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T HE fact that an inebriated driver is a deadly danger on the roads, not only to himself, but, worse still, to every other road...
"Tied-houses" Fight in Australia . : A USTRALIA is not taking so kindly to the development of one-brand - fuel stations as is...
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Hears— That now it is more often the car with the crumpled horn. That cheaper plastic materials are taking the hide off some...
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But Stockholm Orders 200 IT is , understood .that Stockholms . Sparvagar, the municipal transport undertakingi. 'has oeitered...
IN the New Year Honours. Mr. Robert F. Frykirs, chairman and managing director, A.C.V. Sales, Ltd., becomes, a Knight Bachelor....
1 -- IN Monday thc Road .1-faulagc: Executive announced that in future , its vehicles are to be fitted With two' rear lights,...
A ' part of its plan for the co-ordination of road and rail, the British Transport Commission has established a traffic...
THE ceremony of introducing Mobil1 gas to this country was performed. on Tuesday by Mr. John Cobb, holder of the world's speed...
T HE home sales organization of A.C.V. Sales, Ltd., is now being operated tinder a scheme in which the country is divided into...
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A PROTOTYPE 100 b.h.p. gas turbine for road transport operation is now being developed by the Rover Co., Ltd., Birmingham. It...
ORRY drivers were criticized for Ll their use of spot lights by a member of Birmingham Chamber of Commerce at a council meeting...
" U NFORESEEN difficulties arising from the complete change of design and increased dimensions of passenger Service vehicles...
"T APPEAL to the Government to 1 review the allocation of commercial vehicles to the home market," said Sir George Kenning,...
If between Specialloid, Ltd., and Mr. A. P. Good, chairman of Associated British Engineering, Ltd., for raising additional...
January 1. The following are the charges, with purchase tax, for some typical Morris commercial vehicles :5-cwt. van,...
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A LTHOUGH it had been the intention of Westcliff-on-Sea Motor Services, Ltd., to take over the services of City Coach Co.,...
n ETAILS have been given of the 1-of financial plight of Plymouth Transport Department, which has suffered the most difficult...
COLLOWING prolonged debate in 1 the Assemblee Nationale, the French Government has revised its approach to road transport. The...
After having been in operation since 1939, petrol rationing ceased in Eire on Tuesday. On Sunday (January 6) three more...
MR. W. E. MESSENGER, ASSOC.INST.T., formerly transport manager of Burslem and District Industrial Co-operative Society, has...
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PPLY1NG to the North-western IA Licensing Authority for a 15-percent. increase in fares, the second application in a year,...
cent. Increase ? These are the first increases applied for by the company since the conversion from tram to motorbus working....
London area were sending their learner-drivers to the training centre of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents at...
"THE Minister of Transport is con sidering representations for the detailed adjustment of certain provisions of the Motor...
A CONFERENCE in Paris is proposed by the French Government to set up a European transport pool. The Government's plan aims at...
SS PEAKING at the annual dinner of the Coventry sub-area of the Road Haulage Association, Mr. R. Morton Mitchell, chief...
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WHILST Hamilton Town Council's WV bus advisory committee supported an application by J. Laurie and Co. to run a direct service...
manager of Coventry Transport Department, Mr. R. A. Fearnley, are embodied in 40 new DaimlerM.C.W. double-deckers, delivery of...
WHEN Rae's Coaches (Wishaw), Ltd., W applied to the Scottish Licensing Authority to run a 20-minute circular service in the...
B Y using two hard-chromium rings in conjunction with a cast-iron piston ring, it is claimed that groove wear is virtually...
A PRECIS of one of the most interesting papers ever written on the subject of passenger-vehicle suspension appeared in "The...
U NDER the name of Signaflex, D. H. Bonnella and Son, Ltd., 46-48, Osnaburgh Street, London, N.W.I, is producing and marketing...
WO of the latest British Standards, I B.S. 1802 and B.S. 1798 respectively, cover spring washers and terminology concerning gas...
A TOTAL of 103,509 vehicles had been carried on the Preston-Larne ferry service in its five years of operation, said Lt.-Col....
A NEW library for engineering students is to be opened shortly by the Leicester College of Technology and Commerce, and the...
A NEW tour is to be operated by the Western Welsh Omnibus Co, Ltd., in 1952. Lasting six days, it will embrace the Derbyshire...
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In Denationalizing Road Haulage, the Government May Find it Expedient to Set up a Small Number of Large Long-distance Units By...
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PIA N outfit recently supplied to the Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., for the oilfields of Seria, has a Scammell longwheelbase...
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THE latest addition to the fleet of the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., Gateshead-on-Tyne, is a singledecker, weighing...
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Steady,. Unsensat] velopment has Policy and Hif. Thames Valley Co., Ltd, Withou tionary Methods, pany is Pro gressi Model of...
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An Investigation into a Number of Patents Selected at Random Reveals that the Majority of them has Reached the Practical...
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B Y being able to stack 1,500 casks of tobacco where formerly only 800 could be accommodated, fork-lift trucks have played an...
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Apartheid By JANUS S OMEBODY recently criticized road-safety publicity on the grounds that it dramatized the subject and...
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Comprehensive Costing of a Dutch Fleet Reveals Economy of British Oilengined Lorries By L. J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. A N important...
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Although the Inspectors Recommended that they be Upheld, Two Recent Railway Appeals have been Dismissed : A Cooperative...
INDICATIONS that Canadian National Railways may shortly enter road haulage were given recently by Mr. Donald Gordon, president...
cELF-LOADING vehicles having tipping semi-trailer bodies, were recently delivered by Leyland Motors, Ltd., to the Anglo Iranian...
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A N Ac (A.E.C.) Mammoth Major, which can be used for semi-trailer work or for vehicle recovery duties, formed a recent delivery...
A MANULECTRIC I-ton pedestrianPi controlled battery electric refuse collector constructed throughout ef . light alloy and...
ENER A L recommendations co n cerning the ventilation of premises where welding is done are given in "The Health of Welders" by...
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"The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Describes a Simple Method • by Means of Which a Haulier Can Keep Account of Current...
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o ventilate.lx)th decks of a double1 decker without materially absorbing valuable space, is the aim of a scheme disclosed by R....