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TT is a strange fact, but one which cannot be ' I -doubted, that among users generally there is a great deal of ignorance, and...
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That publicity still pays. Of the great licence cut-off. Much of suspension—of licences. That it's a poor tyre that takes no...
The van was old, and answered to wheel and levers as an afterthought. The driver was new. At a road junction he signalled a...
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"The wheels of wealth quill be slowed by all difdculties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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A New Trailer Combination Which Conveys Four Valuable Horses and Their Owners to the Meet or the Polo Ground. rinlIERE seems...
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The advantages of the extra-air valve are now fairly well understood by most users of commercial transport. Undoubtedly,...
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An Enterprising Demonstration of Vehicles Classified According to Load Capacity. T HE industrial vehicle trials, which were...
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The first annual report of the London end' Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee for the year 1925 (that committee being...
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The First of a Short Series of Articles Upon the Function of Lubricants and Their Choice. T O the owners of large fleets of...
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MHE introduction of sugar-beet growl_ ing on a large scale into this country has done much still further to popularize the...
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W ITH a standing Army of comparatively small dimensions it is essential that every member of it should receive a thorough...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver and Repairer. 445.—Removing Seized-up...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. COACHES AND ISLE OF WIGHT ROADS, An Official Inquiry into the...
A Review of the Prospects for Selling Motorbuses in 'Esthonia, • Latvia arid Lithuania. . A SURVEY of the opportunities 211....
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A Well-designed Service Vehicle with Much Useful Equipment. T HE motor coach repair shop of which exterior and interior...
A LL the 21 vehicles taking part in the French "Rallye des Carburants Nationaux," a demonstration of motor fuels other than...
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Brief Details of the Outstanding Vehicle Exhibits. T EE Leipzig Autumn Fair, which was open from August 29th to September 4th,...
A Bungalow on Wheels Used for Demonstration Work. MIAMI' in June last the National I` Radiator Co. Ltd., of Hull, sent out on...
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The Arrangements Made by a Well-known Company to Ensure that the Organization of Transport Owners_ Does Not Suffer by Prolonged...
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Some Useful Contributions From Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. - Casting New Pistons. MHERE are cases in which new pistons...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. A NEW form of cuff-valve engine is described in specification No....