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Why Benzole Is Scarce.
One of the reasons why benzole is not so, readily obtainable by motor vehicle -6wners is simply the delay on the part of customers and railway companies in returning the empty......
The Belfast Show.
At the Belfast Agricultural Show, which opened. in the - Balmoral Show • Grounds at Delfa.,st on Wednesday last for three days, the motor-vehicle exhibits made . quite a brave......
Straker-squire Report.
The report of the directors of Straker-Squire, LW., for a period covering 15 months ended March 31st, 1919, shows, after providing for all expenses, including directors' fees......
Omnibus Wireless.
Driving along the Chelmsford-Colchester main road in a motor omnibus, the Mayor of Colchester, Mr. George F. Wright, with wireless telephony receivers to his ears, one day last......
London Traffic Committee.
The Select Committee on London Traffic which Mr. Boner Law promised recently is being rapidly set up. It is expected that its membership will include Mr. Bowerman, Mr. Will......