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Amey Group Expand At Frome With
:IN Depot -r-HE warehousing and dis tribution function, which in recent years has become closely integrated, is well exemplified in the new Frome depot of the Amey Group Ltd.,......
Carousels And Honeycombs
E XPANSION of the headquarters 1-4 depot of Atlas Express Ltd., in Canon Beck Road, Bermondsey, London, has been accompanied by a complete reorganization and the introduction of......
Checking Vehicle Standards
A S part of a plan to improve standards of vehicle maintenance, the Western area maintenance advisory committee has drawn up a maintenance schedule and inspection record ft5rm.......
Rsa Examinations E Xaminations Of The Royal Society Of...
road transport subjects will be held in May, 1966, and classes in preparation will be held from September onwards at Colleges of Further Education throughout the country. The......
Scottish Bulk Grain Traffic Expanding
B ULK haulage of grain by rail from east and south-east England centres to distilleries in Moray and Speyside is planned under a scheme now nearing completion between British......
Enlarged Atlas Express Headquarters
ack " traffic awaiting its turn to conic irward for loading. The honeycomb rstem used at Canon Beck Road is a ever but simple way of tackling this. As the drawing shows, on the......