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Ap PARENTLY the Ministry of Transport were surprised by the amount of opposition aroused by the proposals to restrict loading...
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T HE Newcastle upon Tyne magistrates are reported to have sought to introduce an innovation in their court which seems not only...
A Costly Accident A BOUT a year ago a lorry containing, it was said, some five tons of T.N.T. took fire and blew up in a Welsh...
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That soon spring in the air may mean air in the springs. That some designers are "lying low" where air springing is concerned....
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" I FEEL bound to tell you that the traffic problem into London and within London will, in spite of all that we can do, get...
A SPECIAL meeting of the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory ( -2 . Committee would be held to discuss all aspects of the...
BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT TW 0 choices face the Transport and General Workers' Union now that their pay claim for London...
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MO principle had been followed by the Scottish Traffic Commissioners in " deciding who should run bus services to replace trams...
C OMMENTS about the European Common Market and Free Trade Area were made by the chiefs of two prominent manufacturing concerns...
D URING the next few years, the Traders' Road Transport Association would have to look far beyond immediate problems,...
IF a haulier went to the Licensing Authority every time a customer asked him to go a little outside his normal user, he might...
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MR. GEORGE RATCLIFFE, will retire at the end of this month from his position as transport manager with Palethorpes, Ltd.,...
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Q UESTION of need was raised at an inquiry in London on Monday, when Mr. B. S. Williams, -Emsworth, Hants, appealed against the...
A HAULIER who agreed that he was hiring one of his A-licensed vehicles to British Road Services, last week asked the Yorkshire...
. .-WHEN a police patrol car checked the V•V speed of a lorry along the AS road, near Oswestry, another lorry was following the...
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T HE increasing use al small cars led to a decline in demand f r buses on the home market. However, road congestion and the...
A FTER an admission of irregularities in the operation of a vehicle under short-term B licence, the North Western Deputy...
A N interesting development in For production is the new Fordson Dexta tractor, which had been designed as a smaller...
D ESPITE strong opposition on the question of normal user, British Road Services were last week allowed to substitute six new...
the retail traders' section of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, it was announced at a council meeting of the Chamber on...
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M EMBERS of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers were uneasy about a B licence being granted to a...
A MOTION deploring the decision of I - A the Northern Licensing Authority to refuse a licence to Mr. Derek Wiscombe, Jarrow,...
"I PUT a lot of eggs in the tipper pudding two years ago, and before I grant additional facilities to those grants. I must...
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A MINIMUM fare of 3d. is not a 1 - 1 , reasonable proposition for the travelling public, the East Midlands Traffic...
A NEW A.E.C. Routemaster double deck bus was used to take the Duke of Edinburgh to the works of Park Royal Vehicles, Ltd., on...
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I F a new express service between More cambe and Meathop sanatorium, via Lancaster and Carnforth were granted it must result in...
1958 Paris Show: The 45th Paris Motor Show will be from October 2-12, 1958. Engine Gift: The 100,000th air-cooled oil engine...
A T Leeds, last week, Mr. J. H, E. r - kRandolph, Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority, remarked that it was necessary for an...
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A HAULAGE contractor who was recently fined £600 for 132 offences has had three of his 10 B licences suspended for four months....
T HE 10 CVG.6 buses which, as reported in The Commercial Motor last week, are to be supplied by Transport Vehicles (Daimler),...
A DUMPEK has all the essential features of a motor car, and must he classed as a motor vehicle, according to the Staffordshire...
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A LARGE number of the 3,400 buses 1— k which Ceylon will nationalize on January I are over 10 years old and in poor condition....
A N independent-suspension layout for tandem-axle semi-trailers • has been developed by the Grumman Aircraft Engineering...
ECAUSE passengers were charged separate fares, a taxi was used as a public service vehicle, Halifax magistrates ruled last...
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A s soon as the Atkinson Omega 90-tons-gross tractor (described in the November 15 issue) had been completed It was taken to...
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By Alan Smith, F.R.S.A. How Aspro Nicholas Have Evolved a Successful Means for Loading Vans by Fork-Lift Truck : Scrapping of...
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B ECAUSE the Commissioners had to take into consideration only the facilities in existence at the time an application was made,...
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Jr ACK the Giant Killer must be a favourite character in the mythology of newspaper readers, to judge from the amount of space...
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A, BUS yal Scot Six-wheeled silt for South African 200-b.h.p. Horizontal Top Speed is 67,rn.p.h., wed Economy is Good T . ....
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A N amplifying stethoscope for industrial use, known as the Mincar, has been introduced by Airsonic, Ltd.. 14 Old Queen Street,...
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I WAS interested to note the remarks made by Mr. T. G. Gibb, north-eastern divisional manager of British Road Services, and...
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MOVEL types of bracket for the attach ment of timber cross-members to chassis frames, and of roof sticks to standards and...
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A WIDE variety of agricultural machinery of all kinds will be seen at the Smithfield Show, which opens at Earls Court, London,...
A LTHOUGH the idea of converting -rt the railways into roads is at least 20 years old, its adherents have not until now been...
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L AST week I discussed the cost of operating a 7-ton tipper for five, six or seven days per week, with one, two or three...
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By The Hawk Bird's Eye View I HAVE been impressed by the g enuine pleasure which Mr. T. W. H. Gailey's appointment as...
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,r1 A TRACTOR for working over extremely rough ground, or in marsh and swamp, is shown in patent No. 784,436. It is claimed to...