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I N remarking that: " The most fluent talkers or most plausible reasoners are not always the justest thinkers ", William...
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O NE of the best-known engineers in road transport, Mr. Philip Merfyn Ashcroft Thomas, died unexpectedly on Monday, aged 65....
O N completion of legal negotiations in the near future, Union Cartage Co. Ltd. and BRS (Meat Haulage) Ltd. are to merge....
"%County Council's central vehicle maintenance unit in the year 1964-5 totalled . £187,927 and the recharges to service...
IN addition to trying to acquire the I 75 per cent interest in Tayforth Ltd.—at a cost of about £5 m.— about a dozen...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT THE rough handling which the Road Haulage Association received in connection with the report of...
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%PENING the Newcastle-under-Lyme by-pass last week, the Minister of ansport said he was happy that his first icial visit to the...
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DECENT changes in official transport policy in Poland I% indicate a gradual development of road haulage at the expense of the...
T RAFPAK (Tank Container Services) Ltd., London, is now carrying many bulk liquids to and from Europe in Portapak 1,400-gal....
A DETAILED check on the progress of collection vehicles at Manchester Docks has been made in recent weeks. Other measures to...
T HE European Economic Community Commission has decided to establish a joint consultative committee for social problems...
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T HE Minister of Transport last week published proposals for the remainin g 12 miles of M6—the section linkin g the proposed...
,D RAFT regulations on the braking standards for new g oods vehicles of mare than 30 cwt, unladen weight would be circulated as...
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theme during this week's Commons debate on roads was—improve roads to the docks and so cut the costs of transport and exports....
Mr. Fraser announced in the Commons that he had decided there was no need for the time being to proceed with his earlier...
complete answer to the jack-knifing of articulated vehicles said the Minister of Transport in the Commons this week, and...
fewer bus passengers, the situation was worsened by Midland Red services becoming "totally unreliable". because of staff...
ONDON TRANSPORT, which has 1.4 been free of the threat of industrial trouble for a few months, may become involved in a new...
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-IE Ministry of Transport's latest attempts to find a solution to the ii bus problem have produced disointing results. They add...
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nELAYS in the delivery of Atlantean buses, at least six months behind schedule, have made it necessary to overhaul many older...
Mr. VY F. V. Berry, Mr. W. 1. Dunlop and Mr. H. Moxon. Mr. Berry, who was in charge of the Leicester transport depot of Frank...
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not expect any leniency from ne—I am proposing to revoke the in respect of vehicle 1530 RF, has been consistently and perly...
T HE Metropolitan Licensing Authority, Mr. a I. R. Muir, last week publicly refuted suggestions that vehicles belonging to the...
Commissioners, silting in Birmingham last week, viewed with great concern the failure of Midland Red to lodge an objection...
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T HE North Western deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. A. H. JoWife, last week granted an A licence to P. Jeory and Son, of...
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Carrimore to Move T HE works of Carrimore Six Wheelers Ltd. at Finchley, London, are to be disposed of and the company moved...
l' HE opening of the new commercial 1 centre ot Kennings Ltd. in Sheffield last week proved to be a landmark for BMC as well as...
Technical Commission will be held in Munich on September 8-9, under the chairmanship of D. Ing. R. de Vita. The main object of...
VEHICLE-RECOVERY equipment V new to this country was demonstrated by the distributors on a stretch of waste ground near...
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About Power Steering DRE and more use is being made of hydraulic power for steering assise—and as with all such aids to efiicy...
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and Publications Stainless Steel Road Tankers A SURVEY of different types of stainless-steel road tankers operating in eight...
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ry Intriguing The agreed shares swop veen the THC and Leylands, announced last week, leads dl sorts of intriguing possibilities...
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W HILST most Japanese manufacturers clearly were casting eyes in the direction of Europe, the overall impression I retained was...
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A T the mention of automatic transmission on heavies. many if not most of the hauliers in the UK pull a wry face and shake...
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N OW that five-speed gearboxes with alternative sets of ratios and two-speed or single-speed rear axles • are commonly options...
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A T one tirrig donkeys were the only means of transport in Clovelly (North Devon), where the main street descends 400 ft. in a...
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A F I ER Geddes and Jones, Minns can never be quite the same again. Road operators, and especially hauliers, seem slow to...
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AST week in this series a start was made in considering the setting up of a tyre recording system with the J object of...
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'rong Impression EFERRING to Mr. Kellett's letter in the July 23 issue stating that AEC had not brought out a rear-engined...
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By George Wilmot Lecturer In Transport Studies, University of London The Content of Courses in Transport Management-1 MANY...