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So London is to become the first Passenger Transport Authority. That is the message of the White Paper, Transport in London,...
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• Fears that the Ministry of Transport's plan to pay 25 per cent grants to operators purchasing standard buses might prove...
from our Parliamentary correspondent • The House of Lords this week approved by 105 votes to 54 an Opposition amendment which...
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i:ommenting on the MoT's bus grants luncement, Mr. Arthur Lainson, chairman of Passenger Vehicle Operators Association, S it...
from our political correspondent • The Greater London Council will become the first local authority in Britain with a statutory...
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by Sam Buckley • What transport policy should a trader or industralist follow in view of the changes proposed in the Transport...
• In Brussels on June 24 the EEC Transport Trade Union Committee adopted a "declaration on the common transport policy",...
• The French Government has decided to postpone, until an unspecified date, application of the "axle tax" which is to be levied...
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by John Darker • The Scottish Commercial Motormen's Union has reacted sharply to suggestions that dishonest lorry drivers...
• "Operation Moondrop", the out-ofhours delivery scheme until recently run by the freight group of the Transport Coordinating...
• Measures for the protection of vehicles against theft have been condensed into 12 points by the Security Committee of the...
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• "Government delays in announcing future road plans now threaten a disastrous run-down in motorway building in the mid 1970s",...
• Have you sound knowledge of road • goods transport and an itch to write? • Than you may be just the person Corn • mercial...
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for C boys by Paul Brockington • No fewer than eight Shell-Mex and BP tankers were withdrawn from Sunday's Northampton...
by Ron Cater • The weather gods smiled on Eddie Barber's Essex round at Warley on Sunday. Perhaps this was recompense for what...
• A first prize of £50, plus a weekend for two in London, went to 31-year-old Geoffrey Dodson, of Boston, Lincs., when he was...
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forms • Vehicle maintenance forms prepared by the technical committee of the Road Haulage Association will shortly be...
• The Government should admit that it is wrong, Mr. H. R. Featherstone, director of the TRTA, told a meeting in Plymouth on...
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Special authorization • Strong though they may be, the criticisms levelled at the proposed operator's licence fade into...
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• In a written judgment, the Transport Tribunal has allowed the appeal of F. C. Targett and Sons Ltd. (CM June 14). The...
• In a written decision, the North Western deputy LA, Mr. A. H. Jolliffe, has refused the application by Terence Regan of...
• An application by Sutton and Sons (St. Helens) Ltd. for a variation to replace an eightwheeler and artic by a larger number...
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• The Transport Tribunal, which rejected an appeal by the Transport Holding Company against the granting of a Group A carrier's...
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from our industrial correspondent • The Industrial Court has ruled against a claim by 2,800 London Transport bus inspectors and...
• The private hire department of the Leedsbased touring organization, Wallace Arnold Tours Ltd., is putting into charter...
• The PIB approved 6d a mile minimum London bus and tube fare proposal from the London Transport Board was reduced by the...
• After taking a special course to qualify as Great Yarmouth's first woman bus driver, Miss Brenda Armstrong, 30, last week...
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from our industrial correspondent • Leaders of the Transport and General Workers Union hope to have an early meeting with the...
• An increased fare structure for Glasgow municipal services was approved by the Corporation on June 27 by 51 votes to 35....
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projects engineer—a new position created to deal with the increasing design requirements of forthcoming Government legislation...
• MPs have been told about the problems of setting up a heavy goods vehicle testing station at Huddersfield in the West...
• The Lords last week approved an Order giving effect to agreements with Sweden and Turkey providing for a bilateral waiver of...
• Mr. R. Marsh does not think that a reference to the Prices and Incomes Board will be called for in the case of the fare...
• Late summer will probably see the publication of a summarized version of the Survey of Transport from manufacturing...
• Changes among the Under Secretary • appointments at the Ministry of Transport, • • taking effect from August 1, include the •...
• Mr. Richard Marsh has considered various alternatives to the quantity licensing system in the Transport Bill, but—he told...
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trailer market by Ron Cater • Having successfully developed a new method of producing axle tubes, the Moss Gear Co. Ltd.,...
• The largest single export order ever received by ERF has been placed by the Jordan Phosphate Mines Co. Ltd. and is valued in...
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from a special correspondent • Operators who call upon the recovery services provided by Unity Garage of 101, Edgehill Road,...
Fully automatic transmission is being incorporated on an ERF dual-purpose fire tender to be supplied to Liverpool. The gearbox...
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and publications Angle grinders Double-insulated angle grinders and sanders now Introduced by Wolf Electric Tools Ltd.,...
Recognizing where the needs of the customer can be best served has not, in the past, been the strongest asset of the mcitor...
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A Swedish front-end loader which can be supplied with a range of telescopic arms to match the loader to a particular job is to...
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by Handyman Vehicle recovery: tricks, trucks and tactics (23) • It could be said that the recovery operator's task has eased...
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*L o bby lolly You know we haven't even begun to understand this lobbying business over here. I've just been enjoying a copy of...
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MODERN body-building techniques offer such a wide range of body shapes and sizes, together with a mass of mechanical aids, that...
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and, finishes THE SELECTION of correct material in construction is largely determined by the information available from the...
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Road transport is a tough business. What's more, it is getting tougher. Distances are getting longer and loads bigger. And for...
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THE CHOICE of any commercial vehicle body's finish depends upon:— a) The material used in construction, lb) The life...
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COO BDENDRU by Paul Brockington, MI MechE HOW do freight bodywork practices on the Continent differ from those in the UK? To...
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continued p.s.v. bodies and integral structures for such bodies, the methods of construction employed have been more recently...
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is timely and the industry would do well to take his advice. The Road Haulage Association longdistance group publishes to...
This Way for the Test Just what will the testing of heavy goods vehicles involve? There have been plenty of answers in recent...
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Janus comments FOR REASONS which hardly need to be spelled out the Government is increasingly anxious that the provisions of...
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Scene 4E ANNUAL REPORT of the Transport plding Company each year gives an excelt survey of the company's experience as jor...
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to have seat belts in the same way as cars, but does the recent legislation under which cars registered on or after January 1...
towing a heavy lorry, following a breakdown. Four-wheel-drive is normally engaged to prevent overloading the rear axle. I have...
servicing of a 1961 Morris diesel exambulance which has been converted for use as a bus for a local church? Where can a...
coach licensed as a "private vehicle" was subject to annual "private car" MoT tests after three years. But I was under the...
for a test when the new scheme comes into operation ? A The heavy goods vehicle driver's licence test, details of which...
gross loads of 38 tons being permitted and a power-to-weight ratio of 6 bhp/ton being required, this would necessitate the use...
mobile export exhibition comprising a lorry and trailer. Where can I obtain details of suitable vehicles giving maximum...
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THE HOLDING of their first examinations this May was an important landmark for the Institute of Traffic Administration. Since...
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by Les Oldridge &Ni AIRTE, AMIMI THE PARKING of motor vehicles in urban areas is one of the problems of our age. "No Waiting'...