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T HERE is growing uneasiness in road haulage about the operation of the licensing system. The pendulum controlling entry into...
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CI OMPETITION between manufacturers of heavy ....vehicles and of quantity-produced vehicles is now keener than ever before....
. Going to Town Q UITE a notable function was the North Western Counties dinner dance of the Institute of Road Transport...
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That everywhere brakes are causing much disc-ussion. That the arguments on the respective merits of natural and synthetic...
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Heavy Demand from Customers After End of C-Hiring Claimed : Decision Reserved A TREMENDOUS demand from existing customers for...
'T'HE application by Ulster Ferry Trans." port, Ltd., for the transfer of five articulated outfits from, contract A to B...
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A LTHOUGH Cox's Midsomerset 2- "t Transport Co., Bristol, were granted eight A-licence tippers two years ago, they put only...
it i vz. 1. P. YOUNG, district manager LVI of British Road Services in Glasgow since 1949, will become 'Scottish divisional...
INDEPENDENT front suspension by I means of wishbones and double-coil springs is a feature of a new four-wheeldrive vehicle...
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B l , ....onverting more than 20 A licence platform vehicles into tankers, Bulk Liquid Transport, Ltd., Gildersome, were guilty...
M. W. Bvsotrrn, sales manager of the commercial vehicle department of Smith's Motor Accessories. Ltd., has retired after 50...
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W HEN the West Midland Traffic Cornnaissioners refused to allow higher , fares on works services operated by J. Crowther,...
A PETITION signed by 112 people t - i against the use of a site in Oldham for the erection of a transport garage was presented...
A PPEARING for a coach operator at an appeal hearing at Salisbury last week, Mr. Ingram Poole suddenly discovered that his...
A DVANTAGES resulting from using r — k large-capacity engines running at reduced loadings could also he derived from...
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S EVENTY-ONE witnesses crowded into the Northern Licensing Authority's court at Carlisle, last week, all of them prepared to...
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'THIS year's Smithfield Show at Earls 1 'Court, London, which closes today. rilthough primarily of agricOltural interest,...
M ERSEYSIDE transport interests arc objecting to a scheme for increased tolls for commercial vehicles put forward by the Mersey...
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T 00 many lorries are travelling through the North. Riding carrying loads of inflammable chemicals and liquids, without there...
I N reply to Mr. Ernest Davies last week, I Mr. G. R. H. Nugent, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport,...
T HREE new semi-forward-control E.R.F. vehicles were put into operation by Wilsons Brewery, Ltd., Newton Heath. Manchester,...
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A LLEGED irregularities by a C-licence operator were mentioned by the British Transport Commission, last week, when they asked...
A LLOWING the addition of a livestock vehicle to the A licence -held by Claude Hughes and Co, (Carlisle), Ltd., Mr. N. L. C....
T "grant of an A licence for three vehicles owned by Messrs. E. Craton and Son, Sidcup (Kent), was overruled by the Transport...
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TWO municipal bus undertakings told I the West Midland Traffic Commissioners, last week, how their estimates of a profit for...
More Polish Lorries: Motorbuses. trolleybuses and 7-ton lorries will be produced when a body and repair works at Jelcz, Poland,...
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A LORRY which was adapted to corn. 1-1 -pete in performance with a military Tank was exported to Holland from this country but...
pLACING more emphasis on the need to maintain traffic flow than the convenience of the travelling public, the Minister of...
applied last week to revise their services between Liverpool and Newcastle, Maj. F. S. Eastwood, chairman of the Yorkshire...
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Asks The Tyke jr UST how much power do the Licensing Authorities hold? Consider the facts. Apart from certain applications...
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Expanding Numbers of Double-deck Oilers Heavily Outweigh Drops in Single-deckers and Trolleybuses : Five Towns Still Run Trams...
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By Alan Smith, F.R.S.A. E LECTRICITY boards have been working hard for . nearly 10 years to keep pace with rapidly growing...
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OME attempts at co-ordination among hauliers may have failed, but it is a little specious of Mr. J. F. Archbold, in his letter...
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The Man Who Hates Trains By JANUS S OMEBODY was bound, sooner or later, to set up a society for promoting the replacement of...
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Renewal Application Forms Must be Completed Carefully: Dangers of Changing Traffic A HAULIER who, in tilling in an application...
NAEASURES to stamp out illegal road IVI haulage in Eire are being considered by the Eire Government, it was revealed last week....
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Braced Headboard for Drop-sided Bodies .1 — k A BRACED headboard to prevent forward movement of a load into the cab under...
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I N place of the empirical methods of early years, planning of long-term after-sales service by major British...
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How Cheap is Maintenance? A MONTH ago (November 8, to be exact) I discussed in some detail the various factors involved in...
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T HE Italian-made Lambretta three-wheeled delivery scooter is now available in this country with British-built plastics...
Lawyer's Paradise By The Hawk T HE British Transport Commission do not appear to mind airing their domestic quarrels in...
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C UMULATWE effects of inflation, credit restrictions, unsettled conditions in the Middle East and the continuance of purchase...
F IGURES issued by the Society of • Motor Manufacturers and Traders show that the decline in the number of commercial vehicles...
" W E have [also] during the year under review experienced considerable competition by certain mass producers who during the...
Sir W. Rootes " O UR year opened with every prospect of good sales, but a rapid deterioration took plate when petrol rationing...