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GREATER London Labour Party is considering turning apital into the country's biggest no-go area for heavy s, and plans to set...
110THER National Freight any reorganisation, all of ickford companies are begrouped under the banner Pickfords Group. main...
THE CONFEDERATION of British Industry's newly agreed policy to oppose the Government's 20p increase in dery duty got its first...
FORD'S plans to close its lossmaking Amsterdam factory will mean that over 1,000 iobs will be axed. The company has made an...
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DETAILS of the Road Haulage Association's tipper market re search survey will, as expected, be revealed at the Tipping...
THE FIRST four Gomba-Stonefield on/off highway vehicles were due to be shipped this week from Greenock to Africa. A spokesman...
JUNIOR Transport Ministe neth Clarke has dism operators with his decisi abandon controversial pla a motorway by-pass a...
DERV PRICES rose by 11; cent in the UK between cember 1978 and April though petrol increased by 77 per cent, according to ti...
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SH RAIL, wants to carry a share of the trunk movement of trial and consumer goods which reach their final destinations ad, and...
IOUGH an industrial tribu;ould not advise an erntr what to do in relation to ;election of employees for idancy, the tribunal...
READERS have asked us when we will be publishing our road test report on the Ford Cargo range. The answer is we don't know....
THE DEPARTMENT of Transport is moving closer to banning some Irish hauliers from British roads, if they do not comply with the...
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)ntrols up to 8 pumps in the same cation simultaneously. asigned specifically for fuel control id the acquisition of usage...
ELECTRICAL Fleet Managers select Keytrol Electrical for speedy, efficient, monitoring and control over allocation of fuels....
MECHANICAL The combination of fuel pumps attendant and accountant, a self-contained, weatherproof mechanical device with a...
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I Haulage Association national chairman Ken Rogers last week an accusing finger at high-spending Government depart se...
anwhile, the industry has portrayed by the media rther sections of the transndustry as a select group fiting from an archaic...
PLANS for a secure lorry park in Havant, Hampshire, have been given the go-ahead, and lorries should start using it within...
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A NEW tachograph edition of the Freight Transport Association's Drivers' Handbook has been published and gives goods vehicle...
COMPANIES attracted by Government's proposed En prise Zones will find full det in a booklet published by Department of the...
gross vehicle weight limit applies at the Water of Girvan bridge until December 31. M90: Because of subsidence, both...
until mid-November on a 5.6-mile section from north of the Blind Lane interchange (A167 Chester-le-Street) to south of the...
Ml: From May 5 until early October there will be continuous 24hour two-way traffic on one carriageway from junction 16...
miles from Watford Gap services southwards to two miles south of junction 15 until November. For part of the time, sliproads to...
the Severn Bridge has already begun, but no work will take place over the May bank holiday weekend. M5: Resurfacing work is in...
diverions until later this month. At least one lane is in use at all times.
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AS WELL AS collecting a Queen's Award for Export CM, April 25), Lucas CAV is also to receive a Queen's Award for Technological...
THE LATEST addition to the fleet of Green's Removals is a Bedford KM with a Luton body by Oakley Commercial Vehicles Ltd of...
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NORTH-EASTERN British Road Services Ltd has two new directors on its main board. Following the retirement of George Johnson as...
The following events are scheduled for May and early June. May 2-10 Barcelona Motor Show. 3 Historic Commercial Vehicle Club....
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types of connecting brackets. The body construction is simpler, stronger and lighter than the current Metrobus structure, and...
BORDERS Regional Council has decided to pay an additional subsidy of £128,000 to Eastern Scottish. The council had previously...
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TRANSPORT SECRETARY Norman Fowler delivered a swingeing attack on South Yorkshire's cheap fares policy when he addressed...
COACH operators planning to run excursions and private hires to the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer on July 29...
WESTERN NATIONAL has lowed British Rail's lead launched a £5 pass giving c fares for the elderly disabled. Faced with several...
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-I Executive Coaches left 'ins of Brighton last weekor Nice on the French Hiin an attempt to win its major title in as many s,...
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A NEW GRADE of Rynite thermoplastic polyester known as grade 935, which reduced warpage to the r( other characteristics has...
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root Down Under . RICAN manufacturers minance in the heavy secthe Australian cv market ?.en broken, IAIN SHERRIFF ts from...
SKIPMASTER CH503 skip 'ling systems for the collecof commercial and domes()lid wastes have been de?.d to Wokingham District...
P.A.D.S. and Company of Barry, South Wales has extended its trailer repair business with the launch of the Padslider...
unilever's cold comfort ON-BOARD battery chargers and power supply units manufactured by SW Battery Charging Systems Ltd of...
A NEW SYSTEM of air deflectors for tractive units, claimed to be saving TNT at least £100,000 each year on its express parcels...
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OU referred to our offer of a Escort XR3, worth f5,500, every purchase of a scontinental tractor unit, in reply to Mr McDowell...
change in the Chartered :ute of Transport as John er rightly says (CM, March an update of his May 1977 aisal. omits to mention...
IN VIEW OF the increasing difficulty encountered by delivery vehicles with parking restrictions, etc, I wonder if the following...
I REFER TO Graham Montgomerie's article {CM, February 14) Seddon Atkinson: Where Quality Counts. The section of the article...
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ERICH KRAMPE, managing director of Mercedes-Benz (United Kingdom) Ltd, seems to have been persuaded that an inherent quality of...
THE JUSTIFICATION for the introduction of the new Mercedes-Benz petrol vehicles could be regarded as an indictment of...
WHILE John Young and Robert Crippen were lying dejectedly in their obstinate spacecraft at Cape Canaveral, Dr Magnus Pyke, the...
I WAS surprised to learn David Browning, of Ray Demountables Ltd, that in h perience the most encoure• sector of the market for...
THE TRAGIC national decli beer consumption is b matched in Scottish and castle Breweries by a drast in road fuel consumption...
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The leaders of the SDP may feel that they have no alternative but to go along with Armitage, however distasteful the idea of...
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That's the pirate recovery outfit which all too often holds the hapless operator to ransom. But, says Steve Gray, there are...
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This year's Association of Vehicle Recov Operators Exhibition at Chateau lmpne Droitwich, promises to be the most successful...
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It all began in a converted cold store in Helens where Lowfield's created Lowfieldcool,and the offspring's been getting...
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... that's ineffective refrigeration. But the European ATP Agreement lays down stringent standards to guard against the worst....
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The fridge giants are as conscious about the need to save weight and space as anyone else in the industry. Graham Montgomerie...
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The refrigerated seafood producer's ent( prising transport department has adopt , an owner-drivers-only policy, and it's pE off...
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by Douglas Ainley HE "BLACK" economy has )een, and seems likely to renain, with us for some time, ibwever, employers who...
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Coaches need to offer a fair degree of sophistication, not just lower fares, to wc travellers away from the competition. That's...
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Smaller vehicles now aspire to the standards needed for type approval. Bill Brock visits a Lancashire bodybuilder leading the...