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City Co.'s Transfer Not Completed
A LTHOUGH it had been the intention of Westcliff-on-Sea Motor Services, Ltd., to take over the services of City Coach Co., Ltd., last Monday, permission for the transfer had......
Plymouth Losing £1,000 A Week
n ETAILS have been given of the 1-of financial plight of Plymouth Transport Department, which has suffered the most difficult year in its history. In the year ended March 31,......
French Road Transport Gains Some Points
COLLOWING prolonged debate in 1 the Assemblee Nationale, the French Government has revised its approach to road transport. The price of petrol has been reduced by five francs......
In A Line Or Two
After having been in operation since 1939, petrol rationing ceased in Eire on Tuesday. On Sunday (January 6) three more Liverpool tram routes are due for con• version to......
Men In The News
MR. W. E. MESSENGER, ASSOC.INST.T., formerly transport manager of Burslem and District Industrial Co-operative Society, has become transport manager of the Carbon Dioxide Co.,......