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Lack Of Roads Costs Om A Day!
• A new film entitled "The Third Age of Transport" had its first public showing last week. Prepared on behalf of the recently formed British Industry Roads Campaign, the film......
Challenge Strike Ends
• Following talks with officials of the United Road Transport Union at Sheffield, the managing director of a Chesterfield civil engineering company has changed his mind about......
Next Week: Big Artic Special
AR TICS AND TRAILERS is the title of next week's enlarged special number of Commercial Motor — which also sees the first article in an important new CM series. The February 5......
Brf Urges Three-lane London M-ways
• More modest proposals for three-lane instead of four-lane motorways should be considered for the projected London primary road network, says a British Road Federation report......
Rtitb Scheme To Attract Graduates
• In order to attract a larger number of graduates to the industry, the RTITB is allowing special incentive grants to companies who recruit such men and provide them with......
Channel Tunnel Talks Resumed
• Possible modifications to the proposals put forward in July 1970 for the finance and construction of the Channel Tunnel project by a private international group, are to be......
Thc To Sell Cooks
• The Transport Holding Company is to dispose of its subsidiaries Thos Cook and Sons Ltd, Pickfords Travel Services Ltd and Sir Henry Lunn Ltd. Mr Peyton told the Commons on......
No Welsh Transport Board
• Mr Peter Thomas, the Welsh Secretary, last week rejected the suggestion that he should establish a Transport Board for Wales.......