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The Roads Congress.
On Wednesday last the Executive of the County Council Association made preliminary arrangements for the Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition to be held in November at the......
Vandys's Offer 'to Relieve . London Traffic.
The directors of Vandvs, Ltd of Notting Hill Gate, have approached the Government, through Mr. Clem Edwards, lki:P., with an offer to under take the commercial risks of running......
Paris Taxi-sidecars.
The Prefect of Police has now authorized taxi-sidecars to ply for hire in Paris for 18 months as an experiment. There will be a fixed charge of 5d..for the first 670 yards or......
Effect Of Road Tar On Fish.
The Board of Agriculture and the Road Board have appointed a joint subcommittee to arrange for experiments to be carried out to ascertain whether there is any foundation for the......
Wakefield Agents.
Tate's Central Garage have acquired extensive central premises in the Bull Ring, Wakefield, and are having these put in order within the next two months. The position is an......