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'I cannot permit lorry weights at an unsafe level', says John Peyton • Freight transport operators' hopes for a 10 per cent...
• The Frankfurt Motor Show, which normally includes one of the largest Continental displays of commercial vehicles, will not be...
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New model identification system; truck market leadership; operating cost service • A new system of truck model ' designation...
• Mr Michael Heseltine MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Environment, has agreed to perform the official...
• Mr Alan Law, the Birmingham district secretary, commercial transport, of the TGWU, is reported to be formulating plans for a...
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• A new film entitled "The Third Age of Transport" had its first public showing last week. Prepared on behalf of the recently...
• Following talks with officials of the United Road Transport Union at Sheffield, the managing director of a Chesterfield civil...
AR TICS AND TRAILERS is the title of next week's enlarged special number of Commercial Motor — which also sees the first...
• More modest proposals for three-lane instead of four-lane motorways should be considered for the projected London primary...
• In order to attract a larger number of graduates to the industry, the RTITB is allowing special incentive grants to companies...
• Possible modifications to the proposals put forward in July 1970 for the finance and construction of the Channel Tunnel...
• The Transport Holding Company is to dispose of its subsidiaries Thos Cook and Sons Ltd, Pickfords Travel Services Ltd and Sir...
• Mr Peter Thomas, the Welsh Secretary, last week rejected the suggestion that he should establish a Transport Board for Wales.
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• If the Minister for Transport Industries, accepts the proposals presented to him last week by the Transport managers' Licence...
• The Institute of Transport and the Industrial Transport Association have agreed to enter into formal discussions on the...
• The Road Haulage Association is to sponsor five senior management courses and two follow-up courses at Ashridge College...
• A one-week course, "Transport planning operation and management", is to be held by the University of Leeds from March 29 to...
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Government promises future policy decision this year from our Parliamentary correspondent • Despite fierce criticism in a...
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• Five new trailer units for the delivery of groceries and provisions to school kitchens have been built by Barham Bodies Ltd,...
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and freight handling by David Lowe Five years' operations reviewed • Five years of operations in the field of...
• The Chief Constable of Northampton County Police Authority, Mr J. A. H. Gott, was elected to the national executive committee...
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• British Railways have agreed to a request from Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive that the metal tokens for use in the...
• A claim by London's busmen for an extra £5 a week, agreed at a delegate conference in November, was formally lodged with the...
• A Bill to allow the establishment of further transport users' consultative bodies in Greater London (CM January 15) was given...
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but public transport has a major role to play by Derek Moses • "The twin transport objectives of the Greater London...
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• Under the terms of an agreement with George Ewer, the future coaching activities of Birch Bros Ltd will be conducted from...
• An MP is to attempt to delay the application by Midland Red for a fares increase, which is due to be heard by the Traffic...
• Since its introduction early last year, design improvements have been made to the 22-seat Sparshatt bus body mounted on the...
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• A driver who could not understand the German instruction printed on the air-brake valve of a foreign container trailer was...
• After hearing evidence concerning an intricate set of road service licence applications made by Happiways Tours Ltd of...
• A short while after being granted an 0 licence for nine vehicles and eight trailers a Yorkshire haulage firm was compelled to...
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Patrick D. Whyman, 35. has been appointed general manager of United Carriers Ltd. His appointment follows the announcement (CM...
• Prices for the new-model Ford Transits have now been confirmed, and arc in effect. Examples are: Swb petrol 14, 18 and 22cwt...
• After two years of operation, the goods vehicle plating and testing scheme is to be the subject of a survey by the Freight...
• A round-the-clock telephone answering service has been installed by Telehoist Ltd, Cheltenham. Inquiries and urgent demands...
• The article describing the Multilift tipping sub-frame system of timber transportation, which appeared in our January 8...
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Midland bodybuilder exploits weight-saving features in high-capacity aluminium bodies • The recent development of lightweight...
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by Ron Cater • At a recent demonstration in Wiltshire a useful three-wheeled cross-country vehicle was put through its paces,...
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We hear a lot about the cost of congestion and the need for better roads—to which we all say amen—but how stupidly wasteful we...
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We welcome letters for publication on transport topics. Address them to Commercial Motor, Dorset House, Stamford Street, London...
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THIS WEEK I want to look at certain repairs that have gone wrong, and have caused serious injury or worse. I must point out...
J. J. Johnson • Succeeding Arthur Jones in running Guy Motors Ltd is a "follow that!" challenge which Jim Johnson (more...
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by Brian Cottee WITH all that has been said and written about former C-licensees getting into haulage, and hauliers being...
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WHEN a 16-ton-gross platform vehicle with a power-to-weight ratio of around 11 bhp /ton laden is operating in the 30/55 mith...
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THIS is my final article in the present marketing series and is about communications, something as old as the hills but which...
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Making up the numbers by Janus I N whatever form of words the Road Haulage Association had chosen to make its recent...
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and wish to train my conductors to drive. All my vehicles are fitted with preselector gearboxes, but the authorities insist...
associated with road transport and evolved to become an international symbol of road safety? A Apparently, the significance of...
of road transport, four friends with experience of the industry and I plan to buy five Transit vans to undertake a parcels...
eering and am preparing a thesis on piston design. I have two questions. Can you confirm that a piston has been developed in...
was from August 31 1969 to August 30 1970. Unfortunately, I was unemployed for the first six months of this period and spent...
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matters by John Darker AMB M Towards parcels integratio FOR YEARS it has been obvious to observers that there were potential...
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ry Les Oldridge, AIRTE, AM111/1 1 rrade licences (2) OLLOWING on from last week's article ri the permitted use of trade...
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THE STIMULUS of the Industrial Training Boards is changing the face and style of internal management courses in road transport....
by John C. Vann • It seems to be coming. In fact, it is due to be debated in the Commons in early February. Yes, the subject...