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Scottish Courses In Road Haulage Management P
3LANS for a series of courses to improve the quality of management the road haulage industry are to be iscussed by Strathclyde University, Glasow, and the Scottish area of the......
Fifth Training Levy Approved
T HE Minister of Labour, Mr. Ray Gunter, last week approved the fifth training levy in the Industrial Training Act. It was for a levy on employers in the.shipbuilding industry......
Bull's-eyes And New Bay Test In Ldoy Final Contest
A S well as the familiar kerb parking and width-judgment tests there will be a new version of the loading-bay lest and a completely new "bull's-eyes" test in the final......
Jic Leads Continent In Transport Education
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT LTHOUGH British hauliers have a good deal to learn from their Con,nental colleagues as regards driver raining, it is clear that in most West......
Tayforth Offer Goes Out A Formal Offer On Behalf Of Tayforth
Holdings (1965) Ltd. (the newly formed subsidiary of the Transport Holding Company) has now been sent out for the ordinary shares of Tayforth Ltd.......
New, More Powerful Lamp Bulbs
LAIMED to produce 50 per cent more light than the British pre-focused iulb normally fitted to auxiliary spot and og lamps, a tungsten-iodine bulb leveloped by Mazda was......
New Liner Train Moves P
TWO new moves are under considera lion to break the latest deadlock over the introduction of liner trains. They follow the refusal of the executive of the National Union of......
One And The Same Attendant Tuesday The Motor Vehicles
(Authorization of Special Types) ( Amendment ) Order 1965, No. 1624 came into operation. This clarifies the position re g arding attendants by providin g that an attendant under......