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W HILST it can be accepted generally that the broader principles of materials handling techniques are now understood in road...
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T HE Ministry of Transport announced yesterday that from January 1, 1967, all new commercial vehicles will have to meet the...
A SPECIAL 150-ton, 64-wheel, low-loading machinery trailer has been delivered to Pickfords Ltd. by Crane Fruehauf Trailers...
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3LANS for a series of courses to improve the quality of management the road haulage industry are to be iscussed by Strathclyde...
T HE Minister of Labour, Mr. Ray Gunter, last week approved the fifth training levy in the Industrial Training Act. It was for...
A S well as the familiar kerb parking and width-judgment tests there will be a new version of the loading-bay lest and a...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT LTHOUGH British hauliers have a good deal to learn from their Con,nental colleagues as regards...
Holdings (1965) Ltd. (the newly formed subsidiary of the Transport Holding Company) has now been sent out for the ordinary...
LAIMED to produce 50 per cent more light than the British pre-focused iulb normally fitted to auxiliary spot and og lamps, a...
TWO new moves are under considera lion to break the latest deadlock over the introduction of liner trains. They follow the...
(Authorization of Special Types) ( Amendment ) Order 1965, No. 1624 came into operation. This clarifies the position re g...
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:IN Depot -r-HE warehousing and dis tribution function, which in recent years has become closely integrated, is well...
E XPANSION of the headquarters 1-4 depot of Atlas Express Ltd., in Canon Beck Road, Bermondsey, London, has been accompanied by...
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A S part of a plan to improve standards of vehicle maintenance, the Western area maintenance advisory committee has drawn up a...
road transport subjects will be held in May, 1966, and classes in preparation will be held from September onwards at Colleges...
B ULK haulage of grain by rail from east and south-east England centres to distilleries in Moray and Speyside is planned under...
ack " traffic awaiting its turn to conic irward for loading. The honeycomb rstem used at Canon Beck Road is a ever but simple...
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QINCE publication of the interim report os-. 7 on road haulage rates on June 28, the National Board for Prices and Incomes has...
CONTINUED expansion of road haulage interests in 1964 is reported by the chairman of Coast Lines Ltd. in his annual statement....
T HEMinister of Transport has dismissed an appeal by Graham Brothers and R. and M. Bissett Ltd. against a decision of the...
A DDITIONAL facilities have been PA granted to coach operators J. Fishwick and Sons, of Leyland, Lanes, by the North Western...
A NY further development in Yorkshire of a mixture of stage carriage and express bus services, such as are now being operated...
drawn from an application by Chambers and Cook Ltd., at Birmingham on Wednesday, to add eight vehicles to their A licence by...
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LONDON haulage company was fined a total of £20 plus 5 gns, costs 3.treenwich Court last week for nine aces of failing to keep...
ECENT figures published on the operation of the Agreed Joint eedure during the year ended June 5, 5. 'confirm that the RRNC are...
Rule Tribunal The Licensing Authority only intended to emphasize the importance of an applicant for a carrier's licence taking...
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'THE Tribunal, in another written judgment, has, as already reported, dismissed the appeal of Hod(lam Transport Ltd., of...
TH: recent decision of the West and ast Midland Traffic Commissioners to allow Midland Red to increase their fare scales (" The...
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JSES up to 32 ft. long will be allowed to tow trailers if approval iven to a revised memorandum on this lea which has been...
ISITORS to the Isle of Man are being asked to fill in a transport questionnaire help a commission appointed by the ttenant...
HE purchase of six single-decker buses for delivery in 1966 is proed by Darlington Corporation Transt. It is reported that the...
Kingwell. has formed a new ;patty known as Croydon Coaches Ltd., ch incorporates the former Croydon ches. Together with his own...
RESOLUTION FOR CONSIDERATION BY COUNCIL I - 1 A FULL resolution from the transport committee regarding the proposed switch to...
one-man bus operation, Sunderland Corporation Transport has ordered, subject to approval by the Town Council, 30 Leyland...
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From a European Correspondent O N Wednesday a smoke-depressant fuel-oil additive was announced by the Shell company of...
A TOTAL of £2-5m. is to be spent by ENV Engineering Co. Ltd. and Eaton Axles Ltd. on an expansion programme which, it is...
T HE 90 Leyland Atlante,ans for Oporto Tramways Services, whose order was announced last week, will have an 18 ft. 6 in....
A NEW tandem-drive, two-axle bogie designed for tractive units running at 32 tons gross train weight has been added to the...
F ORD truck dealers operating in remote areas of the country do not always find it easy to release members of their staff to...
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liSED on 20 depots in Holland, five lepots in Germany and three in glum, the fleet operated by Reimann, t and Kersken's...
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'THE conveyor body introduced last 1 year by the Cranford Engineering Co. (Mere Platt, Knutsford, Cheshire) for handling...
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nolERHAPS the greatest growth in the I field of bulk transport in the past five years has been on the dry product side. It has...
TRACTIVE units with built-in fork-lifts I are likely to be on sale next year. I-1BR Metal Industries Ltd., of Sunbury-onThames,...
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Mr. S. J. Hooper has been appointed principal staff assistant, with the rank of principal executive assistant, in the...
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and Publications hide/Portable Radio from Philips PlY added to the wide range of vehicle radios made by Philips Electrical...
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Grinding Equipment Part 1 A LTHOUGH now in regular use during I – I vehicle manufacture and repair, the grinding wheel was...
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Reciprocation is no bogy, according to Mr. E. W. M. Britain of Fodens, who puts the case for the piston engine in competition...
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, 1 EFORE speculating on any future developments in handling in road transport it may be helpful to consider the motives which...
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country today is remarkable, and it is difficult to visualize any handling problem which has not already been solved by the...
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Ernest Holmes (Plant Hire) Ltd., 43 Berkeley Street, Birmingham I, are the sole importers and distributors of Fiat OM fork-lift...
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BY ASHLEY TAYLOR, Quick Release AS minutes are precious for those who who have the job of releasing trapped victims of...