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A NYTHING that acts as a barrier to the free flow of traffic, partieularly in. busy thoroughfares, , should be allowed to...
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rr HERE have been many complaints of lack of accommodation for parking vehicles on our highways and of satisfactory sleeping...
Some Points in WHEN Mr. V. W. Pilking Designing Oil " ton, M.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., Engines director of engineering, Ley land...
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Of Brush down with a b-rush. Of an old lady who thought factory jigs were items in Music while you work." Of present-day...
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PEP Report D ESPITE nationalization, "a further increase in road transport in the years to come" is foreseen as a possibility...
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MATIONALIZED transport was I N the subject of a lively debate in the House of Commons, last . week, during the second 'reading...
A CCORDING to Mr. D. M. Sinclair, CA general manager, Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., the future trend in...
A t) E IN I AL that the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., or its a . ssoeiated companies, have made any application for...
D URING January, a further decrease was reported in the number of' utility vehicles and adapted private cars authorized under C...
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M. E. KENT has been appointed traffic superintendent of Durham County Council's ambulance service. M. J. L. Owr.N, formerly...
THE Nuffield Organisation announces the creation of important new design and development posts by the appointment of MR. W. W....
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By A Special Correspondent THE conference of delegates, repreI senting some 8,000 lorry drivers, held last Sunday in London,...
L ONDON TRANSPORT officials have now completed their investigation into the explosion of the airpressure reservoir on a bus...
B ECAUSE the clutch pedal has been removed from RT 778, one of London Transport's latest buses, it is now known among the rank...
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P ERMISSION to run one-day fantail tours from Inverness during May and September was granted to Thomas Cook and Sons, Ltd., by...
A CTHOUGH, as a result of the Wages Council Act, 1948, area wages boards are no longer statutory, it is the opinion of the...
Great Northern and Southern Stores. Ltd., has acquired a controlling interest in Punctureprufe, Ltd. The British Wagon Co.,...
W E :egret to recordthe death of MR, CHARLES BRAGG, who was chairman of the Yorkshire Transport Society for more than 10...
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" I AM unable to recommend that any /measures should be taken for the nationalization or municipalization of any of the...
T HE French Government is soon to adopt a new procedure governing the entry into France of tourist coaches from this country....
T TECHNIQUE and future possibilities of fluorescent lighting in vehicles were reviewed in a paper read recently to a meeting of...
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LA MPLOYEES of the London Transport Executive, provincial bus companies and municipal transport undertakings have been awarded...
A LTHOUGH the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., and its two subsidiaries last year carried many mpre passengers than in...
A NX1ETY now being felt by many members of road transport staffs under changing conditions of employment was stressed by Mr. J....
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That is the Que.stion, By C. S. Le Clair, MIMech. E., M.Inst. P. How Limitations of Space and Increased Cost Determine the...
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A SPECIAL platform body . for carrying coal in sacks has been const ructed . by Glover, Webb and Liversidge, Ltd,. 561; Old...
G REAT interest was aroused in this NJ-country by the launching of the Michelin metallic tyre for commercial vehicles, after...
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LAST .P LIFETIME" 'By P. A, C. Brockington, A.M .1.M ech.E. T HE fact that longevity in service has always been the -...
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A F TER conducting many interesting road tests of petrol and oil-engined vehicles, not forgetting several battery-electric...
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By C. S. DUNBAR, M.1nst.T. P OKI - LAND stone has been quarried for at least 800 years, and possibly'as far back as the time...
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TRUST that you will be:able to publish this letter as a very real. complaint from many hauliers. The removal of various...
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for the beginner . SOLVING THE PROBLEMS Of THE CARRIER Many Small Hauliers are Turning to Household Removals. Here are Some...
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Essential Characteristics Which Govern Freedom From Bearing Failure. The Importance of Oil-groove Disposition 'THE lecture on...
THE body of the mobile shop I illustrated on this page was built •by G. Davidson and Ruts, Ltd., North Shields. and is mounted...
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New Government Order (R.H.28) Provides Two Weeks' Holiday with Pay for Road Haulage Workers Employers Must Give Reasonable...