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HE report published on Wednesday (see page 5 of this issue) 1 by the Rochdale Committee which has been investigating the...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T HE present system of moving goods to and from Britain's docks is ineffic:ent and...
B RITISH operators' concerted views on the effects of E.E.C. transport policy and other allied proposals are expected to be put...
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S TAGtiERED school holidays, the three-shift system for urgent work, support for the National Productivity Year, and the...
'THE winner of this year's Express 1 Dairy Driver of the Year competilion was Mr. Norman Puig of Cricklewood. Another London...
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A COMPLETELY new parcels branch has been built by British Road ;ervices at Canal Road, Strood, and was Acially opened on Monday...
WHETHER or not a minibus operator VY was granted the number of vehicles he applied for made no difference—he would still use...
M ODERN methods of improving productivity were expounded at the canference organized by the Institute of Transport at New...
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F HE Council for Wales and Monmouthshire, in a report this week on ural transport problems in Wales, have riticized the...
probability of their use on roads in the near future, Lord Teynham, president of the National Road Transport Federation, also...
Corporation transport department increased in 1961-62 for the first time in 12 years. Durin g the year, the department carried...
NAR. JAMES AMOS. chairman of the -VI Scottish Omnibuses Group, has asked employees to support a four-point compai g n for...
WV motorized 'caravans and -Utilecon passen g er . vehicles, Martin Walter, Ltd., have ac q uired the g ood v vill and interest...
Sons (Fife), Ltd., to take skiers to the Grampians in suitable conditions. An application has been tiled for permission to run...
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THE West Midland Traffic Commis ' sioners have authorized the Binnin g lam and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., -td., to increase...
WHEN David MacBrayne, Ltd., vv Glas g ow, applied , to the Traffic Commissioners in Glas g ow last week for a revision of their...
DROPOSALS to overate a new tour to Rams g ate were substantially supported by membersof several elderly peoples' clubs and...
A A FTER sayin g he thou g ht a wellknown London stores had misnana g ed a licence application and tivitin g them to re-apply,...
last week rejected without comment appeals made by the British Transport Commission, Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., and Western...
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7HE Western Licensing Authority, Mr. L S. W. Nelson, last week refused an yplication by Mr. V. C. Cook, of ewbridge, for a B...
S. Ormond, at Ipswich last week granted an application by the Ipswich depot of Pickfords, for permission to operate a 25-ton...
r-r-IERE was no evidence of difficulty I or inconvenience caused by lack of transport, said Mr. R. Webb for the British...
THE owner of Boxhilt Caravan Towing Service; Harold S. Smith, Ashhurst Drive, Box Hill, Tadworth, Surrey, and one of his...
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of the Borough Transport Committee since 1946, has been elected vice-president of the Municipal Passenger Transport...
vuE regret to record the deaths of M VV Philip Rackham and Mr. Walt Robinson. Mr. Rackharn, director, home sale A.E.C....
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT 'THE Liberal party planners have come 1 unstuck over transport policy. The party conference...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT 'URTHER complications in the longdrawn-out attempts to achieve agreed ights and dimensions limits...
the :ning of the Commercial Motor Show Friday, the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., iounced export orders worth £660.000. rgest single...
for the sale of the Riverside electrical component works of Simms Motor and Electronics Corporation, Ltd., to the Ford Motor...
AutomobiEwerke AG, of Brunswiek, and Krauss-Maffei AG, of Munich, have signed an agreement whereby Krauss-Maffei motorbuses...
A CCORDING to current Dutch Press r - k reports, the . Dutch DAF vehicle manufacturing concern are negotiating with Leyland...
Ltd., is Phoenix Works, Uxbridge, Middlesex, and not as given in the Earls Court stand report for that company in last week's...
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A NEW hydraulically operated lorry ti crane is available from G. Hunter (London), Ltd., Gumley Road, Grays, Essex. It is the...
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QRD BRABAZON claims aviation has had more than fits share of intellectual half-wits. Other branches of nsport suffer, too....
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L IKE a small boat bobbing cheerfully among the big ships in a harbour, the Tribunal with the duty of hearing appeals against...
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r HE master key to Sir William Lyons' character is probably his survival as head of a great and expanding motor manufacturing...
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taway By P. A. C. BROCKINGTON, I N a typical case a pallet-loading body represents a degree of specialization that is...
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N a Commercial Motor Show which is noteworthy for the number of new or relatively new models being shown, semi-trailer...
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By JOHN F. MOON A.M.I.R.T.E. T HIS year's Commercial Motor Show could well be the last to be held with Britain as a...
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Patients' safety is keynote of ambulance progress: junior fire tender will facilitate fast turn-outs By Ashley Taylor,...
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etail By A. A. Townsin, A.M.I.Mech.E. ROM the point of view of passenger bodywork on display, this year's Commercial Motor...
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he unladen weight is rather high in relaion to the length, at 8 tons 6 cwt. but his could no doubt be reduced with urther...
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varied and versatile T HE Transport Service Equipment section at the Show this year comprises some 33 stands. This is 10 fewer...
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T Show time it is natural that the technical specifications of new models should receive maximum publicity and attention. Any...