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Invention No Driver WHAT must undoubtedly be Can Afford to be " recorded as last month's Without brain-wave was observed in a...
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That Britain is now an " ill-fare " state. That an unreliable transport service is no service to traders or the nation. That...
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CLAIMED to be capable of climbing I—. a gradient of 1 in 1.6 with a full load, a 3-ton four-wheel-drive generalservice vehicle...
R EV E NUE of British Road Services for the four weeks ended June 17 last was £5,809,000, compared with £4,655,000 in the...
I N addition to the German exhibits, there will be 40 foreign makes of car and commercial vehicle at the Berlin Motor Show,...
A N application for a wage increase for maintenance staff, which is understood to be substantial, was received by the Road...
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A LTHOUGH the output of private t - 1 cars fell in the first six months of this year, as compared with the first half of 1950,...
MR. R. W. NIELD. district organizer of the Road Haulage Association, has received a presentation from the Hereford sub urea in...
B Y two strokes of the Whitehall pen, sonic £2m. have, within a period of 13 months, been added to our annual fuel bill," said...
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D AYING tribute to Lieut.-Col. H. R. Cauffield-Giles, the - retiring transport mana g er of Newton Chambers and Co, Ltd.,...
T HE THE Kin g 's Bench Divisional Court, week, q uashed the conviction at Manchester of John Parkinson, driver, and his...
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W HEN a West Hartlepool haulier, Mr. J. R. Henderson, and three of his drivers, appeared at West Hartlepool Court - to answer...
R ATHER than seek to raise fares at present, Coventry •Transport Department is to introduce working economies to combat the...
THERE is little hope that South . 1 Africa will be able to increase import allocations for the motor industry. This statement...
Andrews, is occupied by W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., as a garage, but Fife County Territorial and Auxiliary Forces Association...
up at Boston, Mass., is to produce the Oldham Fibrak battery separator under licence. Fibrak separators are being fitted to an...
R EDUCED import duties on commercial vehicles were announced, last week, by Mr. J. R. Jayawardene, Finance Minister of Ceylon....
road transport workers, the Road Haulage Wages Council has published R.H.(37), which sets out the proposed new wage stales....
of "The Commercial Motor," August 4, 1950. to January 26, 1951, are now available price Is. 2d., postage included, from Temple...
A NY further application by thern Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd, to raise fares will be strongly opposed by the...
I T is announced by J. Payen, Ltd., Slough, that the demand for its decarbonizing sets is so far in excess of available...
1 1 the purchase of the Saguenay Autobus Co., Chicoutimi, by the Provincial Transport Co., Montreal. The owner of the Saguenay...
As from August 1, the address of the Traders' Traffic Conference is 124, Cardiff Road, Llandaff, Glamorganshire. The last...
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IN addition to an order from Argentina for the supply, among other vehicles, of 300 Leyland-M.C.W. Olympic chassisless...
process, the advantages of the 13onderite pretreatment of sheet-metal surfaces are made available to those manufacturers whose...
T HERE will he a general discussion on the subject of heat transfer at a conference to be held in London from September 11-13,...
A S announced in "The Commercial Motor" on July 20, 39 A.E.C. single-deckers with Crossley bodies are to be supplied to...
F I'VE motorways proposed by the 1 Minister of Transport are referred to in the recently published 20-year development plan of...
M.P., opened a new maintenance shop recently erected by the Crow Carrying Co., Ltd., Harts Lane, Barking. He remarked that it...
been approved by the Scientific-Technical Council of the Ministry of the U.S.S.R. Automobile and Tractor Industry. It is...
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says 1. J. COTTON M.I.R.T.E. p ERCHED on a 2-ton iron weight attached to an 8-ft-wide chassis travelling at 50 m.p.h. along...
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V Hungary has arranged to produce two types of passenger vehicle, which will be built in the Ikarus factory at Budapest. The...
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Their Hands By a Special Correspondent Who Finds "a Peculiar Relationship Between the Inefficiency of British Road Services,...
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By Alfred Woolf, Full Use of a Zone of Vehicles El Smith's Potato Ltd., to Make Supplies Availabl All Over the C( C OOKED...
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Backing the Wrong Horse The Inherent Possibilities of Mechanical Handling Improve the Prospects of Road Transport's...
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Committee on Road Transport Education (summarized in "The Commercial Motor' for June 22) there emerges the hint of eventual...
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By Alan Smith Delivery Vans Form an Extension of Mechanized Production Lines in a Newly Formed Bottling Company, which Delivers...
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T HE power pack of the fluorescent lighting system produced by Barber Medico-Electronic Laboratories, Ltd., Bournville,...
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A TRIPLE-EXTEMION Telehoist ram, recently introduced by W. W. Jenkins (Cheltenham), Ltd., Swindon Lane, Cheltenham, enables the...
rINLY those who have had the experi ence will know the many difficulties attendant upon shipping or collecting cargo in the...
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In Building up a Charges Schedule from Costing Data Supplied by a Number of Operators, neither Extreme nor Average Figures...
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A COMBINED gearbox and back axle for incorporation in a tractor is shown in patent No, 654,589, by D. Pobjoy, Box Farm,...