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T HE survey of road haul-. age now being conducted . by The Commercial Motor has revealed a disquieting situation, particularly...
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rinHE great improvement in brakes which has I occurred in recent years has emphasized the danger of shifting loads....
And Now South America THERE have already been two in the series of I Oxford and Qambridge inter-university expeditions, the...
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Do " flashing " bulbs burn out more rapidly than those in normal use? That when " household " electric bulbs are shortlived...
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A N application by B.R.S. (Pickfords), Ltd., to transfer a 5-ton platform • " lorry from a C to a B licence was refused at...
F OLLOWING a merger between two western coach operators, a new company has been formed to operate e x te n sive Continental and...
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A NEW Guy forward-control passenger chassis . incorporating the Meadows 6DC.500 six-cylindered directinjection oil engine was...
1ANINTAIN1NG that at least threequarters of the economic difficulties of Leeds Transport Department was caused by the lack of...
L AST MINUTE withdrawals by applicants who asked for cases to be re-listed because of unpreparedness were causing great...
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T HE Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners last week granted an application by J. Broadbent (Motors), Ltd., York, to operate work...
MR. R. G. DODDS has been elected works director of Hills (Patents), Ltd. He joined the concern in 1956. MR. W. E. CROOK has...
refuse to use buses operated by companies who employed non-union labour and to tip non-union drivers on coach excursions, Mr....
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I N considering their judgment of an appeal by the British Transport Commission against a decision of the West Midland...
THE 32-year-old coach business of W. A. Strowger, Ltd., Grearne Street, Moss Side, Manchester, has been sold to Mr. Stanley...
A N. inquiry was held by Mr. W. P. James, West Midland Licensing Authority, on Tuesday, to determine the base from which E. W....
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Bristol and Southern and Western National Succeed : More Applications Pour In A PPLICATIONS to raise fares to meet the higher...
L'OUR reasons were given last week by Mr. J. H. Downs, traffic manage4 of the Lincolnshire Road Car Co., Ltd., why. the company...
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not in future interfere when hauliers were late or did not arrive by carrying goods for other people in his C-licence vehicle....
• Conference F IVE contentious subjects have been selected for brief discussion at the annual conference of the Municipal...
£21 costs, I were imposed upon J. G. Fielder (Haulage), Ltd., Fitzwilliam Street, Bradford, at Bradford City Court last week,...
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LTHOUGH exports of commercial Pl. vehicles fell in number in June, compared with May, the value rose by nearly Elm. Weekly...
A N applicant was warned by Maj. F. S. Eastwood,chairman of the Yorkshire Traffic .Commissioners, last week, that if he did not...
transport and L communications industries rose by 9,000 in 1956. This is revealed in the report for last year of the Ministry...
Astley Office: Astley Industrial Trust, Ltd., have opened a branch office at 72 Cornwall Street, Newhall Street, Birmingham,...
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r- I N appeal, the Minister of Transport has rejected a recommendation from his inspector, Sir Maurice Holmes, that coach...
been placed in service by Dow Brewery, Ltd., Montreal, Canada. Based on a Diamond T 6-ton petrolengined chassis, the body of...
DECAUSE they thought that the estab lishment of Thistle Transport, Ltd„ on a farm in their village would restrict the free use...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. H AULING a payload more normally associated with vehicles powered by 8-litre oil engines, the...
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I -1 A BIG increase in the production of commercial vehicles by DaimlerBenz A.G. is reported by Dr. Konecke, chairman and...
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E NGLAND'S title holder and international champion, E. Jury, secured the premier award in the Portsmouth round of the Lorry...
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How the L.C.C. Achieve Transport Economy Though Having to Provide a Large Variety of Vehicles for a Diversity of Tasks By...
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hYdratdie transmission, suitable for a 130-bh.p. btiS• has. been . com. pieta . by Cambi ldrantici'Badalini, of Italy. In...
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Political Commentary By JANUS ' A T a national conference, a certain amount of stage management is permissible to ensure that...
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Be Reasonable About Normal User A MOST interesting subject was raised by Ralph Cropper in his article "The Applicant's...
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Jobs for the Boys By a Special Correspondent D UR1NG recent years many transport executives have come to realize that...
Plan of Battle By The Hawk F EW people can realize the magnitude of the task which the London and Home Counties DivisiOn Of...
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I N the two previous articles I have stressed that the provision of cars for business purposes is itself only a means to an...
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T O measure accurately a few cubic millimetres of fuel and injeetiit at a high pressure is a duty calling for precise yet...