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A Huge Business Which Demands Punctuality, Rapidity and Freedom from Damage to Produce ESP1TE the fact that we have to import...
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N OT often does an important manufacturer really come into the open at a public function, although, of course, many include...
Water Caused Coach A CURIOUS accident which Oil Engine to I -1 occurred to an oil-engined Burst coach is referred to in "The...
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Of renewed police activity against parking. That milk delivery in America is often done by contract. That it costs £.25m....
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Recommendation to Minister for Joint Committee D URING the past few months, chambers of commerce throughout the country have...
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A THREAT to C-licence holders was I â % contained in the speech made by Mr. J. S. Campbell, assistant secretary of the...
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MR. W. J. T. OsBoaNE has been elected president of The National Association of Tyre Specialists. The new vicepresident is Ma :...
fN a written decision, expedited I because there was work waiting to he carried out, the Metropolitan Licensing Authority has...
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The latest British Standard covers solid-rubber flooring. The R.A.C. has issued a map of traffic routes to the Royal Show....
A CONVICTION against Taylor's rib Central Garage (Exeter), Ltd., for permitting a 25-seat coach to be used without a road...
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O N current charges Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd., was losing between £600-£700 a day, said Mr. M. A. B....
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A N appeal by Mr. M. N. Manson, Exmouth haulier, against the refusal of the Western Licensing Authority to grant him a B...
A New road haulage charges schedule for the carriage of lime has been presented to the Ministry of Agriculture by the British...
A NEW overhead-valve engine, based PAon the QX underfloor unit, has been introduced by Comrner Cars, Ltd., Luton, to replace...
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Lileages incolnshire Farmers prefer o Use their Own Vehicles rn C Licences to Take heir Produce to Market : r,000 Miles Per...
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O NE of the most modern methods of drying and stoving components which have been spray-painted, or otherwise treated, is by the...
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O NE after another, the representatives of trade and industry have lodged protests against the decision of the Road Haulage...
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n FOUR GAL Powered by the Gardner Four-cylindered O i l Engine the Unipower Forester Proves an Ideal Logging Outfit under...
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MAKING distance from 25 m.p.h. 1.) of under 6 ft., which represents approximately 3.5g.I It sounds fantastic, but this is the...
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By F. L. Sabatini Secretary, The British Agricultural Contractors' Association I T has been said that the farming industry in...
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U SING standard framing developed for underfloor-engined chassis, 'Thomas Harrington, Ltd., Hove, has recently constructed two...
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vegetable prices focus attention upon the market through which possibly the greatest proportion of the Nation's greenstuffs...
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As opposed to the bulk of the exhibits which are shown in their new finish,. Ailey Trailers, Ltd., Burnham Market, Norfolk, on...
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John Allen and Sons (Oxford), Ltd., Cowley, Oxford, on Stand 365 E, will be exhibiting a self-propelled motor scythe, together...
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POWER, ECONOMY AND DURABILITY Accent on Earning Power In the purchase of a truck the main consideration isn't. initial cost,...
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Micronic oil litters, a full range of Borg and Beek clutches, power-takeoffs, and steering-rod assemblies, will be displayed by...
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A Crane Design Embodying Hydraulic Suspension, Auxiliary Steering and jacking, and an Air-Operated Braking System A MOST...
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by P. G. TUCKER T HE farming of 7,000 acres split up between widely scattered holdings, introduces haulage problems which are...
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When a H ire-purchase Agreement May Become a Bill of Sale : Important Finding by the Court of Appeal WJEIERL, a person...
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for the farmer Agriculture is Favoured with Concessions in Taxation and Relief from the Conditions of Licensing Imposed on...
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B R1T1SH manufacturers have long since discovered that types of vehicle designed to meet home needs do not by any means...
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Three Models, Designed and Built in Canada, Make Full Use of Power and Transmission Units Made in this Country 1 FFICIAL...
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A Rural Haulier may incur Lower Establishment Costs than Town Contractors, but these Expenses Must Nevertheless be taken into...
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T HE growing popularity of petrol injection calls for a suitable metering means, and such a unit is shown in patent No....