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braking efficiency is indicated by the instructions given by the Ministry of Transport to testers of vehicles 10 or more years...
T HE wage award proposed last week for road haulage workers is significant, and its outcome may accelerate progress towards a...
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Josep homas Turner HERE is no possible doubt about Joseph Thomas Turner's interests. There never was. If ever a man was born...
By The Hawk Rara Avis U NDER so original a managing director as Mr. H. Orme White, it is scarcely surprising that the Gosport...
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T HE great Scottish transport interests of Charles Alexander and Partners (Transport), Ltd., have been acquired by the...
T H'.'Road. Haulage, Wages Council last Week decided to recommend an increase of about 8 per cent, in the wages . of road...
rOAL will be transported by road during the winter if necessary, it was revealed in a joint statement issued by the National...
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Operator Did Not Know of Rival's Bid for New Service Until After Grant Was Made B ECAUSE inadequate information was published...
W HEN an application, by Direct Coaches (Birmingham), Ltd., Birmingham, 9, for 15 new excursion and tour licences came before...
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C RITICISMS levelled at Lancashire United Transport, Ltd., by the North Western Traffic Commissioners when they heard rival...
been appointed principal executive assistants in the Architects' Department of London Transport. MR. C. B. STEWART, Eire...
M EN employees in road haulage, apart from British Road Services, worked an average of 55.6 hours in the last pay week in April...
T HE take-over of Gliderway Coaches, Ltd., by the McLaughlin family, proprietors of Stockland Garage, Ltd., was the Stockland...
Mote French Petrol: Increased sales of French petrol in Britain b y Total Oil Products, Ltd., are planned. The company are...
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rINES totalling £55 were imposed by Kendal Ward Magistrates, last week, on a driver of, and partners in, Messrs. J. and D....
TH E growing popularity of the diesel engine at the expense of the petrol unit was reflected during the first half of this year...
ritiTIC1SM of the number of sum monses issued against a Pudsey haulage company and one of its employees was made by Lt.-Col....
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4 Aired in Court A FAMILY dispute between father and son, who operate a live s tock business from King's Nortonwith two...
F OUND guilty on two charges of failing to keep records of hours worked, John Oliver Foulds, Fleetwood Road, Fleetwood, was...
T HE end of traffic in shale lorries on the roads of Monmouthshire, taking filling materials to the site of the new Spencer...
r yIDENCE must be produced by customers who had suffered inconvenience as a result of delays caused by breakdowns before an...
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T ECHNICAL details of the road-rail semi-trailer which has 1 , been produced for British Railways by the Pressed Steel Ltd,,...
E application by Highland Omni buses, Ltd. to introduce increased fares, has been refused by the Scottish Traffic...
C. A. Medlin (Contractors), Ltd. Cap. £6,000. Dirs.: C. A. Medlin and Mrs. A. E. Medlin, 229 Becchwood Road. Luton. See.: A. E....
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IVIODIFICATIONS to the fuel-injecIYI tion equipment of Swedish Volvo oil engines have resulted in power increases of up to 8...
-rwo new products to be exhibited by A Laycock Engineering, Ltd., at the Commercial Motor Show will be a clutch and a...
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rOMPETH - ION between shipping and forwarding agents and the quotation of inclusive charges for goods dealt with had brought...
A N amicable conclusion was reached between the British Transport Commission and the Clarendon Haulage Co.. Ltd., Preston,...
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S TRONG opposition by British Railways, in an attempt to rebut allegations that they damaged between 50-60 per cent, of...
i‘ N attempt to impose a smoking ban ti on the lower decks of double-deck vehicles operated by the United Automobile Services,...
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A FTER six months' operation, the Northern Trailer Co., Ltd., Bishopbriggs, Glasgow, are producing five semi-trailers a week....
P RODUCT1ON of commercial vehicles in the first half of this year totalled 235,619, compared with 176,457 in the first six...
1-1 . A NEW 16-ton-gross four-wheeler has been introduced by Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Ntirnberg A.G., Munich, and the chassis...
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O BSERVED by a member of the staff of The Commercial Motor, a fully laden maximum-load fourwheeler descended Sunrising Hill,...
Southport Fire Committee are to invite tenders for the supply of an appliance. , Durham County Education Committee wish to buy...
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O F the nine vehicles to be displayed by Atkinson Vehicles, Ltd., on their stand at the Commercial Motor Show, at Earls Court,...
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E IGHT modeIs from the current range of goods vehicles produced by Seddon Diesel Vehicles, Ltd., Oldham, will he exhibited on...
T IA 0 new models have been added to L Bedford TJ series of normalcontrol goods chassis. One is a 1-ton pick-up powered by the...
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A DOPTION of disc brakes for heavy vehicles has been hampered by the need for extremely high pressures at the brake pads. It is...
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N EXCELSIS By Tom Walkerley T HE banner with the device Excelsior is no longer strange to those fortunate enough to live in...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. A DEMOUNTABLE body system for the transport of salvaged and waste materials which, it...
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TWO new semi-trailers to be shown by I Taskers of Andover (1932), Ltd., at the Commercial Motor Show are markedly lighter than...
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p RODUCING unconventional vehicles to solve unconventional problems has for many years been a speciality of Scammell Lorries,...
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T HE new Scamrnell Trunker is a 10-wheeled 4,000-gal. tanker built to meet the specific requirements of ShellMex and B.P.,...
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Dumb Waiter for Fitters VINE wheels of differing sizes can be trolley manufactured by Mann Egert Norwich. The side rails of...
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I MUST apologize to Stephen Mustell (The Commercial Motor, August 19) for my "stupidity," expressed in my letter published on...
T HE Commercial Motor Show will presage the entry into bulk-liquid haulage of Geoi'ge Ewer and Co., Ltd., Stamford Hill,...
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QEVEN models will be displayed by E.R.F., Ltd., on their own stand at the Commercial Motor Show, whilst there will be five more...
T HE Ministry of Transport last week announced the making of four Regulations which came into force on Thursday. They are: The...
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" AKE a card—any card," said Maggie's brother T Cromwell. "That's right—it's the Jack of Spades." "That was the one you...
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B.T.C. Criticism of R.H.A. is Justified C RITICBM by the British Transport Commission of the Road Haulage Association with...
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THREE Magirus-Deutz vehicles are. to I be displayed at the Commercial Motor Show by Kkicknef-HumboldtDeutz, A.G. One of these...
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M ORE than half the public service vehicles in Britain are run by operators with fleets of 200 vehicles or more. But despite...
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make the whole of their fleet interchangeable and to facilitate the administrative side of their business, A. V. Barton, Ltd.,...
A N operator refused an application by the Northern Traffic Commissioners, at Spennymoor, last week, said that since a...
A HAULAGE contractor and a lorry 1-1 driver were sent for trial at Gloucestershire Quarter Sessions after appearing at Dursley,...