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In expressing concern at the delay in introducing the type approval scheme for commercial vehicles, the Freight Transport...
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approval SAYS FTA • Introduction of a commercial vehicle type-approval scheme should be pressed ahead without delay, the...
• Foreign goods vehicles entering Great Britain will be exempt from payment of vehicles excise duty for as long as they remain...
• The start of the campaign against the proposal to allow bigger lorries on British roads was signalled by the Bishop of...
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• The existing 242 four-cylinder and 330 and 363 six-cylinder diesel engines made by the Ford Motor Co. Ltd. as...
• The first Mercedes-Benz passenger vehicle to be fitted with a British body will be exhibited at the Scottish Show opening...
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• In his presidential address to the Freight Transport Association at Eastbourne yesterday, Mr. J. F. Page (J. Lyons and Co....
• Mr. Hugh Wilson, general secretary of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers, has recently been...
• The Minister of Transport, Mr. Fred Mulley, will be the speaker at the anniversary luncheon of the Institute of Transport to...
• Revaluation of the D-mark will lead to increased prices for German commercial vehicles in this country. Volkswagen told CM...
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• A hovertrailer with a payload capacity of 7 tons which can negotiate terrain where a conventional wheeled or tracked vehicle...
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• Vehicle refrigeration equipment for medium-size vehicles is now being marketed in Britain by Locomotors Ltd., Barlovvs Lane,...
• Progress by the Northern Ireland RTITB was revealed in a report on the Board's work to date. given during the course of a...
• Mr. B. S. Pickup, the home sales director of the BLMC truck and bus division, opened Mann Egerton's new £75,000 commercial...
• In 208 closely written pages, CM's John Darker has set out, in a new book, "Transport in Flux", to outline some of the main...
• "Freight flow", a new film illustrating the latest developments in the transportation of unit-load freight by rail and sea,...
• A mass of statistics and information are contained in the 361 pages and 112 tables which comprise the SMMT annual publication...
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Hamburg Container Show from a special correspondent • For sheer size last week's container exhibition at Hamburg would be...
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Coventry chooses individual training • A working party set up by Coventry Corporation Transport to study the introduction of...
• New-style uniforms for bus conductresses are to be issued by the Yorkshire Traction Co. Ltd., following the development of a...
• Dorking UDC has decided that it cannot afford a £25 weekly subsidy asked by London Transport to run a bus service in a...
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• A fixed, compulsory rest day for bus crews, as provided for in the 1968 Transport Act, could not be implemented without...
• Speaking at the end of the 1969 - Look in on Yeates" (CM October 1 7 , Britain's largest exhibition of p,s.v., Mr. Charles...
Larry M. Hotchkies, 33. has been appointed general sales manager, York Trailer Co. Ltd. Mr. Hotchkies was previously...
• Former civil servant Sir Richard Way, who is to be head of London Transport from the beginning of next year, will receive a...
• A suggestion that smaller bus operators might be allowed to operate local services if they applied to the Traffic...
• Monday-Friday RTITB approved residential courses for bus inspectors have been arranged by the Poole Technical College. North...
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• Deciding there was room in London for both big and small multi-bucket operators, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, the Metropolitan LA,...
• An application by F. W. Powell and Sons was granted in Wrexham on Tuesday after it had been amended to meet objections. The...
• At the Metropolitan traffic court on Monday the deputy L.A. Mr. W. Levitt, granted an application by A. E. Robson Ltd. to...
• The Northern LA, Mr. C. R. Hodgson, has removed 13 vehicles and three trailers from the licences of the Liverpool branch of...
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• Lancashire United Transport Ltd. was granted a fares revision in Manchester last week despite the objectors' claim that the...
• Six charges against East Riding Sack Co. Ltd., alleging failure to cause drivers to keep records, six charges of permitting...
• Following the announcement by the LA that he would refuse an application by Mr. G. A. Gittins, of Wrexham, for two vehicles...
• A passenger travelling on Ribble Motor Services Ltd. last week refused to pay a recently imposed penny increase. He said he...
• The annual conference of the National Association of Warehouse Keepers is to be held at the Royal Bath Hotel. Bournemouth,...
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• The British Trailer Co. Ltd., of Phoenix Works, Richmond Road, Trafford Park, Manchester. has a new tandem-axled semitrailer...
• A 500 cu.ft. van based on a Commer 2500 chassis cab is now available following a joint marketing arrangement between Rootes...
• A company to develop and produce automatic transmissions to meet European needs is being formed by two leading manufacturers,...
• Pitney-Bowes Ltd., manufacturer of postage meters and other office machinery, Harlow, Essex, has announced the conclusion of...
• Rootes new 12 month unlimited warranty for passenger cars now covers all new Hillman and Commer vans up to 22cwt payload...
• The Dunlop Maxaret Mk. IIE electronic anti-wheel-locking device is now available for fitting to tractive units, it was...
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• At the Scottish Motor Show, which opens next Friday, the Ford Motor Co. Ltd. will be introducing an extension to its D Series...
• The range of Cummins V6 and V8 diesel engines made in Darlington has been extended with the introduction of the V6-155 and...
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Loads and forces (24) • Vehicles constantly used on steel traffic often have additional lashing or anchor points arranged...
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• The variable purpose semi-trailers made by Merriworth (Engineering) Ltd., of London Road, Stone, Dartford, Kent, have been...
• Syd Abrams Ltd.. Vauxhall/Bedford main dealer in Manchester. has acquired all the assets of the vehicle body business of...
For some three years now I have been trying to get employment as a driver with some of the larger and better haulage companies...
While it is generally agreed that the passing of the wagon and trailer has dried up a source of supply of apprenticed (?)...
I was interested to read the letters (CM October 171 concerning young drivers and h.g.v. as I am 23 and have driven a p.s.v. of...
In "Management Matters" (CM October 24 1969) John Darker refers to ''. . . the NFC's travel empire". This was perhaps a slip of...
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by P. A. C. Brockington, MIMechE THE DEVELOPMENT of a form of anti-lock system which is commercially acceptable may be...
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by the Hawk *Togetherness Nobody who attended last week's luncheon of the removers in London (the BAOFR and NAFWR being in...
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WHAT IS the minimum amount of equipment and capital with which a coach business could be started? Three old coaches and /25? I...
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TODAY is the official birthday of a new range of Bedford light commercial vehicles, every one of which can operate fully laden...
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The money game LIKE MOTHS that fear the candle but cannot leave it alone hauliers return again and again to the subject of...
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THERE ARE many signs that the Road Transport Industry Training Board is running into some very heavy weather. After listening...
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with a lorry which has been plated at 18 tons gross. The haulage is going to be difficult to judge for weight owing to the...
boiling up. I remember that there was an article in CM stating that the by-pass hose from the thermostat should be sealed off...
licence. I am wondering whether I should buy, as a replacement for my present vehicle, a 16-ton g.v.w. rigid suitable for...
A There are two four-wheel-drive cross country models imported into Great Britain, namely the Unimog available from...
course of my business and would be glad if you could explain what TIR carnets are. A These are documents which provide for...
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IN the first article of this series on drawbar trailers I pointed out that the unpopularity of this type, particularly when...
I MENTIONED last week that negotiations towards a common syllabus between the three "traffic" institutes were now a matter of...
S. H. Wilkes Ltd. Cap.: £2,000. Object: To carry on the business of haulage contractors. etc. Subs.: D. Hodgson and R. C. Keen,...
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Simplicity is the keynote of a tappet adjusting tool introduced by SPQR Engineering. The tool needs no adjustment or...
The need to supply "spot" heating for workers in stockyards and other outside areas, and for small warehouses and stores away...
HIPOPE, the tail-lift maker, has added a new folding, sidedpallet to its range of Firmitainer roll-pallets. These are designed...
sets designed to provide a fully comprehensive choice of all types and sizes used in the workshop is announced by T. Williams....
A new Dunlop cross-ply tyre made in sizes suitable for cars and vans has a flat tread claimed to give 10 per cent more mileage....
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A time and labour saving hand tool, designed to place any of three different sizes of Avex break-stem rivets, has been...
The scope for a low-cost method of handling containers has been studied by Trispan Handling 1Whitchurchl. It now produces a...
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A range of ICP-finish spanner sets from T. Williams (Drop Forgings and Tools) is claimed to be up to 50 per cent cheaper than...
A special bracket, designed for use with Pakshelf wall-mounted or double-sided free-standing and floor-to-ceiling shelving...
Polypenco has revised its PTFE brochure for 1969/70. This publication has been up-dated to list more clearly the properties of...
An extinguisher utilizing low toxicity BCF as the extinguishing medium, now available from George Angus, features a simple and...
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Conversion kits suitable for vehicles with either twoor four-headlamp systems, each with high-output quartz-halogen bulbs, will...
The Steering Backlash Indicator introduced by V. L. Churchill allows rapid checks to be made of the free play in c.v. steering...
A handy gadget--the Auto Metric Convertor for drivers travelling on the Continent has been introduced by Freeline. The device...
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A simple electro-magnettc braking device has enabled Shearings Pleasureways Holidays Limited to streamline maintenance...