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An Association For Owner-drivers.
The Editor, THE COMAIERCIAL.MOTOR. L39781 Sir,—I am perfectly confident that an association can be formed for the sole interest of the ownerdriver ; to own its clearing houses,......
The "cm." As Indispensable As Fuel.
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3979] Sir,—Would you be kind enough to forward a copy of your Tables of Operating Costs? I may add that your valuable paper is as......
Comments From New Zealand.
Vie Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3980] Sir,—The articles by " S.T.R." are particularly interesting, and I have often wished we could get a few more dealing with the practical......
Direct-injection V. Pre-combustion-chamber Engines.
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. 13981] Sir,—I notice in your issue of January 27 a letter from Mr. Goddard in which he classifies the Wiseman engine with various other......
British-built V. British-owned.
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3982] Sir,—Are you not missing a very vital point when you state that "the ultimate destination of profits (i.e., to a foreign country) can......
Legalized Blackmail.
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3983] Sir,—With reference to Section 19 of the Road Traffic Act (1930), this is surely best described as above, inasmuch as the law now allows......