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A SOUND beginning to its real work of developing means for educating the public . and others in the value of road transport and...
the tssue of licences at reduced rates when vehicles are to be operated only in specified areas, is being put forward to the...
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M ANY requests have been received for the names of makers of fittings by which coal-gas can be utilized. A small compressor for...
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"The wheels' of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The second edition of "The Rights and Duties of Transport Undertakings," by H. Berm Davis, MA., and P. M. Landau, LL.B."...
Limit on Petrol Stations on New Road. The highways committee of Lanes County Council considers that some limitation is...
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SALFORD Corporation recommends the purchase of an International tractor. TEDDINGTON Urban District Council is recommended to...
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The transport committee of Manchester Corporation is to proceed with the extension of the Parker Street bus station. * The...
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LIGHT GOODS BODIES The Possibilities of the 7-9 h.p. Chassis. Attractive Coachwork to Suit the Needs of the Tradesman or Com...
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Technical Description of the Tangye VM6 Engine; Omo Patent Combus tion Chamber Gives a High Measure of Efficiency and Smooth...
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S OME interesting remarks upon the competition between the rail and the road were made last Monday at a meeting of the...
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A Striking Supplement to the Report Issued in October by the Conference of National Organizations A S a supplement to the "...
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I NCLUDED in the wide range of engineering products of John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., Leeds, are trailers of various types,...
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A BRITISH FUEL PUMP I T is possible this week to place before our readers full information concerning the activities of Bryce,...
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Subjected to Test An Account of a Satisfactory All-round Performance Put Up by the New 3Ponner in Normal-control Form....
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The Editor, THE COMAIERCIAL.MOTOR. L39781 Sir,—I am perfectly confident that an association can be formed for the sole...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3979] Sir,—Would you be kind enough to forward a copy of your Tables of Operating Costs? I...
Vie Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3980] Sir,—The articles by " S.T.R." are particularly interesting, and I have often wished...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. 13981] Sir,—I notice in your issue of January 27 a letter from Mr. Goddard in which he...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3982] Sir,—Are you not missing a very vital point when you state that "the ultimate...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3983] Sir,—With reference to Section 19 of the Road Traffic Act (1930), this is surely best...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3984] Sir,—We beg to refer to the letter of Mr. Michael Field-Richards on the subject of...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3985] Sir, — In your issue of The Commercial Motor dated December 2, under "Opinions and...
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COL. REDMAN'S FIRST CONFERENCE ON PASSENGER TRANSPORT Several Subjects Discussed at Meeting Initiated, by Mr. 0. C. Power A S...
IMPORTANT RULING ON INSURANCE: OVERLADEN BUSES. A RULING on the important ease, reported in our issue dated January 20,...
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AN important announcement concern ing the fares to be charged on services radiating from certain sections of the Metiopolitan...
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THE Parliamentary committee of Lanes County Council reports that the Salford Corporation Bill. seeks Powers for the running of...
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THE; Western Traffic Commissioners have ..ranted to the Bristol Tramways an d Carriage Co., Ltd., shortperiod licences for...
MHE following are the times and places announced by Area Traffic Commissioners for their forthcoming public sittings. In each...
S OME practical features are incorporated in the design of the latest type of destination-indicator gear manufactured by the...
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Activity in Timber. Big Increase in Wool Trade Expected. Coal Industry Busy. Cotton in Demand T HE cold weather followed by...
MENDERS are invited by :—Rotherham R.D.C. for road-making materials and mechanical haulage. Apply to Mr. A. E. 'Gant, engineer...
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The Paris Agricultural Show • Oil Engines Well to the Fore. Several New Models of Tractor. The Most Important Exhibition of...
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A Rdsumd of Recently Published Patent Specifications I TT is now generally recognized that of the most important factors in...