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B.r.s. Depot Manager Fights B.t.c. For Compensation
W HEN the Transport Arbitration Tribunal last week resumed hearng the claim of Aber Carriers, Ltd., ;atop Road, Welshpool, now in iquidation following nationalization in [949,......
Material Handling The Major Cost
F OR every ton of finished product delivered to the consumer, between 50 and 100 tons of material had been moved during its manufacture, said Mr. James Steel, opening a world......
Railways Parade Their Road Vehicles
n URING the International Railway Congress in London last week, British Railways arranged an exhibition at Marylebone Station of 23 representative vehicles at present in......
Westinghouse Company In South Africa
A NEW company has been formed in South Africa under the title of the Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co. S.A. (Pty.), Ltd., by the British Westinghouse concern and Bellamy and Lam......