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W E HAVE HAD THE PLEASURE of listening at the Royal Society of Arts to Captain AcIand's paper on the principles underlyin g the...
SIX-CYLINDER engined commercial vehicle ! An ei g ht-cylinder, even! The idea is not a, new one, A six-cylinder char-h-bancs...
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T HE PRESENT regulations as regards the provision of lamps on motor vehicles are, of course ; of a temporary character, from...
0 NE WOULD have supposed that one of the outstanding lessons of manufacture, during the past four years, would have been that...
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That Southwark B.C. is riot in British .Columbia. That if food prices go up we ,shall have to put less down. OE a new method...
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One of the reasons why benzole is not so, readily obtainable by motor vehicle -6wners is simply the delay on the part of...
At the Belfast Agricultural Show, which opened. in the - Balmoral Show • Grounds at Delfa.,st on Wednesday last for three days,...
The report of the directors of Straker-Squire, LW., for a period covering 15 months ended March 31st, 1919, shows, after...
Driving along the Chelmsford-Colchester main road in a motor omnibus, the Mayor of Colchester, Mr. George F. Wright, with...
The Select Committee on London Traffic which Mr. Boner Law promised recently is being rapidly set up. It is expected that its...
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, A problem which is causing concern to Canadian manufacturers is the condition of the roads in the Dominion. They are...
The West Ham Tramways Committee recommend a reconstruction of certain tramway tracks in the district at an estimated cost of...
Be Dion-Bauton, Ltd., has recently been registered with an authorized share capital of £160,000 divided into 80,000 ordinary...
One of the special and particular ad, vantages of the S.M.M. and T. tractor trials is that the arrangements permit of entire...
At a meeting of the L.C.C. recently, Mr. H. H. Gordon, who proposed the' substantial estimate of £250,000 for improvements,...
In the .House of Commons last week, Lieut.-Colonel A. Burgoyne asked the Secretary for War whether the Army authorities still...
. The . Bath Electric Tramways Co., Ltd.'s traffic returns for the past year show an increase over the preceding year of...
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On Wednesday last the Executive of the County Council Association made preliminary arrangements for the Roads and Transport...
The directors of Vandvs, Ltd of Notting Hill Gate, have approached the Government, through Mr. Clem Edwards, lki:P., with an...
The Prefect of Police has now authorized taxi-sidecars to ply for hire in Paris for 18 months as an experiment. There will be a...
The Board of Agriculture and the Road Board have appointed a joint subcommittee to arrange for experiments to be carried out to...
Tate's Central Garage have acquired extensive central premises in the Bull Ring, Wakefield, and are having these put in order...
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The Midland Motorbus Co., Ltd., are pursuing a policy of sound and progressive expansion in their attempts to meet the...
In response to Government representations the Forfar District Committee have undertakea a large programme of road repairs and...
It has now been decided that the whole of the motor vehicles owned by the American armies in France will be turned over to the...
Those who have had painful experience of the bad state of many of the roads running through Leicestershire will welcome the...
In the early days of the war colliery owners and miners in Notts and Derbyshire subscribed generously to the Dennis Bayiey Fund...
A conference on " Go-partnership in Industry" is being held under the auspices of the Industrial Reconstruction Council to-day,...
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A very simple and neat device for testing sparkin g plugs is now being put on the market by Messrs. Leo Ripault and Co., of 1,...
In these days of demolition and reconstruction there are not a few of us who welcome any evidence of the retention of old...
Gnosall (Staffs.) R.D.C. is to purchase a .motor trailer for haulage purposes. Louth R.D.C. is to purchase two steam wagons at...
W. and A. Bates, Ltd., St. Mary's Mills, Leicester, inform us that Mr. J. Kirsop, of Glasgow, has joined their solid tyre sales...
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Unpromising Commercial Aviation. By the Inspector. I HAVE BEEN rather taken to task on previous occasions, ranging back to...
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Over. 100 Commercial Vehicles Used at the Birmingham Depot for Delivery, Passenger-service and Tyre-testing Purposes. E do not...
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Further Notes on the System Described in the Last Issue of "The Commercial Motor." that circle know , . mg anything of the...
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No. 5. —Aeroplane or Motor Vehicle ? S O MUCH public attention has recently been devoted to commercial aeronautics that many...
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By Grarville F. Bilbrough.
received in some quarters appears to be giving way to grave misgiving upon reflection. It was welcomed in the expectation that...
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T HE REWARD for the persistency of Lord Cowdray and those associated with him in the oil-seeking enterprise in England was...
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Mr. S. F. Edge on the General Utility of the Big Machine. I HAVE READ the remarks in The Inspector's Notebook" on the subject...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of " The Book of the FOrd"). I N WINTER, I like the driving seat of the Ford. It is so warm and...
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• A PliIZE OF TEN SlilLLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which we publish on this page ; all otherz...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. With four-stroke engines employing super-charging, and particularly in...