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New Taxation Proposals. , D URING TPLE LAST week or so, a fair number of details as to the scheme of taxation under...
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Of the " dryest " show on record. • 0 Of an interesting double cone clutch. Nothing to the discredit of the disc harrow....
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all digoulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is 5y . the...
At the meeting which, will be held tomorrow at 50, Pall Mall, the National Council of the C.M.U.A. will have four important...
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One of the important subjects to be considered at the meeting of the Natiorral Council of the Commercial Motor Users...
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. rho Durham county surveyor has informed the County Council that very serious deterioration has be c ome apparent on many of...
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The Hughes Motor Engineering C of Batligate, will shortly be reconstructed as Hughes Motors, Ltd., with a capital of 2250,000....
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Hoods for Double-deckers. Orders for Agricultural Tractors. T HE INTERVIEW with Mr. Shave in a recent issue of The Camraercial...
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A Description of an Interesting Device Which Enables Motor Vehicles to Manoeuvre in a Confined Space. rrET.E MOTOR VEHICLE as...
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T HE principal problem in connection with the design of an efficient car. huretter is that of circumventing the natural...
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A NEW MODEL 1-ton Fiat lorry is now being marketed by Fiat Motors, Ltd . :, of Turin and Wembley, the chassis being known as...
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Incidental to Nottingham's proposed extension of munieilial boundaries and the powers which are 'being sought alternatively,...
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A Description of the Central Control Lorry System Adopted by the Great Eastern Railway to Reduce Terminal Delays. P ROBABLY...
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Details of the Latest Model with a Single Sleeve-valve Engine Dux Gearbox and F. J. Worm Gear. ALEDON MOTORS, LTD:, have been...
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Some Promising Aspects of the Developments at the Skinningrove Iron Works. I F WE PAUSE to consider that, for over 100 years,...
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Some Reasons Why the Possibilities of Petrol and Steam Vehicles Must Not be Disregarded. T HE WRITER OF recent articles in The...
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A New Model to be Built on Quantity Production Lines. T HE NEW AUSTIN LORRY which has, for some considerable time past, been...
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The Automobile Association is very disappointed over the result of its £1,000 coal-gas competition, which it inaugurated early...
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Cost of Tractor and Horse-ploughing . Compared. A S I HAVE before stated in these columns, the coniparison of work done by...
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The Scheme of the Research Association of British Rubber and Tyre Manufacturers Outlined. A e 1.all LENGTHY negotiations be...
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Aircraft Exhibitions Abroad. T HE RECENT AIRCRAFT exhibitions in Paris and America have not done much to assist us in looking...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford "). W HEN I LAST wrote, I was putting myself in the position of the Ford...
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EN SHILLINGS is paid to the sender of any letter which we publish on this page, and an EXTRA FIVE SHILLINGS to the sender of...
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A Résumé of Recently published Patents. There is undoubtedly something fascinating in the idea of an infinitely graded...