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S.w.t. To Seek Higher Fares
T HE South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., are to apply for a further increase in fares in conse q uence of the recent wa g e awards which will cost them an additional......
Leeds Wants /250,000 A Year More
STIMATED to produce an extra 1-• £250,000 a year, a scheme to revise bus and tram fares in Leeds has been approved by the transport committee. It is also proposed to allow......
West Riding To Revise Concessionary Fares?
A FURTHER revision of workmen's I-% and concessionary fares may have to be made by the West Ridin g Automobile Co., Ltd., the chairman, Sir Ronald G. Leon, told the company's......
A Leyland Send-off
W HEN five Leyland heavy-duty oilen g ined vehicles left Leyland railway station last week, for Bel g rade, seven Yu g oslav en g ineers were there to see them off. They are......
New Group For Tyre Monopoly Inquiry
T HE Monopolies and Restrictive Practices Commission have appointed a g roup to continue the investi g ation into the supply and export of pneumatic tyres. --The members are:......
Rear Lighting Rules Criticized
T HE proposed rear li g htin g regulations were criticized by Dr. J. H. Nelson, chief li g htin g en g ineer of Joseph Lucas, Ltd., at the Lucas traders' and a g ents'......
50 Per Cent. Of Goods Appeals Succeed
A T the end of 1952, 18 appeals under Section 15 of the 1933 Act from decisions of Licensin g Authorities were pendin g . Durin g 1953, 48 new appeals were lod g ed; of these,......
Police "move On" Farmers
B ECAUSE policemen in Shrewsbury watch parked vehicles so closely to ensure that they are not left lon g er than 20 minutes, farmers are g oin g elsewhere to do their shoppin g......