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W HEN, last year, Oxford Corporation took powers to ban wafting by goods vehicles for periods of up to four hours during the...
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T HE ,refusal of the Fatstock Marketing Corporation to bind themselves to use the services of livestock carriers participating...
Encouraging Road Travel in Britain qcornsH bus companies are co-operating with '—' the Scottish Tourist Board to act as hosts...
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Many comments, mostly favourable, upon our leader "Exhaust-gas Fallacies Exploded." ' That some were to the effect that it...
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A PLEA for an extension of the principle of partnership in road passenger transport between private enterprise and the State...
I T was confirmed to The Commercial Motor on Tuesday that Mr. George Dawson, the financier, has bid for the whole of the...
N AMES of prizewinners in the 1954 drawing and handicraft competition have been announced by the Institute of British Carriage...
set up by the Z - 1 Postmaster General representing the G.P.O., the Ministry of Transport. the Mobile Radio Users' Association...
last, 26,656 more C-licence vehicles were introduced and the number of C-licensees rose by 14,432. There were 872,020 C-licence...
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M ANY members who attended the annual dinner of the Traders' Road Transport Association in London last week gained the...
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MR. T. BARNETT, sales manager of Lawson Pigott Motors, Ltd., has been elected a director. MR. W. S. MORLEY has been appointed...
B ECAUSE of oil dermatitis, a man had to give up his work as a bus driver after 20 years' experience, Mr. Elwyn Jones, Q.C.,...
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A BOUT half the transport units without premises in List R2 have been sold. The British Transport Commission and the Road...
IV I announced in the Northern Area on Wednesday were by Robson's Border Transport, Ltd., 34 Lowther Street, Carlisle, of three...
HE East Midland Deputy Licensing Authority said last week that Mr. arry B. Cope (Cope and Sons), Home arm, Ock brook, had been...
HREE ex-employees of British Road Services have taken up executive iointments with Silver Roadways, 21 Bermondsey Wall West,...
FURTHER efforts are to be made by 1 the Transport and General Workers' Union and the National Association of Local Government...
T HE metropolitan area liaison committee of the Road Haulage Association, Traders' Road Transport Association and Passenger...
A REPORT is to be made by the general manager of Aberdeen Transport Department on the cost of replacing the remaining trams by...
Mr. R. W. Grice as chief experimental engineer for cars and commercial vehicles. He joined the company in 1926, and in 1950...
A N open-top trolleybus of 1928 vintage which was renovated for use during Coronation year will again be operated by Hastings...
TF the Chancellor of the Exchequer were to remove only 74d. per gallon from the fuel tax, the Potteries Motor Traction Co.,...
A FTER a four-day hearing of an application by Robert Wynn and Sons, Ltd., Newport, to add a 12-ton and a I9-ton tractor to...
A S reported last week, Lex Garages. Ltd., and Egertons (Ipswich), Ltd., are amalgamating. Lex Garages are acquiring the whole...
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IF the speed of London's buses could I be increased by 1 m.p.h., there would be a saving of about £2m. a year in running costs,...
pERMISSION was granted_ to the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., last week, to replace seven existing stage...
A WARNING against loading heavy concrete mixers on to lorries by using planks was given by Dr. J. Murray Robertson, West Surrey...
" THE road traffic position in Bir mingham becomes more 'acute with each passing week, and the only hope of solution lies in...
last week on the driver of a lorry and her haulier father for running a vehicle with bodywork that was likely to cause danger...
V /ARIOUS organizations and companies have been asked by Nottingham town clerk to submit observations on the municipal...
ri A TRANSPORT show was held by the Liverpool group of the North Western Gas Board last week to encourage careful driving and...
F OR using a lorry under limited trade plates to carry a new car after collection from the manufacturers, Charles Attwood and...
U NDER the auspices of the Federation Internationale des Societes d'Ingenieurs et de Techniciens de l'Automobile, of which the...
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W HEN the Transport Arbitration Tribunal last week resumed hearng the claim of Aber Carriers, Ltd., ;atop Road, Welshpool, now...
F OR every ton of finished product delivered to the consumer, between 50 and 100 tons of material had been moved during its...
n URING the International Railway Congress in London last week, British Railways arranged an exhibition at Marylebone Station...
A NEW company has been formed in South Africa under the title of the Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co. S.A. (Pty.), Ltd., by...
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T HE South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., are to apply for a further increase in fares in conse q uence of the recent wa g e awards...
STIMATED to produce an extra 1-• £250,000 a year, a scheme to revise bus and tram fares in Leeds has been approved by the...
A FURTHER revision of workmen's I-% and concessionary fares may have to be made by the West Ridin g Automobile Co., Ltd., the...
W HEN five Leyland heavy-duty oilen g ined vehicles left Leyland railway station last week, for Bel g rade, seven Yu g oslav...
T HE Monopolies and Restrictive Practices Commission have appointed a g roup to continue the investi g ation into the supply...
T HE proposed rear li g htin g regulations were criticized by Dr. J. H. Nelson, chief li g htin g en g ineer of Joseph Lucas,...
A T the end of 1952, 18 appeals under Section 15 of the 1933 Act from decisions of Licensin g Authorities were pendin g ....
B ECAUSE policemen in Shrewsbury watch parked vehicles so closely to ensure that they are not left lon g er than 20 minutes,...
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FL L support came from both sides of the House of Commons Past week when a motion calling for a more extensive road-improvement...
A SETTLEMENT has been reached I - "k between Wright Bros., Ltd., Can flock Road, Wolverhampton, and the British Transport...
F ROM 1948-1952, £152m. was spent on coal-rffining, 1:177m. on gas production, £676m. on electricity generation and £43m. on...
A LARGER part of the yield from r - IL vehicle taxation should be devoted to modernizing the roads. If a large investment is...
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New Rutland Light Six-wheeler Built for High-speed Operation on the Continent: Transmission Includes an Overdrive-top Gearbox...
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A.E.C., Leyland and Bedford Vehicles Successful in Nice Coach Rally From Our. Own Representative T HE only British vehicles to...
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Fork Trucks Employed in Factory of Jaguar Cars, Ltd., Enable High Output to Be Maintained, and Their Efficiency Has Been...
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Nearly Every Industry Catered for by Exhibitors at Mechanical Handling Exhibition, Olympia V ISITORS to the Mechanical...
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A CCEPTANCE of mechanical handling by the dockers has resulted in Manchester achieving notable advances, compared with many...
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Some 40 Purchases in North-west Reported This Week : Liverpool Terminal for London Haulier Who has Bought 28 Vehicles F HE...
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I ' people wanted to travel by coach they should not be compelled to go by train. This was the effect of a decision by the...
A BOUT 15 cwt. has been saved in the weight of a 55-seat double-deck body recently supplied by Crossley Motors, Ltd., to...
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FF I have understood E. A. Chiver's letter (May 14 L issue) correctly, his proposed indicator lamps would lot indicate a...
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A S a result of experiments by the public cleansing department of Westminster City Council with the Merryweather fire-break...
T HE Minister of Transport dealt with a series of questions in the House of Commons last week. Points arising from his replies...
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Atka! Commentar y By JANUS W E should be spared a good deal of repetitive verbiage if a code word or phrase could be devised as...
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Time Spent Loading and Unloading is Wasted from the Economic Viewpoint, and is the More Critical the Larger the Vehicle :...
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D ACING and competitions have always been regarded by Ferodo, Ltd., as important proving ;rounds for their products, and four...
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1 - 1 by the normal operation of the clutch pedal is shown in patent No, 706,957, by P. Baldwin and Fiat Societa Per Azioni,...