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Hours: Danes To The Rescue
FXTRAORDINARY behind-the-scenes wheeling and dealing at Irussels this week by Denmark could prove a boon to all those :oncerned about the introduction of the EEC Drivers' Hours......
Mewcustoms Formonwa
3 A forerunner to major changes in Customs clearance procedures at Dover, an important new learance document — C10 — is to be introduced next Tuesday, November 1. The......
P & 0 Wages Deal
'HE P&O drivers at Birmingham have refused to accept a 10 ler cent pay increase (CM last week). They take the view that whereas government sanctions may , e "empty threats"......
Send Us You Dtp Tells Ha Leas, Rs
SCOPE FOR THE simplification of regulations governing hauliers does exist — and simple rules do not have to be slack ones, Department of Transport under secretary John Dole said......
Ap For Uk Manufacturers
lITAIN'S commercial hide industry was criticised, - it week, for not taking every portunity to compete and vertise its products. Opening Trafex 77 in icester, on Friday, the......
Manpower Shortages A Leaving Britain's Police Unal To...
the laws of t land, Leicestershire Chi Constable Alan Goods4 admitted last week. Speaking at the annu Institute of Tref Administration conference I said, "We are not enforcing:......