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• "We're heading for a hell of a recession." Not much of a New Year's greeting is it? Still, that's the response from one of...
• Our 330-page Buyer's Guide combines the familiar — and invaluable — Tables of Operating Costs with comprehensive CV...
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• The European Championship truck racing meetings have been provisionally arranged for 21/22 April at Brands Hatch; 12/13 May...
• Roy Bowles, Road Haulage Association chairman and managing director of Roy Bowles Transport, is among road transport figures...
• Half of the hauliers questioned in the latest exclusive Commercial Motor survey have been unable to increase their rates over...
• A new motorway slip road linking the M40 with the M42 has been condemned as "an invitation to suicide" by a local MP —...
• A Freight Transport Association survey reveals that almost 60% of artic operators said they would take advantage of the 16.5m...
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/ Industrial action by Traffic Area Offices staff is likely if the Government refuses to follow industry recommendations about...
• Government plans to use new technology to enforce road traffic law have been largely welcomed by the Freight Transport...
leaving the company. He will be replaced by Michael Vargas, currently vicepresident of the defence and special products...
VEB IFAKombinat Personenkraftwagen to jointly produce light CVs. VEB has been making VW engines under licence since 1988.
acquire Taskmasters Cleansing Services, which holds waste collection contracts with several local authorities.
take on staff in the first quarter of 1990, says the latest quarterly survey from employment services company Manpower — and...
lower-revving 38-tonne tractive unit in its G range. The G320 is almost identical to the current G290 except that its 9.8-litre...
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• The Road Haulage Association has called for the return of capital allowances and the raising of the corporation tax threshold...
• On Christmas Day the level of carbon monoxide in London's air dropped by over 65% compared with the previous Monday,...
• Transport Secretary Cecil Parkinson and Environment Secretary Chris Patten are meeting to discuss the effect of traffic...
• Four former managers of that defunct NH: subsidiary Fleetcare have been cleared of swindling "enormous" sums out of British...
build the second Severn Crossing which is due to open within five or six years. Transport Secretary Cecil Parkinson is expected...
• VL Bus & Coach has won a ,2.5 million order from South Yorkshire Transport for 50 Citybus single-deck 5.5m chassis, which...
• Hauliers transporting any kind of waste will have to apply for a licence from the Waste Regulation Authority, under tough new...
• The London Boroughs Transport Scheme has launched its appeal against last year's High Court ruling which criticised the...
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• Legislative delays will prevent operators from using 16.5m artics until mid-February at the earliest, says the Department of...
• Leyland Daf expects to learn within the next eight weeks if it has won a 5,000truck deal with the Saudi Arabian army. The...
a range of sixto eight-litre diesel engines. The two companies aim to minimise noise, pollution and fuel consumption, but the...
with over 21% of the UK HGV mar ket and that 23.8% of the trucks registered here in November had Cummins diesels, a record for...
• Trailer Train has signed a technology licence with Norwegian State Railways and one of its major suppliers, EB Strommens...
• An electric-powered version of the Sevel van, sold in this country as the Peugeot Talbot Express, the Citroen C25, and the...
• Tighter vehicle emission controls are on the way. Department of Transport regulations will require operators to keep engines...
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1 Plans by Sealink and P&O, he two biggest cross-Channel ?.rry operators, to operate a int service to compete with he Channel...
1 Scottish Road Services has on a contract with Co-Op tores in Scotland. To service the contract it as acquired 29 liveried...
I Rockwood Holdings has ltered the terms of its proosed acquisition of shipping nd freight forwarding group lterfreight K (CM...
• London-based removals company Tooth Transport has been acquired by Corfield in a deal which combines the two companies'...
• Securicor Express Parcels has merged its Dutch operation with two transport and express parcels companies in the Netherlands,...
▪ The Government's three-year plan for the railways forecasts an increase in profits at Railfreight from 22 million a year to...
• United Parcel Service (UPS) has launched a document and package delivery service to five East European cities: Moscow in the...
III Volvo truck dealer Crossroads Group is building a £2 million headquarters and workshops on a 3.4ha greenfield site near...
• Following its successful trial of Fuelink cards in the East Midlands, British Fuel Company (BFL) is now promoting the use of...
MA .23 niillion, 4,000m 2 cargo terminal is planned for the South Jet t y Berth at Dover's Eastern Docks to attract more...
• Hadleigh Industries, the Ipswich automotive and engineering group, has completed its acquisition of the Lynton Group.
• The economic climate is likely to have a "disadvantageous effect" on Hunter Distribution's activities during the company's...
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• The Government has set tough service targets for London Regional Transport, which has been ordered to tighten up on the...
• The first Dennis Javelin buses to be fitted with air suspension have joined Eastern Counties in Norwich. The five-vehicle...
ordered 40 Scania doubledeck buses worth 23.6 million for delivery during this summer.
• Welsh bus operator Clayton Jones Group has had a revocation order on its licences reinstated by the Transport Tribunal (CM...
• A Northern Countiesbodied Renault PR100 has started service trials with East London Bus and Coach, a subsidiary of London...
• Maintenance problems have led to the number of vehicles on Aintree-based Powney Coaches' PSV 0Licence being cut from 27 to 20...
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• A bid for a new licence by Susan Carolyn O'Neill, of Elinesthorpe, near Earl Shilton, Leicestershire, has been withdrawn....
• Darnsden-based owner-driver John Berry withdrew his appeal against his conviction on tachograph offences at the last minute,...
• The decision in the case involving P&A I laulage and one of its drivers has been set aside (CM 14-20 December 1988). It is...
1 a An unsatisfactory fleet inspection, and the unathorised use of vehicles, have led to the licence of Harrogatebased Derek...
• If Shadwell Construction cannot find a suitable operating centre for its 24-tonne vehicle within six months, it will be...
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• Volkswagen's attack on the one-tonne pickup market with its Taro, a badged version of the Toyota Hilux, will after all be hit...
• Ford and Volkswagen are investigating the feasibility of collaborating to develop a multi-purpose vehicle along the lines of...
• Overall sales at Citroen are expected to rise to 27.13 billion this year; setting an all-time record for the company....
• Leyland Daf vans has produced a new SVO brochure illustrating the many body styles and options available on its 200 and 400...
• Electronically-controlled diesel pumps should be available in light commercials within the next five years. This is...
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they skip about laughing and joking as they keep track of an entire fleet and a mountain of paperwork. Then there's Allan...
some kids from Derby found out when Lynx drove a simulated mountain into town. As part of an activity day which raised £300...
Glasgow schoolboy Christopher Campbell was given a powered wheelchair when he visited ERF's stand at the Scottish Motor Show....
sell it with music. According to one Anglesey Volvo car dealer, a few bars of Beethoven acts like magic on potential customers,...
lveco Ford has supplied Branson's eco-organisation UK 2000 with a truck to scour the city for recycled waste. Up to 8,000...
near Wrexham, Clwyd, have a message for the driver of an articulated lorry which jack-knifed on the A534, demolished the wall...
it comes to the Chunnel. Following his recent reference to crossing a bridge (see CM 30 November-6 December), he now promises a...
their way into Gloucester a couple of weeks ago will be comforted to know that they were witness to the transportation of the...
Ming is the biggest crawler in the firm. But loved and respected for it, because Barry's sponsored charity crawls are...
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TRANS GLOBAL IRISH BASE • A Dublin, Ireland base has been set up by airfreight forwarder Trans Global on the Ballymun Estate....
to open three new temporary driver offices by next March in Warrington, Stoke, and Bristol Contact Relief Driver Services, 537...
the Securiguard Group, has opened a new branch in York — the 50th in its UK network. Contact City Link Transport Holdings,...
YORK TO LONDON • York Transport Engineering, the service arm of York Trailer, is closing its Watford branch and expanding its...
DIALUNG RO-R • The telephone number for Rubery Owen-Rockwell in Llay has changed. Phone the company on (0978) 852141 or (0978)...
AICZO COATINGS APPOINTS THREE • Sikkens paint manufacturer Akzo Coatings has appointed three agents to bring its distributor...
been appointed a dealer for Multicar. Contact Barry Shearman on (0945) 61177.
WARSAW GROUPAGE • P & 0 Ferrymasters' Dutch subsidiary, GTW, has been appointed as the UK groupage agents for Pekaes Transport...
for consignments worldwide. Premiums start at £3.00 for a consignment up to £1,000 per airwaybill. Contact (0628) 75171.
new tariff system called 'The Easy UK Tariff' which means customers now have one standard price for all service levels. There...
forwarder, has launched a new groupage service to Spain. Contact Sea Route House, Tower Industrial Estate, Chickenhall Lane,...
FREIGHT DATE • The Eurofreight Exhibition, to be held in Brussels from 911 April 1990, will be a showplace for companies...
a two-day conference, "Liability Under Environmental Legislation," at the New Connaught Rooms, London on 27-28 February. At...
WINTER HAZARD MAP • BRS Western has published a map of the UK highlighting stretches of motorway and major trunk roads which...
Restraint Equipment Manufacturers has produced a guidance leaflet for operators to encourage them to choose safe load straps....
TTTA TO THE FORE • Teesside Transport Training Association has won BS5750 covering all its training activities. Contact (0642)...
course is being offered by Bristol-based Peter Lane Transport, The one-day course, run by institute of Advanced Motorists...
DESIGN FOR THE DISABLED • A steel company is offering cash prizes for vehicle designs to help the disabled, in three...
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DIRTY WORK • Forward Chemicals has produced a reformulated heavyduty bactericidal hand cleaner, called Hand Over Fist. The...
MERC OIL ▪ A new HGV engine oil for Mercedes-Benz SK trucks has been launched by the oil division of Morris and Co...
B LACKBURN BYPASS I The public inquiry into proposals for the M65 Blackburn southern bypass will be held on Tuesday 13...
• The Austrians have built parking areas at the main border crossing points for lorries waiting to continue their journeys...
• LONDON AND THE SOUTH EAST MI London: Reduced widths on slip roads at Junction 5 (A41). MI Buckinghamshire: Various outside...
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The first civilian Foden 6x6 26-tonners to go into action have joined Highland Regionai Council as snow clearers — a job which...
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and Found (CM 30 November-6 December) I believe that nine times out of 10 you will find it is the nearside wheels that come...
territories" (CM 7-13 December), there appears to have been a misunderstanding. You state that Chart Dis tribution Services...
December), "Roads over Railways", the villagers of Spettisbury feel the disused railway line along the village would be most...
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DRIFT Norbert Dentressangle is one of the fastest-growing hauliers in France, and its UK business is booming too with 33,000...
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• Not everybody is honest — even in the haulage industry. So the need for some form of insurance which guards against financial...
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Judging by the El 2-3251 we have tested, it was a wise choice. • The rights and wrongs of the Foden family feud in 1932 have...
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Engineers at Navistar in the USA have redesigned the familiar D-466 diesel engine to meet the new US particulate emission level...
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— from devastating slump, to record-breaking boom. But what of the new decade, bringing with it the Single European Market, a...
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Exel Logistics to the role of divisional IT director, responsible for information technology throughout the company's...
Jim Reading joins as quality assurance manager, responsible for implementing quality initiatives. Before this he worked at TDC...
general manager of Trafford Vehicle Leasing, part of the Quicks Group. He leaves Ford Credit's Bristol office.
been appointed at Endeavour Trucks in Portslade, E Sussex, following the recent division of the company's van and truck...
Duncan Brazier to national transport development manager. He was formerly transport manager at the company's London branch....
market manager, heading a European team for PPG Auto Refinish. The new organisation will have representatives from France,...
has been elected vice-chairman of the national executive committee of the National Association of Waste Disposal Contractors....
Notts as field sales manager in Scotland and the north of England. He has worked in the automotive industry for almost 20...
manager with Trio Containers, has been promoted to national sales manager.
Tristar Leasing's vehicle rental division. He was formerly rental operations manager at Cowie Interleasing.
Mat - tin Critchell is appointed transport manager at Walsallbased transport specialist S Jones. He was previously depot...
to its sales operation. Richard Smart becomes area sales manager for the East and Midlands after three years with the company,...
S Jones, died suddenly on 17 December. He had worked for the company for 42 years and was appointed commercial manager in 1974.
has died in a car accident. He joined the company in 1988 covering the North East and Cumbria. He leaves a wife, Yvonne, and...
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• This month we introduce a new-look Workshop magazine with an editorial front cover. This reflects the importance we attach to...
• NOW that we have entered the last decade of the 20th Century. Workshop with a new look, it is appropriate that we attempt to...
• POOLE-based Devair is expanding its range of commercial spray low-bake ovens. The company, better known in the UK market for...
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edge in the future — it will simply be an expected requirement' Factoring Services Group ESC chairman Arnold Parker says: /...
• SPICER is introducing two tools specifically to improve the adjustment and set up of its 14 and 151/2 inch twin-plate...
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• A NEW all-models commercial vehicle transmissions reconditioning unit has been set up by Spicer Transmissions-Dana at its...
• PLANS have been unveiled for a multi-million pound workshop and office complex for waste management vehicle specialist Trio...
• THE EUROPEAN Transport Maintenance Council is to try to get the EEC braking legislation amended to overcome compatibility...
• A modern lubricating oil has to be multi-functional — in short, required to lubricate engine parts, protect against wear and...
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• The South Humberside-based H & L Tyres group has a new management team to lead it into the 1990s. The group's main operation...
Clissett. Based at the company's hq in Sutherland House, Coventry, Clissett is responsible for implementing new service...
to Motorway Tyres after 12 months' absence working for a company in the car auctions field. This follows the recent appointment...
English, Cummins automotive sales manager have presented James Isaac, managing director of West Midlands Travel with a...
in Kilburn, donated £1,000 to the Marrow Environmental Fund, St George's Hospital, Tooting, courtesy of Lucas Automotive. The...
the IM Group, has appointed Robert Taylor, 29, as general manager. Taylor has worked for the parent company for 10 years and,...
• Trevor Mansfield, general manager of Souriau's Auto Division, told the annual Souriau Distributor Dinner that the distributor...
by British Airways they had been turned round by the Quicks Group body and paint shop headed by Bob Goodhal and delivered....
Buy, has chosen 10 Bedford Midi personnel carrier window vans with a special seat conversion by Whitacre's of Stoke-on-Trent,...
national competition organised by the Institute of Sheet Metal Engineering for part of his college project, making a tool...
trophy to honour its last chairman, Graham Platts, who died last May. The trophy is open to young people (below the age of 25...
director of Aquilla Plastics, supplier of self-adhesive functional and decorative materials to the automotive industry. She was...
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Reconditioned clutches need not be the expensive horror story often imagined, writes Colin Sowman W hen a report reaches the...
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Stripping down and overhauling an Eaton ninespeed gearbox is within the capabilities of any well equipped operator's workshop,...
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New clutch materials have almost taken over as OE fitment. Colin Sowman looks at the advantages W hen it comes to friction...
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preceding table for steering lock limits is that arrived at for all E-Series trucks. The angles stated are those the steering...
L10 — VERTICAL STAINLESS STEEL EXHAUST An improved exhaust adaptor is now available for the vertical, stainless steel exhaust...
CARBON DAMPERS All Renault G-Range, R-Range and Midliner vehicles have been fitted with De carbon pressurised gas dampers. This...
— ALL VEHICLES When fitting self-sealing valves to EEC Directive 85/647 with female couplings, under no circumstances must any...
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Workshops have seen many advances in technology, but some items like the humble sander have hitherto remained unaltered. Now...
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• Two self-centring internal micrometers to measure largerthan-average bores have been introduced by Bowers Internal Gauge....
• Easilay, a waterproof floor screed for workshops and garages has a compressive strength of 70N/mm 2 (twice that of comcrete)...
• A new range of electrical circuit testers is now available from Longs. The digital volt meters, it says, made by SOAR, are...
• Chassis-less refrigerated trailer manufacturer Gray & Adams, which places great reliance on the quality of welded assemblies,...
• Samefa UK, has expanded the Ravaglioli range of workshop equipment to include mobile column lifts for the commercial vehicle...
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• Associated Tyre Specialists has launched Flatmate, a tyre inflater and fire extinguisher in one, The cylinder is filled with...
• For less wastage on vehicle bodybuilding or repair tasks, Stag Polymers & Sealants is now packaging its one-part paintable...
• "Action-based, practical programmes to assist manager plan, or organise implement and control their own health and safety...
• It's new 3M Silencer Strips, says the company. are high-tack material, easily cut to length for installation on door panels,...
• A shot-blast cabinet introduced by Compair AutoPower provides for a change of blasting media within a minute using a trap...
• V1S1systems, part of the Carter-Parrett Group, estimates potential business from its stand at Motorfair '89 at over half a...
• For the control of graffiti, Environmental Products offers Graffcoat, a moisture-cured light stable aliphatic polyurethane...
• From Focal Displays comes an updated, fully colour illustrated safety signs wall chart, which opens up to 580x78Omm wide, and...
• A Catalyst, the Earth and You is an explanatory pamphlet for the trade produced as a customer relations aid by Bainbridge...
• Biodegradable Powaclene Tfr from Forward Chemicals, for removing heavy dirt, oil and grease, can be diluted up to 200 parts...