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Passing of the Transport Bill Will Mark the Start of Trouble for the Government D ESPITE its considerable bulk and many...
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State Control Ruins A CCORDING t o th e Mexican Railways and " Sunday Times," the Oil Industry . . nationalized Mexican rail...
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That a drive for better roads should lead to better roads for a drive. That at present some roads are fit only to drive a...
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DEADLOCK IN COMPANY BUS DISPUTE A T last Friday's meeting of the National Council for the Omnibus Industry, the employers'...
of the Northern Deputy Licensing Authority, given last Friday, Mr. 1-L L. Walker, of Thornabyon-Tees, whose fleet was...
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Mr. Thorneycroft H UNDREDS of people attended last week's meeting of protest against nationalization, which was held at the...
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MR. J. L. ADAM, C.B.E., M.I.N.A., has been elected president of the Institute of Welding, ,and DR. J. H. PATERSON, ERIC.,...
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SHORT NOTICE FOR LICENCE APPLICATIONS? A LTHOUGH 17 new members were PI admitted during last year, the Yorkshire Area of the...
A GREEMENTS have been signed by representatives of London Transport and the Transport and General Workers' Union for improved...
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If there is to be a bottle of clean milk at the door every, morning, a great many people must bustle about, right from milking...
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Drops the Basket of Eggs By L. Graham Davies U NDER the title, "The End of Rail Dictatorship-," " La Vie des Transports"...
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T WO of the most interesting days spent by us since the war were devoted last week to visiting the Thornton Research Centre of...
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E LIMINAT1ON of a substantial proportion of the noise and vibration that is customarily associated with the oil engine is the...
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T HE need for a special type of vehicle suitable for carrying the crew of an airliner from airports to hotels was acutely felt...
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Ideal Lighting System By Capt. J. B. Walton, M.I.Mech.E., M.II.R.T.E. Chief Engineer, S.P.D. Ltd. T HE lighting system of a...
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p URCHASERS of the Comer. Superpoise 3-4-tonner are given the choice of a petrol or oil engine, the chassis with the latter...
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HE accompanying illustration shows a new 1 confectionery van operated by Messrs. R. G. Coles, of Narborough, Leicestershire. At...
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By Our Legal Adviser T HE Lords finished their Cornmittee stage study of the Transport Bill in a little under nine days'...
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has sustained VV war damage was already in a dilapidated condition, on what . basis is compensation payable? Suppose that the...
De Luxe Methods TNCLUDED in products demonstrated I to the Press, last Monday, at the Great West Road, Brentford, factory of...
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Coach Travel has Done Much to Stimulate Attendances at Belle Vue Gardens, Manchester, and Parties Frequently Arrive by Road...
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r-IN many occasions it is â../desirable that tar should be transported direct from distillery to site, and delivered almost...
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WHILST the hydraulic pump-andVV motor type of variable gear is by no means new, its mechanical efficiency has hitherto been...