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"political" Charge At Scottish Inquiry
WHILST Hamilton Town Council's WV bus advisory committee supported an application by J. Laurie and Co. to run a direct service between Hamilton and High Blantyre, the council......
Coventry's New Daimlers Qpecial Features Devised By The...
manager of Coventry Transport Department, Mr. R. A. Fearnley, are embodied in 40 new DaimlerM.C.W. double-deckers, delivery of which commenced last week. The vehicles are......
No Opportunity For Newcomers
WHEN Rae's Coaches (Wishaw), Ltd., W applied to the Scottish Licensing Authority to run a 20-minute circular service in the Bellshill-Orbiston area, the company's representative......
Piston-groove Protection
B Y using two hard-chromium rings in conjunction with a cast-iron piston ring, it is claimed that groove wear is virtually eliminated. The chromium rings do not act as normal......
All About Suspension
A PRECIS of one of the most interesting papers ever written on the subject of passenger-vehicle suspension appeared in "The Commercial Motor" on December 29, 1950. The complete......
Rock Device In Production
U NDER the name of Signaflex, D. H. Bonnella and Son, Ltd., 46-48, Osnaburgh Street, London, N.W.I, is producing and marketing the Rock patent signalling system for buses. This......
Latest British Standards
WO of the latest British Standards, I B.S. 1802 and B.S. 1798 respectively, cover spring washers and terminology concerning gas quantities in internal-combustion engines. They......
103,509 Vehicles Carried By Ferry
A TOTAL of 103,509 vehicles had been carried on the Preston-Larne ferry service in its five years of operation, said Lt.-Col. F, Bustard, when he lectured to the Institute of......
• College Wants Technical Books
A NEW library for engineering students is to be opened shortly by the Leicester College of Technology and Commerce, and the chief librarian wishes to obtain a comprehensive......
New Western Welsh Tour
A NEW tour is to be operated by the Western Welsh Omnibus Co, Ltd., in 1952. Lasting six days, it will embrace the Derbyshire dales and the Yorkshire moors, touching the Peak......