the-scenes wheeling and dealing at Irussels this week by Denmark could prove a boon to all those :oncerned...

MewCustoms formonwa

3 A forerunner to major changes in Customs clearance procedures at Dover, an important new learance document — C10 — is to be...

P & 0 wages deal

'HE P&O drivers at Birmingham have refused to accept a 10 ler cent pay increase (CM last week). They take the view that...

Send us you DTp tells ha leas, rs

SCOPE FOR THE simplification of regulations governing hauliers does exist — and simple rules do not have to be slack ones,...

ap for UK manufacturers

lITAIN'S commercial hide industry was criticised, - it week, for not taking every portunity to compete and vertise its...

MANPOWER shortages a leaving Britain's police unal to enforce all

the laws of t land, Leicestershire Chi Constable Alan Goods4 admitted last week. Speaking at the annu Institute of Tref...

Page 7

Fowler on the attack

DEFENDING the recent Conservative Party Transport Policy Paper, The Right Track against CM's accusation that it says nothing...

Page 25

Fish lorries in difficult

ACK OF weighing facilities t ports on the West Coast of cotland are causing great ifficulties with fish lorries eing...

Operator hits at examiner

YORKSHIRE deputy Licen ing Authority N. Mood has deferred a decision on ti renewal of operator Gordc Sleightholm's licence...

Page 27

RHA seeks 3 wages fa Big lks

HIGH LEVEL PAY talks with government and trade union representatives have been proposed by the Road Haulage Association. The...

'Iceberg' of laws

IF LEGAL backing is given to Common Market proposals for a minimum notice period of 30 days for every employee, UK employers...


M-way bill EXTENSION of the P Lan cashire-Yorksh Motorway from Queen's D into the Liverpool city ce: would now cost £80 mill...

Page 28

Ian Hoof, tasy rider

RE-prototype of the Van Hool-McArdle 34-seat city bus, gned in conjunction with Coras Iompair Eireann (CIE), was ight to...

Tillingbourne's semi-victory

PRIVATE operator Tilling bourne Bus Co Ltd, of Cranleigh, Surrey, has partly won its application to the South Eastern Traffic...

Page 29

Rejection for seven operators

ALL THE operators involved in the battle over the provision of extended tour facilities from the West Yorkshire town of...

New schedules spark off row

NEW schedules have sparked off industrial action by bus crews of the West Yorkshire Public Transport Executive in Bradford....

1;j1t1 • Police dre case aft(

• CPT act POLICE IN the West MidlE have dropped a prosecu against a coach operator a the Confederation of Bri Road Passenger...

Page 30

Jew Volvos seem ;et for success

L.VO'S new FIO and F12 tractive units are comfortable and to drive — that's the conclusion I came to after taking one ach for a...

Modu lied lock-up scores

WHEN CM tested the Vol* F86 eight-wheeler and F* tractive unit, both fitted with Allison automatic transmission, we found that...

Page 31

Extendable chassis order for Eezion

A NEW concept in trailer construction has been undertaken by Eezion Ltd of Bedford. The company has had an order from the Iran...


KONEPAC, a new comf diesel air filter that saves space and weight approaching 50 per cent both—is being introducec Donaldson...

Signed and sealed

DOWTY Seals Ltd, Eui largest maker of indu seals, has appointed thre exclusive distributors fc UK. They are Thomas A: covering...

Oyster catcher

A TIPPER body, designe carry oysters and fitted t AHP tri-axle semi-trailer, been produced by bodybu E. M. Wilcox, Ltd,...

Charging ahead

TURBO Internationa moved into bigger prem Crofton Drive, Uncoil 227131). As an indepe company specialising repair of...

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Tax edge for diesel vans

FERENT rates of road tax freight vehicles up to 11/2 s unladen weight which our diesel engines in ference to petrol engines...

Page 36

[he noisy Comm

CM has been putting Chrysler's top weight Commando rigid tipper, the G1611, through its paces. In common with its 16-ton...

Page 41

High-spee high Iivinç for CIVILEki

HUNDRED and fifty peters per hour (95mph) at's how fast CMLDoY Withers drove a lorry ig his Michelin study award in France. He...

Page 44

American oddity

Strange things drop on my desk from time to time. This week's is the strangest for some time. It is an 80-page booklet entitled...

Without hands

If there is one thing I can't stand — and there are many — it's things that clutter up windows! Based on the principle that...

Easier said than done

Issued by the European Environmental Bureau: The Executive Committee of the European Environmental Bureau meeting at Bergisch...

Southern jargon

■ Will We've had colleagues join us from British Road Services and others who have joined them from us, but last week one who...

Tags talk. • • it my imagination, or are is

drivers who have a bus le facility becoming !ssessive, if not aggressive, len they are not in their )teeted area? I feet there...

Page 47

ublic e dar

T HE public and some local authorities have little knowledge of the responsibilities of the Traffic Commissioners and the...

Page 48

LA has only

ay T HE CONTROL of goods transport and heavy goods vehicle drivers is also exercised by systems of licensing developed through...

Page 67

Intgiug kid Ititta jaiet Kew

nuifo we read with interest an cle in CM Bird's Eye w, September 30, itle TOP that ... 1, too, am 21, and it would im that my...

;0. wag

346W015 it me first thank you for pub;hing my letter, the issue of 'Wand your very nice letter. I never expected to get so...

DicuUg ouet Om el*

At a recent meeting of the traffic managers and engineers of our members, reference was made to the very high cost of spare...

We have received our copy of CM dated October 14

and I felt I should like to congratulate YOU on the presentation of your first results in the Livery Competition. We were...

Rut oistate

In view of the interest you generated in your editorial "We're all in it together," suggesting co-operation between the...

Aft onto

of Nub& Your editorial last week, October 21, was very much to the point. Too often people remote from the scene help to...

Page 68

Speed limits save lives.

and cash COST BENEFITS can result from the imposition of speed limits. This theory was presented for discussion at the...

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by P r ecepto r Lubrication ICTION is a force resisting or eventing the movement of 'o bodies, the surfaces of 'doh are in...

Page 74

F10 stars at Tr, 1 Star of the Trafex '77 show

organised by the Institute of Traffic Administration in Leicester, last weekend, was the new Volvo F10. The show, staged...

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The recovery of disabled vehicles 1

THE RECOVERY OF brokendown vehicles has become a very specialist activity, particularly where the recovery involves a heavy...