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W HAT a truly remarkable exposition of sound engineering and clever • technical achievement i n chassis and body construction,...
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C HANGES in the direction and quantity of 1 ....../goods-tratlic movements can sometimes be foreseen long before they occur and...
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That the highly successful Show is now almost oil over. That the skirmish between light alloys and plastics may become a...
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T HE denationalization of the State bus companies, is being urged by Ripon Conservatives. Col. M. StoddartScott, M.P. for...
VIDENCE of "large-scale frauds and questionable practices" by some hauliers and drivers had been found as the result of an...
WHEN The Commercial Motor IT closed for press, a special Order restricting car-rental schemes was expected to be made by the...
BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT . A FRIGID reception was accorded the long-delayed claim for a " substantial" increase in pay _for...
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TWO Burton-on-Trent hauliers, Little Haywood Transport Co., Ltd.. I and Fletcher and Co., Ltd., and 23 of their drivers, were...
'f 'TEN summonses were faced by EN Febry and Albert Febry, Yate Ironworks, Chipping Sodbury, at Chipping Sodbury last week, and...
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O PERATORS of heavy-haulage vehicles in Sheffield and Rotherham objected strongly to an application by A T. Marriott, Ltd.,...
W HEN. W. Caudle and Co., Ltd., Sheffield, applied to the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority last week to vary their A...
to carry any grade of product has been put into service by Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd. It is an A.E.C. Mercury with a Thompson...
by the Rover Co., Ltd. at the Motor Show next month. The car is interesting in that the engine is mounted at the rear, 'and a...
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A DEMAND is being made for more practical assistance by the Road 1-1 ' Haulage Association in fostering interworking among...
I N his annual report, M. E. R. L. Fitzpayne, general manager of Glasgow Transport Department, referred to the department's...
n URING appeals heard by Sir Robert Tolerton in London last week, it was stated that the Metropolitan Licensing Authority had...
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O RDERS worth over £4m. have been newly gained by Leyland Motors, Ltd. Argentina requires vehicles to the value of £750,000,...
A MORECAMBE company who, last ri week, applied to the North Western Licensing Authority for permission to run new Continental...
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decline is taking place in London Transport's traffic,-mostly on Sundays and at off-peaks on 'weekdays. Peak-period traffic has...
B lackburn Haulage (Lanes), Ltd. Cap. £5,000. Dirs.: K. W. Bates, The Bungalow, Coppers Lane, Haigh, near Wigan, T, Blackburn,...
QIX appeals against decisions of the 0 .-"South Eastern, West Midland and Yorkshire Licensing Authorities have been dismissed...
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QEVERAL years of planning and con sultation between the major bus operators in the area and the develop ment corporation came...
1, Licensing Court FINANCIAL transactions to facilitate the purchase of the shares of Morecambe Motors (Silver Gse.y), Ltd:,...
ocal Bus Services DROFITS from express services, tours and excursions no longer absorb losses on stage services, say Ribble...
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New Bearing Office: Ransome and Merles Bearing Co., Ltd., have opened an office at 58-60 Paradise Street, Liverpool,. IMr. E. L...
THE Transport Tribunal, at an adjourned sitting in London on Tuesday, heard an appeal by May's Motors (Transport), Ltd.,...
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Light Van Driver the Winner AL L the winners from the regional rounds of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition met in the...
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H OLIDAYS upset commercial-vehicle production in July, but exports were the highest in number and value for any July. Output...
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says P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. H IGH labour costs have stimulated the development of goods bodies. -as the Show...
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O PERATORS who are thinking out specifications for future vehicle deliveries will he well repaid by an examination of the...
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Although this new unit follows conventional lines for a small high-speed indirect-injection engine, it has the distinction of...
This 11-litre unit has a gross power output of 180 b.h.p. at 2,300 r.p.m., and has a V-cylinder formation. The cylinders and...
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Top Brass on Parade D ESPITE last-minute rumours that Mr. Peter Thorneycroft, President of the Board of Trade, might not be...
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Sale or Succession A T any time now, a sudden and transitory importance may attach to the exact price paid for long-distance...
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By Andrew Seacombe G REATER seating capacities— with a lower weight-per-seat ratio —in buses, and more comfort in cnaches,...
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By P. G. Tucker E XCEPT where 4 trailer or semitrailer is destined for special duty, under which head overseas operaton should...
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Attention to Detail in Ambulance Design Revealed by Specialist Bodybuilders' Products By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. 0 F all...
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T REND of design in the latest garage and workshop equipment is towards simplifying the use of the more complicated types of...
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/ WAS once called upon to give evidence to settle a dispute about costs of operation. I had said my piece and was awaiting the...
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THE new Praga V3S six-wheel-drive 1lorry, made in Czechoslovakia by the IVIotokoy undertaking, is shown on Stand 103 by L. C....