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greatest bones of contention between drivers and operators for many ' ears now has been the "overnight". More than 10 years ago...
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A STREAMLINED vehicle excise duty structure is being proposed by the Department of Transport, but it is still displaying no...
JOHN PRESCOTT, Labour's new Shadow Transport Secretary, will bring a new punchiness to Labour's approach to transport....
IT WILL be up to the transport industry to persuade the Government to adopt downlicensing, Freight Transport Association...
HAULIERS' OPERATING COSI rose by 4.3 per cent in the fir nine months of 1983, accordir to the Road Haulage Associ tion. It...
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RENUOUS attempts are to be made next week to discover just w dangerous the Severn Bridge is, writes our Parliamentary...
CALL for the Government to rease spending on road mainlance by 10 per cent a year in ii terms has been firmly reted by the...
FELIXSTOWE BASED freight forwarder Martintrux has placed a second computer contract with Freight Computer Services to control...
SANDBACH ENGINEERING, the non-limited liability company established in 1980 to manufacture Foden trucks, has been renamed Foden...
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THE FIRST wage offers of the winter have been made to lorry drivers' representatives, but it will be later this month at the...
BUTTERFIELD-HARVEY, the parent company of refuse lorry manufacturer Shelvoke and Drewry, is to receive £2m and access to new...
THE WINCANTON Transpe Group is to try and further t image of the lorry by displayii an apology for any traffic hol ups for...
THE NUMBER of lorries using the port of Dover during Septeml was 61,138 units (tractive unit and trailer count as two units)....
PRODUCTION of the Ford Ca has begun in Turkey. It repla the 01210 which Ford dal has been Turkey's best-sell truck since 1967....
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JOHN ROBS has been made a non-executive director of the National Freight Consortium. He is chairman of the Food and Drinks...
THREE NATIONAL Bus Company changes. United Automobile Services has promoted Tony Kennan to traffic manager from development...
LEYLAND PARTS has taken on Paul Dunning and John Haigh as export sales director and marketing manager respectively. Paul...
FROM December 1 Tim Blakemore will be CM's new engineering editor. He joined CM in 1979 as a technical writer, having...
SOUTH YORKSHIRE PTE has clarified former Labour transport spokesman ALBERT BOOTH'S role in its organisation. He is an...
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OTHER FACET of the Freight Transport Association's struggle to the Greater London Council's plans to ban lorries at nights and...
UFFOLK by-pass would take r 20,000 lorries out of a conted area by the end of the Wry, the British Road Fed:ion has said. its...
PRESTEL terminal users can now use them as a personal telex smitter, following the launch of British Telecom's Prestel telex le...
A NEW CONTAINER service to the Eastern Mediterranean has been started from Associated British Ports' Merseyside port of...
THE CENTRE for Physical Distribution Management has announced the syllabus for its Distribution Studies diploma. Six...
A PICKFORDS Removals manager has been rewarded for his efforts in tackling three raiders at his premises. Bob Cargill (left),...
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THE CONFEDERATION of Irish Industry has called for the removal of excise duties on goods vehicles and parts in its pre-Budget...
WORK WILL start shortly oi 8.6 mile (13.8km) section 01 M25 London orbital route tween Swanley and Seven■ in Kent. The...
AS THE Irish Republic celcbrates its first five miles of moth' with the opening of the Ness by-pass in County Kildare, the g...
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kSEP, a company formed by pie involved with the T. E. es Group of a Oswestry th crashed last year with ssive debts, has been...
FURTHER evidence of the National Freight Consortium's growing activity in the contract hire market has come from BRS Western...
vides the base load for a new regular Friday departure. Euro-Shuttle will be starting a new direct London-Lyons return service...
:ANTON TRANSPORT has I over the road tanker rtion of CPC (UK), manufacof glucose and caramel. contract means that Winn will run...
AROUND 115 lorry drivers are to be made redundant by Blue Circle Industries because of its investment and modernisation...
HEAVY LORRIES were involved in 4,594 fatal and serious accidents last year, Transport Minister Lynda Chalker has told MPs. But...
ROUTE ANALYSIS has shown Quinton Hazell Automotive that customer service can be improved by using transhipment depots and...
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_ paint plant AS REVEALED in CM last week York is now offering a thinwalled version of its Thermovan refrigerated...
CERAMIC insulation for certain diesel engine components is predicted for production engines by the early Nineties, according to...
Designed by Motor Par own engineers working in r junction with ICI's paint divii and paint contractors How the new plant can...
WE ARE rediscovering the diesel engine thanks to modern niques," according to Mario Locatelli, head of the Iveco d engine...
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BIRD'S EYE WALL'S Distribution, the Unilever group's refrigeratedtransport company, has replaced the twin-column tail-lifts on...
DVEX MARSHALL of Carlton, Nottingham, handling equipment igineer and manufacturer of conveyor systems, has now introiced its...
IN A RARE show of strength by the British chassis manufacturers, no fewer than 17 ERF, Foden, Scammell and Seddon Atkinson...
BRIMEC UK of Bristol has improved its Towlift car recovery equipment by reducing the amount of welding in the wheel frame and...
THE ASSOCIATION of Vehicle Recovery Operators has published its biennial directory of members for 1983. Priced at £1,...
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DANA HEAVY DUTY has established Drivetrain Services, a propshaft manufacturing and reconditioning subsidiary, with its first...
by the introduction the new M range of fabric-e ment air cleaners from TeF UK of Unit 17, Llandough Tri ing Estate, Penarth...
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ie completely integral 10.6m is expected to enter service :alphs' inter car park and ter31 services at Heathrow in it three...
IN ONE of his last decisions as Transport Secretary, Tom King has refused an appeal by Suffolk County Council, Ipswich...
BRITISH RAIL has been given the green light to substitute guaranteed bus services for some of its remoter loss-making rail...
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IT IS NONSENSE to suggest that the early collapse of the Associated Minibus Operators (Amos) minibus service in London would...
LONDON TRANSPORT is expected to make a decision on the future of its Alden ham bus works on November 8. This follows its...
NATIONAL BUS COMPANY sidiary Herald Engineering i make 54 of its 230 stt workforce redundant in Torc and Plymouth. Herald...
GAC IRELAND, the Amei owned Shannon-based Iu! coach manufacturer v supplies all of Coras lompi reann's new vehicles, has an IRE...
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uly British Justrial tyres ECENT PRESS release Tred to Avon Rubber Plc as being the only wholly ish totally independent tyre...
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FROM NOVEMBER 11 to 19 Glasgow plays host to the Scottish Motor Trade Association's 54th Scottish Motor Show; it will be the...
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CM'S 1983/84 Tables of Operating Costs, on sale now for £3.50 including postage, covers the range of vehicles in most common...
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I NGTON (Lancashire), Lynch Bros. (Accrington) Ltd. Tel: 0254 391111. BARNSLEY (South Yorkshire), J. C. Snell Ltd. Tel:...
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Dennis still running after 82 years BEFORE Dennis began making commercial vehicles at Guildford in 1904 it was building cars,...
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Never in the field of environmental conflict have so few come forward to serve so many. Alan MIllar visists Tayside Truckstop...
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ountry's biggest trailer rfacturer has all-round or. Tim Blakemore has looking around VlANAGING DIRECTOR of af Scotland's...
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one of its new opment. The second involves two further jes which have yet to roduced on a wide STARTER MOTOR is red at best by...
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OLAS RIDLEY might turn r be the best Transport ter ever. Or he might prove a disastrous nonentity like of his predecessors....
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at 243kW (326bhp) net, the vehicle was recently used to pull one of the last remaining Arab dhows from the Gulf coast to a...
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Looking at 1=7 t. by Keith Vincent Our attitude must change THE POLITICAL silly season, sometimes known as Party Conference...
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id's major Scottish t has had its problems, o has the engine range b is built there but the ire is changing, as Tim Elmore...
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Bodybuilders have been bashed and buffeted recently but bearing the bludgeoning better than most has been this Falkirk firm....
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GUILDHALL, Portsmouth, he setting for an anniverluncheon thrown by ;hats of Hampshire for "Mr — J. H. Sparshatt — and ; an...
HOME-STUDY packs are now available as a CM/Road Transport Correspondence Courses Special Offer to prepare for the Royal Society...
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by George Malcolm Better times ahead . . ? BETTER TIMES are ahead for road transport? There is a hint that they are in the...