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T HE railways, with the backing of the Govern ment, have taken off the gloves to road transport. Despite the general...
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Elephantine Addition to A.A. Fleet CONTINUING their policy of increasing the value of their radio network, which now covers...
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The query: "Is work that is tea-intervalled bedevilled? " Of much interest in the Kentish fence defence against drifting...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT N EW legislation, which may be used against road transport operators, is under consideration by the...
IF an application by the Transport and I. General Workers' Union is granted by the employers, 16 areas in Yorkshire and the...
A ' inquiry before the South Wales Deputy Licensing Authority was adjourned on Monday after serious allegations had been made...
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the trouble caused by the proposed introduction of one-man buses by the Lincolnshire Road . Car Co., Ltd., are to be discussed...
A N opportunity to increase commercial-vehicle production and lower prices is offered by the scheme for a European free market,...
"['HE experience of a coach party, I when the hydraulic brakes of their vehicle failed as it was descending the St. Gotthard...
a C-licence vehicle was uneconomic, it was reasonable to use it for haulage, was made to the Yorkshire Licensing Authority at...
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" THE council's proposal does savour of unfair treatment for coach I users as opposed to private-car users. With this comment,...
MR. A. E. KNIGHT has been appointed traffic superintendent of West Hartlepool Transport Department. MR. D. G. SroicEs, general...
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S TRINGENT medical tests relating to the licensing of drivers are being recommended by the World Health Organization to the...
C HARGES against two drivers were 1, --• withdrawn before Boston Borough Court last week Under Section 29 of the Road Traffic...
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P ERE had been a " catastrophic " reduction in the numbers of cattle carried by rail during the past two years, to some extent...
T HE British Transport Commission objected when J.P. PrOductiOns, Auclenshaw, makers of packing material, applied to the North...
T HE Singapore Government have accepted the report of the commission of inquiry which rectmmended the unification of all bus...
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W HAT America calls the " Bus of Tomorrow" has been designed by a well-known industrial artist, Alexis De Sakhnolisky, and...
THE aim of Associated Road Trans'. port Contractors was to give a complete network of services throughout the country, said the...
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A WHEEL-REMOVAL set which not only simplifies the operation but prevents the studs suffering damage, has just been introduced...
A TIMBER merchant charged with driving a tractor and trailer in Hereford when a tax rate higher than that paid should have...
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T HE constant creeping barrage of small increases" gained by the applicants was the reason for an objection by the British...
THREE German technical officers are to advise the Ceylon Government on nationalizing the island's bus services. The German...
A N application by G. Peascod, Ltd., Liverpool, for a new picking-up point on the Kirkby housing estate has been refused by the...
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A Story of Remarkable Problems Faced While Recreating Public Passenger Transport in Libya: Only 250 Serviceable Vehicles Left...
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A N optical instrument designed for inspecting the insides of tanks, combustion chambers. gearboxes and so on. without the need...
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Simplicity in Design and • Ease of Production Are Features of the 'Bosch Petrol infection System I T has been recognized in...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. W LTH the official opening on Tuesday of their new works at Aldenham, Herts, the London...
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Higher Still and Higher By The Hawk D URING recent weeks 1 have heard whispers about a small oil engine which is said to have...
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Will There be a Next Time? THOSE engaged in goods road transport will not have failed to notice the continued reiteration of...
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LIAVING a 3-ton hydraulic ram incorporated in the coupling gear, Commer - articulated vehicle of Messrs. G. Sinfield and Sons,...
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L'OUR operators have lodged objec tions and representations a g ainst a proposal by the Eastern . Traffic Commissioners to...
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actions for damages by children which should contain a message of warning to anyone who has occasion to park temporarily...
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Spending the Hours 0 NE or two members took advantage of the opportunities for humour at the somewhat precise wording of the...
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Why Monthly Instalments Cannot Substitute the Proper Debiting of Long-term Expenses: Owner-drivers' Errors I N my previous...
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Q NE of the first vehicles of its type to be built in this country, an extensible mobile demonstration kitchen has been...
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DATENT No. 756,282 (F. Porsche, Neckarsulmer Strassc 85, StuttgartZuffenhausen, Germany) gives details of a scheme for...