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T HE information which has been rendered available to designers and manufacturers on the question of the employment of mere...
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T HE attainment of its majority by the Commercial Motor Users Association is a source of con g ratulation to and of pardonable...
O NE OF the outstanding features of the Paris Show was the g reat increase in the employment of pneumatic tyres for almost all...
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The congested state of the roads in Paris continues to occupy the attention of the authorities, and the latest attempt at...
has suffered a great lass in the death of Sir Thomas H. D. Berridge, K.B E. He was a member of the committee and was the...
An interesting function took place recently when Allen-Liversidge, Ltd., gave a dinner to their staff and guests of the company...
At the West London (Brampton) County Court last week, the proprietors of "The Favourite" omnibuses running in London were sued...
We learn that an opening exists for a man who has had a wide experience in connection with the service requirements of users...
The coming of age dinner of the Commercial Motor Users Association wi I be held to morrow (Wednesday) at tt,e Savoy II , tel...
The increasing dm-and for Thornycroft commercial and passenger vehicles which is now he e in experienced, due, in part, to the...
The Ministry of Transport officiaTs have for some time past been engaged in surveying . and ins_pecting the road between Blair...
Twenty towns and villages, from 5 to 100 kilometres distant, are now the termini of motorbus services operating from Seville....
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The Manchester Watch Committee would appear to be definitely opposed to any extension of motorbus facilities by private...
According to an estimate by the American Vice-Consul at Alexandria more than 500 old Army lorries were fitted with 'bus bodies...
Messrs. Joseph Bradbury, of Braintree, are introducing several useful additions to their present range of toola and...
held at the Royal Palace Hotel, Kensinglion, a few days ago, when Sir William Letts presided, Mr. John Willys received a...
Aecording to figures which have been published, the output of motor vehicles in the United States in 1923 was valued at...
A recent report of the Auckland (New Zealand) Carporation mentions that safety zones have been installed at 31 important...
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The Nuneaton Council has just given its approval to a number of new regula. along affecting the licensing of meterbuses and...
An illustration which we reproduce on this page shows a 6-ton Allehin steam wagon of the latest type manufactured by Wm,...
The Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., announce that the selling price of the A.E.C. type 4, 35 h.p. omnibus chassis has been...
During the month of September the Crown Agents for the Colonies placed an order for motor lorry chassis with the Albion Motor...
The Saucer Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd., produce a long-wheelbase chassis which has been particularly designed to enable a long...
The Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., of Spun End Works, Coventry, have just issued a new booklet dealing with heavy roller chains for...
Having considered a report on a demonstration in the city of the workingof a mud splashguard for motor vehicles, Bradford Watch...
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Ihe Cardiff Tramways Committee has received a report of the finances of the bus undertaking for the half-year ended September...
During each of the past seven years the London "Safety First " Council has conducted an essay competition in the schools...
For over 2i years the business of Harrier Motors, Ltd., in Scotland has been handled by Mr. William Young, BLI.A.E., who for...
the use of motor rehicles, and the corresponding decrease 11 the volume of the horse-drawn vehicles in rural counties is well...
The motor ship movement continues to progress with great rapidity, and power units for these vessels of huge size and...
The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Ltd., inform us that copies of the official catalogue for the recent Motor Show...
In our issue for October 21st we gave the new selling prices of polished aluminium radiators made by the Spiral Tube and...
The East Lothian Road Board has just approved of a scheme of road diversion on the main road to London at East Linton. The...
issued prospectus of the Mondego Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., it is stated that the . property to be exploited is approximately four...
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According to a Department of Overseas Trade report on China, motor traffic continues to make slow progress in the country, and...
At a recent meeting of the Birmingham Corporation, Mr. Councillor Beale presented a memorial signed by a number of taxicab...
The Russian Oil Products, Ltd., 153, Moorgate, London, E.C.2, have lately introduced to this country a new motor spirit under...
that all future applicants for a licence to drive a hackney carriage in the town must produce a recent medical certificate of...
The latest available figures showing the traffic receipts on the passenger motor vehicles run by the companies comprising the...
• Wimbledon Corporation has decided to invite quotations for the supply of a motor ambulance. Brighton Corporation has...
In order to meet the competition from road-motor vehicles, the South Australian Railway Commissioners have decided to institute...
At a meeting of the Bolton Corporation Tramways Committee a deputation from the w Transport and General Workers' Union attended...
Excellent premises in a central position have been secured in Manchester at. the corner of Mosley Street and Princess Street...
The B.E.N. Patents, whose London offices are at 100, Victoria Street, S.W.1, have opened a branch office at 63, Tithebarn...
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The First Production of its Kind in this Country, the Caledon Six-wheeler, with Four-wheel Drive, Carries a 10-ton Load. W HEN...
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T HE greatest leather-producing centre in this country is in the vicinity of Merseyside, where there are, roughly, 40...
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By E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, C.B.E., 111.Inst.T., President of the Association. TT IS hard to realize that 21 years will have...
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With a Return Fare of 000, a 3,000-mile Trip, Occupying Six Weeks, is Now Available to the Tourist and Sportsman. H AD IT not...
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F ROM THE very nature of the work, the removal of logs from the felling site to points where they can be sawn into a commercial...
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Messrs. Bevan, of Wick (Glam.), contemplate running a bus service from Llantwit-Major to Bridgend, and have received the...
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Details of the Latest Lacre Machine, which Combines the Open and Closed Circtlit Systems of Gully Emptying. O NE OF the most...
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r Details of a New Wagon, Equipped with Hydraulic Tipping Gear, which has a Remarkable Capacity for Manoeuvring. riERTAIN...
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Details of the Pagefield System. The Increasing Use of the Plant. A Typical Report on its Application and the Saving Effected....
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The highways committee of the Wandsworth Borough Council reports that it has considered a letter from the London General...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach . World. A PRIVATE COMPANY SUBSTITUTE BUSES FOR TRAMS. Following the...
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Details of an Elaborately Equipped and Decorated Coach on a Sattrer Chassis, which was Exhibited at the Commercial Vehicle Show...
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The Excellent Progress made by the Concessionnaires for Lancia Vehicles, the Curtis Automobile Co., Ltd., has Necessitated...
C ONTENDING that the smoke nuil.....)sance is injurious to Aeon, the general purposes committee of the Poplar Borough Council...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. 571.—Some Useful Advice on the Foden Chain...
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Some Useful Tips from Some of Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. mHE home-made valve-grinding tool which is described by "...
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A R6sumd of Recently Published Specifications. C OMPOUND epicyclie gears are the principal components of the change-speed gear...