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W E often wonder what proportion of operators • of commercial motor vehicles of all types keeps in use an adequate costing...
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rr HE announcement that there is to be a 124 per cent. cut in the fuel allocation to passenger vehicles employed on excursions...
Wasre is Unfamiliar IT is claimed by the Austin Word at the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., that in its Works. huge works at...
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Hears That it is good year for better tyres. That it is better to get cracking than get creaking. That the F.B.I. is aiming...
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B.T.C. FORMS COMPANY TO TAKE OVER TA GROUP A NEW private company, in which all the shares are held by the British Transport...
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A T a meeting of the Institute of r - LTransport at the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, W.C.2, at 5.30 p.m. on...
U NDER the reorganization plan of the National Association of Furniture Removers and Warehousemen, whereby the Association is...
R Brown, VI" Westhall Garage, Gfenearse, applied for a B licence and failed for a second time to appear in support of the...
Need Recognition T HERE is no _doubt that in the future it will be more important than ever to have properly trained workers...
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MR. B. J. CRAIG has resigned from the board of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd. MR. R. 0, PATERSON and M. R. E. PERCIVAL have been...
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A IIRANGEMENTS have been concludedcluded by which Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd., of Leeds, will operate the series of extended'...
W E are approaching that realization of the dream of countless generations of men, that invasion of the air around us which...
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By Laurence E. Field, A.M.I.R.T.E. Methods of Locating the Cause of Rear-axle Failures, Precautions to be Taken when Assembling...
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Brick Output Doubled U NTH_ the recent revision of the housing programme, the brickmaking industry was experiencing a labour...
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F VE1s1 for men with long experience i of public-works contracting, the demand made in connection with open-cast coal mining,...
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n N page 658 of " The Commercial Motor" dated January 30, there appeared an article on the subject of diagnosis which included...
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Nearer By E. H. B. Palmer, Abolish the C Licence, Grant B Licences Freely and Limit the A-licensee to a 35-mile Radius,...
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Long Hauls and High Peaks Make a Day to day Traffic Problem for Solution by Hicks Ltd., a Bus Company. 0 PERAT1NG...
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By I... J. COTTON T HERE are few problems in electric-vehicle maintenance that cannot be readily solved by Silent Transport,...
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P RINCIPLES governing the preparation of fleet maintenance programmes were outlined by Mr. E. C. Oaaway, M.I.Mech.E., in a...
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among recent increases is, of course, the rise in wages filling the implementation of the new Wages Order, R.H.24. There have...
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How to Select Your Vehicle A T a meeting of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers, held at the Royal Society of Arts on...
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of B. and E. end-tipping equipment for a post-war-type maximum-load four-wheeled chassis has recently been fitted to a Sentinel...
a Large Capacity PECIFIC ALLY designed to meet the 0 requirements of engine-repair workshops, the new Cuthbert oench-pattern...
UTANY local authorities have been IVI.fitting snow ploughs to the front bumper bars of Mack tractors, and frequently the fact...
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Separate Block for Engine Valves T O facilitate valve maintenance in a side-valve engine is the aim of a scheme proposed in...